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A: Google Chrome console.log() bug?

MarkasoftwareThis is intentionally done in chrome. You can see it very clearly in this fiddle: to see what's happening, open up the console, then click the run button. You'll see, logged in the console, that it says Array ['hi','bye'] or Array[2]. Then, wait a few seco...

Why does this behavior only occur with Arrays and not simple objects (e.g., {}) --
@ElliotB. LOL! you messed up the code in your fiddle. In the setTimeout function, you put greetings.testc='strange'. but you should have said greetings_obj instead of just `greetings. This updated fiddle (completely typo-free) works:
I removed my original comment and re-posted a corrected version -- the same behavior I've described remains. Take a look at:
It seems to work for me, remember you have to close and re-open the console window for it to work (and it has to be in chrome, obviously)
Here's a screenshot: Hopefully proves that I'm not crazy :-)
did you wait at least 3 seconds before opening it and/or re-open the window after 3 seconds? ill post a screenshot soon too
Very odd -- yeah, I closed the window and re-opened a few seconds later. Now I just closed down my Google Chrome completely, re-opened and I'm seeing the same results in your screenshot. Bizarre... Bottom line is I'm going to have JavaScript convert everything I need to text before outputting to the debug console. Too much weirdness with console.log() and objects.
well, I already made it, and even though you've already figured out that it works, I'll just post this here anyways:
There is still unexplained strangeness going on with console.log() but at this point I don't have the time to break down the behavior precisely. You can see from my screenshot a couple posts above that it was behaving differently until I closed down my entire browser and reloaded the fiddle. You can also see from my original post that the console.log() output of the latter two objects was not following the same behavior of the first. However, now that I've closed Chrome and re-opened, I get a different result. Something is not right.
If it were the simple issue of cached JS files, then I would not have seen the debug output of the additional console.log() commands I added through the iterations.
jsfiddle doesn't usually have cache issues
Yep, I've never had caching issues with JSFiddle either. It still remains unexplained how my screenshot ( ) was even possible.
if you took it before the 3 seconds
I waited about 10 seconds before taking the screenshot. If I had a screen recording program I believe I might be able to re-create the behavior.
Here's proof for you:
sorry, but I can't recreate this, so there's really nothing I can do right now
@Markasoftware Are you following the steps I outlined in my revised question. My colleagues have had no trouble replicating this behavior on their respective machines.
ok, didn't see that, ill try it now. Also, wouldn't it be easier to just create a new fiddle instead of having instructions to edit an existing one?
@Markasoftware Using the existing one is part of the problem -- you have to make edits to the existing fiddle for the behavior of console.log() to change. That's why I was so confused earlier and that's how our screenshots were ending up different. I can understand that console.log() should display live values, but it doesn't appear to be doing that consistently.
then it's obviously something to do with jsfiddle, as that should never be the case. jsfiddle should always act the same with editing it or a save, so something is wrong there, and you should either test it on a different web playground or locally
and also, im getting Unexpected Identifier error when I try to run it
should this be moved to chat?
You have to add the jQuery library (4th step).
been there, done that
so I'm pretty sure it's not that
have it setup the same way?
what chrome version are you running?
37 here (dev build)
hmm, could be the problem
i doubt it
but what's the unexpected identifier? what line number is it?
idk, i can't find anything about it well
if your code is identical to the screenshot, no idea how it could be throwing an error
nvm, got it working, but it's still going as expected
even with your edits
did you save my edits and reload the page?
no, just put the edits in, hit run
hmm time for screen capture
i can try to make another simple recording
don't you find it strange we've been trying for maybe half an hour trying to debug why debugging isn't working?
its just so bizarre
at least from what I'm seeing
just a moment, almost have video captured
just converting to an mp4...
wow, camstudio almost killed my cmoputer
it doesn't like region recording
haha yeah, i like Tanida Demo Builder
you'll have to download that link, chrome won't play it in browser
at least not for me
doesn't work on download either
lol damn it
nothing works
encoding on
kind of blurry though :/
if you full screen it you can still kind of see that the third value wasn't added
how many times do I have to tell have to open and close the debugger window for it to refresh teh values!
i mean close and open
i thought I said that in the comments?
it refreshed the values just fine
it added the new console.log and everything
after you close and re-open it?
but what it didn't do was follow it's original behavior where the objects were updated later with their modified values
no, not after i close and re-open it
that's part of the bug!
if the console.log() behavior fundamentally changes between opening and closing a window, with the same code being executed, then that's a bug in my book
i don't think it's supposed to automatically change the values in the console. did it ever do that for you? because it never did for me
and also, in the original post, you see I posted a link to a guy demonstrating how it works? It doesn't go live for him either. He opens a new debugger window
but upon the first execution of your code, it does change the value after 3 seconds in the console window
but upon a second execution, it does not.
you should have the same behavior upon both executions
whatwhat? It changes the value automatically? So, while you're staring at it, it automatically refreshes? it never did that for me. Let me try it
nope, no automatic changes for me
figured out the behavior more precisely
waited, like, 15 seconds
if the console window is open when you load
then you will get an array with two items spit out to the debug console
when I close and re-open the little arrow to expand the contents, it also refreshes it
what happens if you don't load it before?
but if you open the console window, after loading the page, then you get the array with 3 items
want to google chrome remote session into my desktop? i can show ya exactly what im seeing
sorry, not this instant. I'm supposed to be doing my homework :)
sorry, I have to go now. I'll be back in, about, 45 minutes
original question updated again, see "second edit", breaks it down pretty clearly
no, that's not another feature :) that means that you waited 3 seconds+ before opening the dev tools, so that the array was already updated
that's possible for me
wow, this jumped up to my second-highest voted answer pretty quickly
you must just be waiting a second or two until you open the dev tools, and by that time it already updated
I'm not sure what you're missing
but you're missing something
If you open the page with the console window closed, console.log() outputs one thing
if you visit the fiddle page with the console window already opened, then console.log() outputs something else
I completely understand your answer, but it doesn't explain the inconsistency that I've just described.
your screenshot from above
you've been able to see the inconsistency I'm talking about
Previously you would have seen Array[3]
but in your screenshot, you've seen Array[2]
Yeah, ditto, this has pretty quickly become one of my highest voted questions
Found the answer I'm looking for:…
describes and explains exactly what I've seen
Fixed in Webkit, but not pulled into Chrome yet

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