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A: Process: Unable to start service with Intent

PankajYou should register your Service class in your application manifest file i.e GPSTracker class: <service android:name="MyService" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/service_name" android:exported="false" > </service> Add <permission> tag : <permission and...

thank you, is it required to call it "MyService" in android:name? Want to understand it all. Will try now :)
tried but didn't work, I added it inside <application /> and location still == null
what name you have given in manifest file for declaring service? or else you can update your question here
there's one permission that you've missed out from your manifest.I'll update my answer
name given is android:name="" also set android:enabled="true"
I can't see any piece of code where you start your service??
sorry I changed that name to protect my project name, can you please delete that comment? Code should look fine now. I declared <service> inside <application> code is updated now
you will never receive location updates if you never start that service..
I shouldn't require <permission /> from what I've read, but I added it to my manifest at the top and I still get the same errors
I've tried everything you suggested still no luck :(
Hey Pankaj
let me tell you one thing
really dumbfounded at why it's not working
if you want to receive location updates you should instantiate GPSTracker class with correct Context
how would I do that? I'm already passing in Context to constructor from gMapFragment (getactivity())
are you able to view map in your application?
I'm able to view the map
but cannot get location
and therefore cannot setup geomarkers
the problem is you are using support Map Fragment so may be Context is the problem here for sure
you should try with normal activity class first then move to fragment class
try to get any Toast message in the same fragment where you are displaying map.
Where should I setup the toast?
added this to my onCreate():
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Simple Toast to check Toast", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
And shows Toast
try to pass getApplicationContext() in you GPSTracker class
or else make your Context as static
I tried this
inside setupMap()
mContext = getActivity().getApplicationContext();
still same error
very strange
that should grab global application context
and pass it to GPSTrack
you instantiate your GPSTracker class in setupMap() but you didn't call any method of this class to receive location
like gps.cangelocation()
yes I do
Location location = gps.getLocation();
and it returns null???
the constructor for GPSTrack also uses getLocation()
Yes returns null
it will return null because of not passing correct context
you get null pointer in gpstracker class where LocationManager is used??
NullPointer at LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) mContext.getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE)
do on thinf
replace NullPointer at LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) mContext.getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE) with
NullPointer at LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) getActivity().getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE)
replace mContext with getActivity()
since GPSTrack is not a fragment I will use getApplicationContext()
Trying now
yeah anyone
still null
hey Pankaj thank you for the help I think ill rest on it and come back to it later!
Well, you'll need to figure out an appropriate context to use that doesn't lead to recursive calls. Maybe when you call getActivity(), it calls onCreateView() again, which causes your code to call getActivity() again, and so on. Maybe you should be calling your setUpMap() in some later method (like onActivityCreated() or onStart())
you may have a point
ill try now
try for this
if it doesn't work I'll rest on it, Pankaj thank you for helping by the way
any time bro
if you able run your application properly then please accept my answer and raise it so that other's may know about the solution
Unfortunately that crashes my application!
i'll try onStart()
if it works Ill accept it
doesn't work either
Thank you for the help! I'll try to rest on this and figure it out

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