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this chatroom is created so swiftly ! lolx
4 hours later…
DON'T CALL SHELL COMMANDS IN SWIFT, THEY RUN AS SOON AS YOU TYPE: twitter.com/stroughtonsmith/status/474213833465421824
The Swift Playground that is. Also don't just copy code from strangers on the internet into your playground.
Yea, That's probably a good idea.
You shouldn't let strangers into your playground
@Johnston Try import Foundation
7 hours later…
@SFX thanks
Part two of video tutorial is available youtube.com/watch?v=ioR12RPBY0k
7 hours later…
lol, it's the only book!
2 hours later…
Hi! I have tried to ask the question about swift's runtime, but it is too broad and off topic stackoverflow.com/questions/24068942/…
And I want to talk about that topic a little bit
does anybody knows how swift runtime works?
Care to clarify? I'm not sure I understand.
I mean, everybody know how obj-c works. isa pointer, cmd, how do we call methods, dynamic binding and other. We know how parameters passed by registers. We can use MachOView to define all methods and classes used in binary. There are many documents about obj-c runtime, open source runtime library. Clang is open source. But what about swift?
Not sure it's out yet :( or I don't know where to find it
Yep, I hope it will be available soon, maybe at fall, when Mac OS X released
Now somebody can only tries to revers some code via IDA, or MachOView
Have you tried dev forums? It might just not be public yet.
Could you suggest some forum? Stack-overflow - the biggest community that I know :)
@PavelKatunin - I meant the official apple forums that are blocked from the public. I don't think results from there will show up in Google or any where else.

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