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A: Generating combinations from an array which == a specified amount?

asQuirreLI would do this recursively def possible_sums(arr, amt) return [[]] if amt == 0 return [] if amt < 0 arr.reduce([]) do |sums, e| sums.concat( possible_sums(arr, amt-e) .map { |sum| sum.unshift(e).sort } ) end.uniq end p possible_sums([4,3,1], 10) # => [ # ...

Yes I am aware of the recursive and memoization/ dynamic techniques.. I'm strictly trying to do the same in a loop just to compare the speed of execution.
That is something you should probably make clear in your question.
@go____yourself There is your iterative solution.
Nice solution.. If you would just explain it .. That would be appreciated.
@go____yourself added explanation.
Thanks. Side question how long have you been coding?
Hey so thanks again
hey there, I've been programming for roughly a decade
I'm trying to make sense of your answer
no worries
And Im guessing you have a CS degree?
from you explanation
I'm currently a second year at university
doing CS
Makes sense again
I've been coding for <3 months
and I understand a lot of concepts
but I am struggling with this one..
Not sure what it is.. Having issues pinpointing it.
sure thing, just point out the bit you find confusing and I'll see if I can help
I don't have a cs degree
mhmm, that's fine, I'll explain as simply as possible
well im trying to break it down in pry
what would help me is understanding the logic
for example
why ... 1..amt range?
alright, well firstly do you understand what the sums array is holding
im guessing 11
mm, no, sums is a list of lists
11 lists
actually, sorry, it's a list of lists of lists :P
11 arr's of []
isnt it?
yes, when the limit is 10, it contains 11 lists
alright, well the aim is that by the end of the function
sums[i] will hold all the ways we can get i by summing values in arr
or, put it another way, consider the possible_sums recursive function.
right now why is sums[1] amt => 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ...
by the end of possible_sums_it(arr,amt) each value in sums[i] = possible_sums(arr, i)
sums[1] should just be [[1]]
im following you..
this explains two things
for one it explains the line where I do sums[0] << []
because there's only one way of getting 0 as a sum, and that's by not adding anything at all
which is represented by the empty list
make sense?
honestly.. no.. whats the point of appending [0] to sums?
rather a [] to sums[0]
well, what's the value of possible_sums([4,3,1], 0)?
not quite
it should always produce a list
which is why you default to [0] ?
if you don't mind... I'd like to try this whiteboard with you.. it think it might be faster and easier to explain
yeah go ahead, I'll pass on drawing cos I don't have anything to draw with
But did you figure out what the value of possible_sums([4,3,1],0) is?
lets keep it here instead
it returns [[]]
which is what you set it to
but why?
well, given a list of numbers, what combinations of those numbers sum to 0?
well, no, there's one
but why [[]] and not just return 0
now you just blew my mind lol
well is 0 in 4,3,1?
what do you mean?
you asked why I didn't return a 0
actually yes 0 is in all of them
(no it's not)
so the point is that the list [4,3,1] doesn't contain the element 0
yes its not in the list
so it would be wrong of the algorithm to insert a 0 into the combinations
where would it get the zero in the first place?
because then it's choosing numbers that don't exist in the list
there's nowhere for it to get the 0 from, which is why we aren't returning 0
another reason is that the possible_sums function should always return a list of lists
it returns the list of all possible lists that sum to amt using elements in arr.
yes i understand what it does.
but how it does it is still eluding me
what is this check: if i-e >= 0
that's fine, I'm trying to explain the motivation behind the p[
Thank you again for your patience with a dumbass like me :P
no worries :P
I'll get to the condition in a bit :)
lets do this.. say arr = [4,3,1] and amt = 10
sure thing
sums = { [] }
sums[0] << []
what is sums holding
after (1..1) is ran
is it [[1],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
[[[]], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
this is what it holds
before the loop starts
ok that makes sense
18:51 { [] } will produce this:
[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
and then sums[0] << [] adds the empty list to the first element
sums[0] << []
right i got that far
why do we start with 1 more list than amount?
