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hey, so the issue isn't directing them to the login or signup page.
the issue is after they've signed in or signed up redirecting them to the original page they attempted to view
ok let me see I thin I have a solution
before_action :authenticate_user!
you need to add the above line inside your ApplicationController for the whole app to be visible only to loggedIn users (or) you can add it to particular controller that you wish
so if you put it inside the application_controller.rb it should look something like this:
ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
I'm already using authenticate_user!
and redirecting to a specific page isn't the issue
it's about storing the page the user initially attempted to go
oh so you mean to say that the user after logs in is not able to go to the page which he/she intended to go in the first place?
usually, if you weren't using angular, it would be easy to store the initial url they had attempted to view.
ok awesome! now I got it
but angular makes it so request.original_url does not retrieve the entire original url but just the stuff before the /#/
which is not useful for me since the stuff after the hashtag is what angular uses to load its views
or, to be more precise, to know which view to render
hmm ic
what does the request.full_path give?
tried that; I believe it gave either / or localhost:3000
I think request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] might be what I'm looking for...but even in that case I'm relatively confident the http request does not include the /#/etc based on this stackoverflow.com/questions/14319967/…
I think I'm just going to accept the need to do this within Angular rather than Rails. Not my preferred option, but not absurd. Thanks anyway!
I found a HOWTO page in devise
I am not familiar with angular either.
even that page talks about the request.referrer
this is what you might need
4 hours later…
using sqllite database for the rails app, and i need to query the another drupal website database(mysql database)article contend . is this possible ?

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