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Q: "std::bad_alloc": am I using too much memory?

bbarreThe message: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc I looked at the gdb backtrace and this is the lowest level method in there that I implemented myself: /* * get an array of vec3s, which will be used for rendering the image */ vec3 *March...

How large is meshPoints.getNumFaces()? And how large is vec3?
@MatteoItalia Oh, I'm not. And I'm also returning an equally sized array from another method. So I'll give that a try.
@celtschk 'meshpoints.getNumFaces()' is 14,368. vec3 contains 3 GLfloat's.
OK, assuming a GLfloat is 4 bytes (like a normal C float, IEEE single), then you tried to allocate 7000*14368*3*3*4 bytes, that is 3.45 gigabytes, just for those arrays.
@MatteoItalia I can't delete the array if it terminates before being returned, can I (terminates on 7000 out of (14000*3))?
You shouldn't delete the array before it is returned, you should delete it when it is no longer needed. That is, somewhere in the code calling the function. Think of it as a blackboard: You write data on the blackboard, but you never wipe the blackboard to make place for new data (delete[]). If you do that long enough, at some time there's no place left on the blackboard. But you shouldn't wipe stuff from the blackboard which you still need; only stuff which is no longer needed.
@celtschk This array is returned and passed to a GL vertex shader program, so I'm a little wary of when I no longer need it. This is one of the last major things that happens in my application, so would I just delete at the very end?
@jrok: Ah, I see, I misread. I thought it was after about 7000 calls.
Deleting at the very end wouldn't help. Since I (well, actually jrok) now noticed that I had misread: How often do you call that function before it fails?
Another idea, in a completely different direction: Did you check that j always stays below meshPoint.getNumFaces()*3? Maybe you get the bad_alloc due to a buffer overrun overwriting essential heap structures.
@celtschk Just once. I also get an equally sized array right before calling the above, once. I've verified that function doesn't cause problems. I'll add it to my question.
Ah, OK, then this is probably not your problem. Deleting at the end of the program is not strictly necessary because at the end of the program the OS reclaims all memory from the program anyway, and your array contains only floats, so you're missing no destructor calls. So what about j?
Ok, I just noticed that j cannot be larger than i, that is not larger than about 7000. What does getNormalForVertex do?
@celtschk I appreciate you sticking with me -- should we move to chat or something?
u there?
ok ur here
@bbarre: OK. I'm now here.
Thanks again. Let me try to explain getNormalForVertex
Actually, there's a method that will help me sum it up
void mesh::addFace(const point3Dh& p1,const point3Dh& p2,const point3Dh& p3)
// normal will be (P2 - P1) X (P3 - P1)
realVec prenormnormal = CMath::cross3D((p2.getCoords() - p1.getCoords()),
(p3.getCoords() - p1.getCoords()));
realVec normal = CMath::normalize(prenormnormal);
// now determine which vertices need to be pushed into vertexArray
int p1index;
int p2index;
int p3index;
if( (p1index = vertexSeen(p1)) == -1 )
p1index = vertexArray.size() -1;
In that method you'll see a container called normalsPerFace
I assume realVec is a std::vector?
oops I meant to point out normalsPerVertex
No, it's actually some outside thing:
I'll give you a link to the .h of that if you want
Does it work like a std::vector? That's actually the relevant question.
Um, you kinda got me on that one
OK, then maybe the .h helps.
All I know about it is someone told me to access it like an array: vector[0], vector[1], ...
Well, it is fixed size or variable size?
OK, I've looked ovver the .h file, and it looks like a fixed size given at construction time.
O ok
OK, then back to getNormalForVertex.
How is the return value initialized?
typedef TNT::Vector<PCReal> realVec;
well that's declaration, lemme find init...
I'll show you how i'm trying to find it
here's the method:
realVec getNormalForFace(PCIndex index) const {return normalsPerFace[index];}
Damn, sorry, this is it:
realVec getNormalForVertex(PCIndex index) const {return normalsPerVertex[index];}
normalsPerVertex is declared in the same .h:
vector<realVec> normalsPerVertex;
Ah, and that normalsPerVertex is the array filled in addFace, right?
Yes sir
OK, so this is just an array access. Normally that shouldn't give a `bad_alloc`.
I can't find where it's's like they just start adding to it in addFace
Well, as a member variable it should eb initialized in the constructor, but probably implicitly becuase it's most probably initially empty.
Ok I see
We can look deeper in the error stack trace if needed
What is the size of that array? Especially, it is at least as large as meshPoints.getNumFaces()*3?
s/array/vector/ of course.
Can you clarify what is s/array/vector?
Sorry, what I meant is that where I wrote "array" I meant "vector". s/something/something else/ is a standard command in vi and sed, and is oftzen used informally in Usenet discussions (or was when I was still active in Usenet :-))
That command replaces the first string with the second.
Sorry, so you're wondering about the size of a vector?
Yes, whether the index access could be out of range.