i.e if amt was 3 we would have [[[]],[],[],[]]
because we want to store values in sums for 0, 1, 2, 3
(4 values)
thats the part im still stuck on ..
why 0,1,2,3
well have a look at this:
this is what the sums array looks like at the end of the function
(sort of, you'll notice it's actually a hash table, but the keys are the indices from 0 to 10, so it's basically just an array with 11 elements)
so for each index, what is the list it holds?
it holds the list for the corresponding amount'
so if we only ask for 10, why do we care about 0..9
it is because of how we produce our answer for 10
do you fully understand the recursive solution?
i think i do
alright, try me
explain the algorithm for the recursive solution
it works the way your showing me in pastebin by building up the list and passing the lastlist back to the function until it ends
yeah sort of
but it repeats work
so what it is doing is, if it wants to calculate possible_sums([4,3,1], 10)
it calculates possible_sums([4,3,1], 6) and then adds a 4 to the end of all the lists it gets back from that
then it calculates possible_sums([4,3,1], 7) and then adds a 3 to the end of all the lists it gets back from that
finally it calculates possible_sums([4,3,1], 1) and then adds a 1 to the end of all the lists it gets back from that
you mean possible_sums([4,3,1], 10) ?
do you see how that works?
(read through my last set of messages one more time)
why is it going 6 - 7 - 1 ?
oops, that should be 6, 7, 9
lol .. that confused me all over again ...
so the last one is possible_sums([4,3,1], 9) and it adds a 1 to the end of all the lists it gets back from that
it's because 6 = 10 - 4, 7 = 10 - 3 and 9 = 10 - 1
so it's doing possible_sums([4,3,1], 10-4) and adding a 4 to each of the lists it gets from that, etc, for each element in [4,3,1]
so, to see if you've got it, what are the recursive calls that happen for possible_sums([4,3,1], 7)
first i'd like to say i like your teaching style. asking questions to grasp comprehension is awesome ... so I would say 3, 4, 6
possible_sums([4,3,1], 3) , possible_sums([4,3,1], 4), possible_sums([4,3,1], 6) .. is this how it look? How does the arr change between those calls?
yep, you're right, it's 3, 4 and 6
the arr stays the same
(and thanks :) )
absolutely your awesome!
how old are you?
the arr stays the same because you can use the same numbers to make up the 3, 4 and 6 as you can to make the 7
I'm 20
thats great dude im 26 .. do you have a job?
but notice that when you calculate possible_sums([4,3,1], 10) you calculate possible_sums([4,3,1], 6), and then when you calculate possible_sums([4,3,1], 7) you calculate possible_sums([4,3,1], 6) again, so you are repeating a lot of work with the recursive solution
I do yeah, over the summer, I'm a rails developer
i see.. how does the recursive function retain the values in the previous call?
that's the problem, it doesn't
it has to calculate it from scratch
so it's repeating the work
so if its not building up to 10.. couldn't work backwards?
start from 10 down
well the recursive solution is working down from 10 to 0
but it's not saving its values, so it's wasting work
so if I wanted say the arr which contained the smallest size
I can do something like this
possible_sums([4,3,1], 10).min { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length }.size
which is the motivation for the iterative version
# 3 => [4,3,3]
that's right
yes exactly...
which is blazingly faster
heres what I'm missing on the recursive func now
if its working down from 10
why not just calc 1
i mean 10
if 10 contains all of the range of 1..9
10 doesn't contain all of the range 1..9
why does it need to recurse itself 9 times..
right ... which is why im confused..
so 10 doesn't contain it
so it has to go try 9
the value for 10 relies on the value for 6, 7 and 9
then 8
so it running 3 times only?
