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I got this question for my job interview
been ponderin it for days
can i post it here?
The singly linked list has the following property:

Odd placed nodes are in increasing order and even placed nodes are in decreasing order.
The last value of the odd placed node is always smaller than the last value of the even placed node.
E.G 1->9->3->8->5->7->6

Only 1 Traversal is allowed. No data structures is allowed to store the values. You are not ALLOWED to create a new node. At most, only 3 temp pointers of node is allowed. Not allowed to use any helper method.
Sort the linked list
Have fun with your homework
@kingboonz no
don't give me that crap
help plez
this websai fkn suckas
call itself a help site
lololol and so you expected us to do your homework for you?
itsw not a homework man
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