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2 hours later…
[ 7.0.0 - 7.1.0beta3 ] Notice: Undefined variable: date in /in/DJTco on line 1 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function modify() on boolean in /in/DJTco:1 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/DJTco on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ hhvm-3.10.0 - 3.12.0 ] Notice: Undefined variable: date in /in/DJTco on line 1 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'BadMethodCallException' with message 'Call to a member function modify() on a non-object (boolean)' in /in/DJTco:1 Stack trace: #0 {main} <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.25 ] Notice: Undefined variable: date in /in/DJTco on line 1 Fatal error: Call to a member function modify() on boolean in /in/DJTco on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ 7.0.0 - 7.1.0beta3 ] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function modify() on boolean in /in/W5mrp:1 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/W5mrp on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
3 messages moved from PHP
[ hhvm-3.10.0 - 3.12.0 ] Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'BadMethodCallException' with message 'Call to a member function modify() on a non-object (boolean)' in /in/W5mrp:1 Stack trace: #0 {main} <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.25 ] Fatal error: Call to a member function modify() on boolean in /in/W5mrp on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
3 messages moved from PHP
2 hours later…
1 message moved from PHP
!!wiki Shut up
"Shut up" is a direct command with a meaning very similar to "be quiet"', but which is commonly perceived as a more forceful command to stop making noise or otherwise communicating, such as talking. The phrase is probably a shortened form of "shut up your mouth" or "shut your mouth up". Its use is generally considered rude and impolite, and may also considered a form of profanity by some. == Initial meaning and development == Before the twentieth century, the phrase "shut up" was rarely used as an imperative, and had a different meaning altogether. To say that someone was "shut up" meant that they...
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7 hours later…
!!urban slut shaming
!!urban slut shaming
[ [Slut Shaming](http://slut-shaming.urbanup.com/5346265) ] An unfortunate phenomenon in which people degrade or mock a woman because she enjoys having sex, has sex a lot, or may even just be rumored to participate in sexual activity. Often it's accompanied by urban legends such as the common virgin misconception that the vagina becomes larger or looser with use-- in fact, sex has no effect on vaginal size.

However, since most people would rather women be MORE sexually active than less, slut…
!!urban slut shaming
[ [Slut Shaming](http://slut-shaming.urbanup.com/5346265) ] An unfortunate phenomenon in which people degrade or mock a woman because she enjoys having sex, has sex a lot, or may even just be rumored to participate in sexual activity. Often it's accompanied by urban legends such as the common virgin misconception that the vagina becomes larger or looser with use-- in fact, sex has no effect on vaginal size.

However, since most people would rather women be MORE sexually active than less, slut…
!!urban slut shaming
[ Slut Shaming ] An unfortunate phenomenon in which people degrade or mock a woman because she enjoys having sex, has sex a lot, or may even just be rumored to participate in sexual activity. Often it's accompanied by urban legends such as the common virgin misconception that the vagina becomes larger or looser with use-- in fact, sex has no effect on vaginal size. However, since most people would rather women be MORE sexually active than less, slut…
!!urban slut shaming
[ Slut Shaming ] An unfortunate phenomenon in which people degrade or mock a woman because she enjoys having sex, has sex a lot, or may even just be rumored to participate in sexual activity. Often it's accompanied by urban legends such as the common virgin misconception that the vagina becomes larger or looser with use-- in fact, sex has no effect on vaginal size. However, since most people would rather women be MORE sexually active than less, slut…
!!google gimme a long result
Search for "gimme a long result" (https://www.google.com/search?q=gimme+a+long+result&lr=lang_en)
• "Gimme a Hug": How Small Acts of Recognition Deli… - Editorial Reviews. About the Author. George Kouri graduated from McGill University in … "Gimme a Hu… (https://www.amazon.com/Gimme-Hug-Recognition-Deliver-Results/dp/1502759160)
• Search results for: 'gimme a break lotion' - Litt… - Items 1 - 12 of 210 - Search results for 'gimme a break lotion'. Items 1 to 12 of 210 total. Show.… (https://www.littlemoonessentials.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=gimme+a+break+lotion)
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