It appears that it should be the same size as meshPoints.getNumFaces()*3 because it is only added to when the vertex array is added to.
And meshPoints.getNumFaces()*3 gives the number of vertices (3 per face)
OK, that that can't it be either. Which IMHO pretty much rules out that the error is in the code you showed. Another thought: Does your compiler have any heap checking functionality (i.e. a function which checks whether the heap is still valid)?
well I'm pretty sure this make file is using gcc
so whether that has it, I dunno
If you think we've found something wrong at or below the level of addFaces
Is it a gcc on Linux or on Windows? If the latter, which one?
(I mean which gcc, not which Windows)
If you think we've found something wrong at or below the level of addFaces, I could instead ask who supplied me with this
But if you think we're makin progress, lets keep goin
I think there's probably something wrong at a completely different point of the program, which happens to show up here. This could be either some other code allocating excess memory, or some code corrupting the heap.
If the latter, it should be detectable with a heap checker. Which in Linux definitively exists; I'm just looking at the documentation.
Ok cool
Ok, if I read the documentation correctly, you get checking (with an immediate abort on error) by just setting the environment variable MALLOC_CHECK_ to 2 before starting the program.
Don't forget to export it, of course.
So that's done along the lines of this example? EDITOR=nano
export EDITOR
ok yea
Exactly, yes.
Ok its in printenv: MALLOC_CHECK_=2. Going to run the program...
So hmm now I get Segmentation fault
OK, that's not the expected behaviour, but it confirms that there's probably something like a buffer overrun somewhere.
Do you have valgrind installed?
not familiar, but go install it?
Well, that would be the ideal tool to find such errors. Basically it builds a virtual machine and checks all memory accesses.
Well, I don't expect you to walk through that with me, but I could give it a try on my own
Here the last backtrace for what it's worth:
#0 TNT::Vector<double>::copy (this=0x807b680)
at /home/brent/Desktop/protCAD/tnt_3.0.12/tnt_vector.h:96
#1 Vector (this=0x807b680) at /home/brent/Desktop/protCAD/tnt_3.0.12/tnt_vector.h:179
#2 mesh::getNormalForVertex (this=0x807b680)
at /home/brent/Desktop/protCAD/src/math/mesh.h:44
#3 MarchingCubes::getVertexNormalArray (this=0x807b680)
at /home/brent/Desktop/protCAD/src/graphics/
#4 0x08055b4f in init () at /home/brent/Desktop/protCAD/src/driver/
#5 0x08056127 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffff3e4)
That's interesting. So the error occurs while copying a Vector.
Where do p1, p2 and p3 in mesh::addFace come from?
I think that gets into the marching cubes algorithm. The algorithm chooses three points (a triangle) form one of several cases
Heres an example
if (isCase9(greaterVerts)) {
myMesh->addFace(toPoint3d(tessellPts[0]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[1]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[4]));
myMesh->addFace(toPoint3d(tessellPts[1]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[2]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[4]));
myMesh->addFace(toPoint3d(tessellPts[4]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[2]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[5]));
myMesh->addFace(toPoint3d(tessellPts[2]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[3]), toPoint3d(tessellPts[5]));
OK, that doesn't look like the source of the problem. But another idea: Is the vector normalsPerVertex changed after being populated?
From what I see, it shouldn't be.
A graphics shader program takes the array and accesses it's elements one by one
Maybe the assumption on the size isn't true. Perhaps you could insert a test for index < normalsPerVertex.size() in getNormalForVertex
Or easier, just use .at(index) instead of [index]
Do you mean insert it in getVertexNormalArray (the original funciton in my posted question)?
Oh wait
So in:
realVec getNormalForVertex(PCIndex index) const {return normalsPerVertex[index];}
In getNormalForVertex, the function called by getVertexNormalArray.
make is rebuilding alot of files for some reason
k running
looks like the same backtrace
here's what I inserted
realVec getNormalForVertex(PCIndex index) const {
if (index < normalsPerVertex.size()) {
return normalsPerVertex[index];
else {
cout << "getNormalForVertex: index out of range";
OK, so it's really not that index. Well, it was worth a test.
You know what, I better stop us here and tell my teacher all the trouble I'm having...I really don't think this is within the scope of the assignment.
So at the moment I see only two realistic options: Either to go through the program, looking for out-of-bounds indaxes, uninitialized indexes, uninitialized pointers or the like, or to run the program under valgrind and see if that gives an useful hint on what goes wrong. I'm now pretty sure that somewhere in your code you have one of those.
I'm spending all my time on this...I should be getting the normal vectors and implementing graphics lighting models...but that's how this class seems to go...
Well I'm so grateful to have a good lead on what to look for
You're welcome.
I wish I could vote you for like 1000 points or something

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