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that what we have right now are GOD classes right?
they are trying to do a lot of things
there can only be one god class
we're monotheist.
hahaha :D
maybe I am greek
Fatal error: cannot redeclare class 'God'
is allowing a Father, Son and HolySpirit class still monotheist
No, it should be the Trinity class
Trinity is surely a trait ...
morning @ircmaxell
What's the good word?
other than trinity
No, the Trinity is not composable
And hi @ircmaxell :p (free ping yay)
we don't have to invent an object model ... we have to integrate zends, so that if we do that, there is no work in order to register a compiled class
as a matter of fact, we should have started there ...
Sugegstions for my domain issue? :) Or will DNS change for that domain solve it like @Ja͢ck said?
so that you could compile whole classes from the start, because it's super easy to register them without weird side effects ...
nevermind, I see the way ...
it'll take a while longer than I thought but will be delicious once cooked ...
can a starred post be 'removed'?
@Leigh WAT
@iroegbu yes
room owners can cancel stars
that was extremely funny ... I'm both glad you posted it, and glad it's gone ;)
I wish I was a room owner so that I could see deleted messages :(
@FlorianMargaine hehe… me too ;-)
still extremely funny ...
@FlorianMargaine and @bwoebi satisfied?
yes thank you
is there an Interface to trinity so it could be swapped easily with a newer version
@ziGi no, hence all the pain
many people died during the dark ages for it
43 messages moved from PHP
> mother of eight Diane Brimble, 47
Oops. That's the more worrying fact there
I wonder why there wasn't any female sex offenders near rightfold when he was 10 ...
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
10 hours later…
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