9 , 7
yep, at each iteration
(9, 7, 6)
ok but how does it compare values from iteration 9 with iteration 7 and interation 6
it's not doing a comparison
let me repharse
how does it output values from all of the iterations once 6 finishes
well the possible_sums([4,3,1],10) is the following:
I just realised that was going to be a really long expression :P
let me try and explain the motivation
it is saying that we can find a sum of 10 from [4,3,1] if we can find a sum for 6 from [4,3,1] and then add a 4 to the list, or if we can find a sum for 7 and then add a 3 to the list, or if we can find a sum for 9 and then add a 1 to the list.
i get that :)
so the iterative solution is doing exactly the same thing
fine i accept that.
lets pop in here : if i-e >= 0
it is equivalent to the line return [] if amt < 0 in the truly recursive solution
give me an example when amt < 0 ?
like 1 - 4
so essentially, i is the value we're trying to sum to currently
and so we skip this number?
and e is the value we're seeing if we can add to the list
well we ignore e if e is bigger than the value we're trying to sum to
because obviously if it's bigger, we can't use it in the sum
so I guess you could also write it as if i >= e and that would be easier to understand
how can e ever be bigger?
well consider possible_sums([4,3,1], 3)
1-4 = -3
then we get an i = 3 and an e = 4
that too :P in the first iteration, yes
i see that
do you think that someone with <3 mns of experience coding should be able to see this solution clearly by now... ? (im wondering if im just slow here)
erm, probably not from scratch
thanks for not calling me a dumbass :D
lol, no worries xD
no, I don't think you are :) I think it's great that you're learning to program, and that you're so committed to it
im struggling with this .... it's the first real thing ive struggled with...
the last thing that took me a day to write was a method that takes any input of numbers and returns those numbers to words.. took me almost a whole day
this i been banging around for 2 days
i wrote 500 lines of code trying to do what you did in 12
and i've had solutions which were super fast
but accuracy was only like 90ish %
well that's thing you find
accuracy first, optmisation later
often it's easier to think about making it accurate on its own
and then consider optimization as a separate problem, when speed really becomes an issue
as a rails programmer .. how often do you encounter code like this?
unless you're doing like data science type backend coding... would you ever write code like this?
i imagine most of what you write in rails is CRUD related ...
as a rails programmer, you often don't find it's mostly architecture
*you often find it's mostly architecture
as opposed to algorithmics like this
production rails code is basically glue code for all the gems you are using
lol well said
do you know any angular?
im sure you know JS right
yeah, I know JS, I've never used Angular though
ember or backbone?
dude angular is awesome...
angular + rails/sinatra api and you have a slick webapp
I've not actually used any other frameworks other than rails for any serious work
I myself and guy i know from japan are considering developing a startup
maybe you'd like to join us
I'm actually already employed, in a start up :P
your own?
no, not my own, I don't really have the time for that at the moment because of my degree
well im in New York, you are in UK, he's in Japan.. worldwide from day 1 lol
thats cool
that often makes things quite difficult :P
from a communications stand point
let me give you some advice..
nah look at 37 signals DHH and Jason Fried
they made it work
Never put all of your eggs in the same basket
I have a friend.. worked at startup, was offered a position at a another startup..
tumblr .. you heard of it im sure
he turned them down.. they were a <10 person team at the time..
tumblr recently sold for 1$billion
all early employees got like 10+ million
his startup went south..
hes currently freelancing for work...
so around here we say... "dont be like mike"
keep your options open.. your 20 years old.... id give a testicle to go back 7 years... :P
you only need 1 anyway lol
lol :P
shoot me an email wh1z0de[AT]gmail
it's not really the money I'm interested in so much as the problems, and whether or not they are interesting
i agree
but money buys you freedom to explore what you cant afford to otherwise
trust me......
i have to run.. i will figure it this algo... in some days.. and i will explain it back to you..
sure thing :)
i really appreciate you taking this time to help a stranger
you're a good dude
that's fine, :) that's mainly why I use stack overflow
teaching others improves your own understanding
yes that is true... plus it makes you feel good to help others........
lol, yes :P that too
shoot me an email...... i'll talk to you in few days.... thanks
sure, and no worries
I do have exams in the coming weeks though
no worries.. if you're busy ... you're busy.. if not we chat :)
sure thing (Y)
bye for now :P
bye :)

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