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@OlegOrlov I've tried IE9 and 10, Chromium is better
@CCInc IIS, Java, Flash...
oh, i like conversation about nothing... : )
lol someone told shaq to be constructive
@OlegOrlov Have you used IE to view... anything?
> Adobe Flash Player.
Yeah, that's Flash...
wtf does that mean
I feel someone is trying to troll me
SO need badge "troll"
@uınbɐɥs How old are you? Do inform this man.
Just saying age has nothing to do with it.
@Lusitanian how old are you?
@OlegOrlov Have you ever used Ubuntu?
@CCInc 17
How ald are you all?
^^ oh my god, you must be the world's greatest troll
@OlegOrlov Chromium has only crashed a few times in all the time I've used it (usually because of Flash). Has IE ever crashed in all the time you've used it?
are you a minix person?
@OlegOrlov If you prefer for myself to speak in a manner of utter refinment, than I will gladly do so if it so pleases yourself.
@OlegOrlov How many times has IE crashed?
@OlegOrlov yeah, you're a troll.
@OlegOrlov ^^
@OlegOrlov 'very less' isn't a number.
BTW, it's becoming obvious you're a troll
Let's call NikiC and ask for his age.
Only troll-shmoll's say things like "very less"
stop feeding him
he might go away
persons? wtf
feeding him
oops :/
hehe teh teenz agreez
61 messages moved from PHP
5 hours later…
Can you have a duel core duel processor ??
If yes what's te difference btw that and duel core processor ??
AAre they the same
@RyanFung The architecture, obviously
@RyanFung No, the architecture differs
can u expand abit on duel core duel processor vs duel core processor??
@RyanFung as soon as "u" start expanding "ur" English into proper sentences.
@RyanFung And:
19 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
This is the Lounge. It's where logic goes to die. Have fun, after reading our handy survival guide!
@RyanFung bit.ly/YBMfYY, there you go
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