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Q: How convert php soap client application into java

BharanikumarwebERP Opensource below is the PHP Client soap Client API. How to convert this PHP Client script into JAVA client script. Client program contain 5 arguments. <?php include 'xmlrpc/lib/'; include ''; echo '<a href="index.php">Home</a></BR>'; $_POST...

What Java Soap library you are going to use?
new to java. i have php, now i want to develop in java client, This java should work same like php client script
I'm sorry, but I'm probably not completely following you. What exactly you want to do with Java? Do you want to recreate same thing in Java? Also do you just want to create a client in Java or also handle HTTP POST requests?
@jsalonen yes, i want to develop in java.
If you want to handle HTTP requests too then what kind of framework/library you are using?
first i want to do in core java
What do you mean with core Java? Java Servlets?
@jsalonen hi
just i want to make sure, java can able to access my server api. so i want that in just simple java instead od jsp, servlet and etc
So okay now I see
then you probably want to just implement simple Soap/XML-RPC client with Java
So the question is
Do you need to implement a Soap client or an HTTP client?
If you need to handle say XML or JSON over HTTP I'd recommend checking out Jersey:…
If you need to implement a Soap client, you probably need a .wsdl file from which you can generate your client interface
You can generate Java code from WSDL with Apache CXF:
You can use Apache CXF also for creating your client:
Did this answer your question?

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