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Q: AS3 Error #1010 in function

javawarriorI got an error #1010 in a function, and I was wondering where the error specifically was? Thanks! public function getSide(point:Point,mag:Number):int { if (level.map[int(point.x - mag / 32)][int(point.y / 32)].typ != 2) { return 0; } else if (level...

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6 hours later…
That is cute
@StackedCrooked on what?
lol. @StackedCrooked Do you like Japanese?
lol. I think PHP is cute
lol. I love trolling on this chat
lol. I know
You guys have horrible grammer
Who believes in the legend of JavaScript on the server side?
x86 is cute
It's actually up it
11 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
@TobyHinloopen hoi buurman :p
hallo :P
@udaysagar Good morning... it is going on 9am here
HamZa: waar ben jij nu dan
@TobyHinloopen amsterdam
gezellig :P
zowiezo :D
of was het sowieso lol
sowieso :P
@TobyHinloopen lolz
rustig aan't werk of zit je thuis?
@TobyHinloopen stage
als wat
ja ik dacht al, dat zal niet als kassiere zijn
@TobyHinloopen haha gelukkig niet. Ik haat kassa draaien :p
(behalve als het rustig is)
aah je werkt dus in een super :P
22 messages moved from PHP
HI can any one help me on C++ symmetric key cryptography??
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
Hi, I am iPhone developer. can any one help me symmetric cryptography which API or I have to follow for this any suggestion ??
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1 hour later…
hello @All
I want to get an hexadecimal value from a const char * in C how can I do that ?
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
How can I convert a const char * to a hexadecimal in C ++
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
Why do i need to initialize a function in the beginning if it uses a parameter?
like this code:
void bucky(int x) {
cout << "My number is " << x << endl;
I need to add void bucky(int) in the beginning
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Hey if anyone could help me on this it would be great. I am using the GetAdaptersAddresses() function in the WINAPI which I pass in a pointer to an IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES structure. This structure has a DWORD Flags property and many can be set using the | operator. I am just interested in the IP_ADAPTER_DHCP_ENABLED flag, how do I check if it is set since it is a DWORD and can contain many flags so i assume it cannot just be a simple if( flag == IP_ADAPTER_DHCP_ENABLED )
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1 hour later…
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
5 hours later…
posted on June 17, 2013 by Michael Kimsal

So… I didn’t write much since April.  I took a bit of time off and went to Russia (some pics here - more to come later), and have been finishing up some contracts in May/June, and am now looking for the next thing to sink my teeth in to, so to speak (ping me if you’ve got an interesting project you think I might be a fit for). We’ve got an interesting talk on PHP’s Composer project slated for

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