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1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
7 hours later…
I'm trying to solve Euler 14 (projecteuler.net/problem=14) and I'm getting a "Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault." with MinGW. My code's pastebin.com/Xt1pQAxF <-- here and as best I can tell it's getting the error when it hits line 11. I looked up segmentation fault and responses mentioned dereferencing an invalid pointer, but I'm not using pointers.
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
4 hours later…
hello huys
Q: Minimum numbers of attacks needed

user2826871We are given 2 Dimensional grid of cells.Each cell may or may not contain a monster. We are given a list of cells that contain monsters. In a single attack we can kill all the monsters standing in a row or in a column. We need to tell the minimum number of attacks that will be require to destr...

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