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First I'm seeing
3 hours later…
To answer your question on return type. It seems to return multiple values you return a tuple with multiple types
You can chart the progress of a variable in playground!!!!
This is awesome!
no starred messages yet on where to read more on swift ? :D
Just the docs for now shubhank
between the books and the docs, I think there's a lot of good stuff
up in the transcript ?
Not sure I understand. Do you need a link to the programming guide?
the second one focuses on cocoa and interoperability
Ok I got to page 134 and I am fried. Good night!
I'm gonna push on a bit more
One last question
Why would you create a "Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals" vs creating just a regular variable
If you know that it can be successfully unwrapped then why create an optional at all in the first place?
Like why is this:
`let someString:String! = "this is the string";`
going to be more useful vs:
`let someString:String = "this is the string";`
If “optionals indicate that a constant or variable is allowed to have “no value”.
But “Sometimes it is clear from a program’s structure that an optional will always have a value, after that value is first set”
What is the point of making it an optional in the first place?
I'm still wrapping my head around that part as well
It's on my list of a few things that I am hoping will make sense in the "clarity of morning"
Sleeping always helps me to absorb information.
It's been scientifically proven
I'm hoping much more will make sense tomorrow :)
I think so
1 hour later…
Are there class functions?
Can anyone please describe this line?

Swift also makes extensive use of variables whose values cannot be changed. These are known as constants, and are much more powerful than constants in C.
let is constant
var is not
let someVar = "HI"
someVar = "Hello"
is an error
var someVar = "HI"
someVar = "Hello"
is ok
so how is it powerful?
I can't say for sure, but perhaps it's something in the background that manages memory more efficiently?
May be there is constant pointer
to constant data
7 hours later…
Good morning
I came across your question on SO last night.
looks like it got answered. But I don't feel like I have a 100% understanding of when to use it.
I think I need to revisit optionals a few times
But maybe that will come in time
yea, that's what I was gonna say
I do understand optionals though.
I think I get the gist, but there are a few aspects that I still get hung up on. I have to go over it in my head quite a bit
Just not implicitly unwrapped optionals.
well let me know if you have any questions. I may or may not be able to answer you.
Will do, I'm trying to include an old ObjC UI class right now
How do I call I conform to an ObjC protocol in swift?
I have a method - (void) someOb:(SomeOb)theOb didDoSomethingWithSomething:(SomeOb)something
which protocol?
One of my own
But, let's say a textView
it's a similar concept
cheap move but.... did you try just writing the class with the protocol being used and see if it code completes for you?
Yea, didn't work. ObjC/Swift code completion has been pretty weak so far.
Ok. Then I haven't tried that yet.
Let me mess around a second.
Hmm, autocomplete suddenly worked but now I'm getting weirder errors
Hmm, something specific to this class is causing errors. I think I'm just going to move on for now.
HI All
need some guidence
on iOS framework
@Logan Did you create this room?
Was excited about swift, wanted a place tot alk about it
You should make some rules.
Some of that usual "just ask the question.." stuff
at some point
@Anjan What's the question?
Yea, I figured I would add that in at some point. Any other suggestions are useful as well :)
ohh sorry for late reply i was away..
room topic changed to SwiftChat: A place to discuss the SwiftProgramming language, and general iOS development [swift-language]
i need to create framework in iOS project for hiding my code so i am confuse in 2 option is static library and Framework...
can you please suggest me which one is better.
Framework if you need resources
Otherwise, static library is probably plenty
Resources: Xib's, Images, etc.
i never work on it but i read most of information about both.
Logan - did you downloaded the new MAC OS too ?
No, not yet.
i have already developed my project and now i want to distribute framework.
I only have this computer, and I didn't want to risk a poor situation
I'm gonna wait to see how it's running for people.
@Anjan There's lots of tutorials on that.
so 10.9.3 ?
Have you tried it?
yes i check most of it
Yup, 10.9.3
but i need to provide best security to my project code.. so i just get information from experience person aout it
Any framework should be relatively secure, as far as I know
@Logan Thanks .
for your great help
i will start to work on framework i think its best suitable for my already developed project.
Yea, unless you want your resources to be public.
@Logan should you change the name of the room to just "Swift" .....
Or is it already taken?
room topic changed to Swift: A place to discuss the SwiftProgramming language, and general iOS development [swift-language]
I changed it! Not taken ... :)
who's going to the swift lab today
I am assuming this is at WWDC..
(video tape it)
lol never
I am at WWDC
i am about to go to it
Is there going to be a recording or notes or anything about it?
What is a mutating function for?
nvm, it was in the next paragraph
Notice the use of the mutating keyword in the declaration of SimpleStructure to mark a method that modifies the structure.
Yup, you don't need it in class because class methods can always modify self
mostly if you want a method that will modify an 'enum' or a 'struct'
you only focusing on swift after the conference ?
I'm gonna start now.
At least until I stop having fun!
on swift or other things ?
okay. great
I will probably have some more ObjC stuff to do, but I think Apple wants Swift to be the future
i need to get the OS updated before i get xcode working
I figure I should start now, get in on the down floor!
english only here :p
@Shubhank oks
whats this
read the starred link on the right
SwiftProgramming languag
is it for ios?
It's a replacement for Haskell.
ok @Johnston
I am just kidding @DevilAbhi
@Johnston do you know idk whats haskell?
@Johnston i am on android platform
idk much regarding ios
@Johnston I laughed ...
@Logan Thanks.
is there multiple inheritance?
Do you have an example Millie?
I reached my max reputation for the day :(
I guess swift answers are in high demand right now!
Geeez good idea
Wanna help me put together a video tutorial
I can record it
I just need help with a script
What do you need with it
I do tutorials often and I thought this would be a good one
Yea, this is prime time for stuff like that :)
You on skype?
I have it on my phone
Ya, you trying to video chat?
some instant message communication thing.
Yea, GChat works
I will write my email you copy it then I'll try and erase it.
something else.
got it
I haven't used gchat in a bit
can anyone help me with a static library compilation error: stackoverflow.com/questions/24020986/…
@amleszk Am I missing something
it appears your files are in ObjC
3 hours later…
@Johnston there is a swift file compiled int othe static library
2 hours later…
how do I get started?
this is incredibly lame that I can't update XCode without the original Mac user around
that alone is a deal breaker for the entire os for me
You have to download a new Xcode
Do you not have developer acct?
I do. My boss set up the Mac
so XCode is under his name.
so I can't update
unless I can uninstall and then update... I don't see that option yet
You can't update your current xcode, you have to download the new version
It's not an update yet, its a separate beta
is that in the store
No, only in dev portal.
One sec, I'm finding the link for ya
i see
You need to click on iOS 8
to get to that section. If it's greyed out or unavailable, you have to sign some disclaimer. I don't remember where it is, but it's around there
interesting. looking around
Once you can get into the iOS 8 section, just scroll down til you see Xcode 6
yeah. looks like it's grayed out and my manager has to sign the agreement
Yea, someone's gotta sign it
Or rather click "accept" or whatever
well, i guess that means not today
he went home already :/
thanks for your help though. i'll ask him tomorrow
Good luck!
1 hour later…
Where are the docs on "as"
I can't find it and I feel dumb
Thank you @millieSmith -- I should have just waited one more chapter!

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