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Hey :)
Hi there
Sorry I was eating my lunch, didn't see your comment
Haha no problem man :)
I'm having a hard time Parsing a document
Basically i want to check if variables exist
if not insert or update them
Q: Scan and write Documents (Parsing/Regex) - Rails

The Mini JohnI'm searching for a Solution to Parse and Update a Document. A very good example is user.js scripts. Example Case: A user uploads a user.js script to The file must have a head of specific variables for the Browser. e.g.: // ==UserScript== // @name Fancy Title // @descri...

what kind of document ? CSV/XLS ? HTML ?
Oh okay good
js file
it's for greasemonkey
I'm "trying" to build a repo
big emphasis on trying :)
You should create a class
which represents your file
and contains all the logic about this document
like the validations, getters and setters
I'm have my uploads done
the document is uploaded
Amazon s3
is markdowned
All good
Only that "little" thing
that i must check if those variables are in the document
so when you parse the document it is just like a big string?
The User upload's his user.js file
If you have spare time i could hook you in the github repo
Hmm no I am supposed to work right now
but my job is boring so I am doing a little bit of Stackoverflow ^^
(I just finished university and are packing for an internship in Crete)
Hopefully i will learn a lot to stop asking silly questions here ^^
Can you show me a little bit of how you retrieve the file and scan it with the REgex?
Well that with the regex
Oh Crete! Nice girls there, tanned ones! x)
was just the expression
well the regex is just the expression
cant really do anything with it right now
(atleast i don't know yet)
Isn't there a gem ?
for a previous project with csv files, i used smarter_csv which was a powerhouse
I need to see a little bit of your logic to retrieve the file and it's contenet
I'm using Paperclip to uplaod the file
From there i read the file => <%= raw CodeRay.scan(asset, :javascript).div(:line_numbers => :table) %>
<% asset = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@script.asset).read %>
ok and what is the returned value for asset.class ?
asset = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@script.asset).read
can you post in here the result of raiser asset please?
and @script.asset is the uploaded file
errr. raiser asset ?
Oh god, i think this is a big Problem :P
ok just copy-paste the first 10 lines
from what ?
raiser asset.inspect
(Pardon, but i'm still a newbie :) )
where to i put that code ?
it will generate an error and output the result of asset.inspect
in this conversation ^^
sorry I wasn't clear
i mean the raiser :)
oh, wherever you want
lemme try
after you've set asset of course
undefined method `raiser' for #<#<Class:0x007fbac2fbee90>:0x007fbac98b10d8>
try raise asset ?
missing something ?
no, it should do it
what about a raise asset ?
Still undefined method `raiser'
but with raise
not raiser
there is a difference - that i dont rememberright now- between raise and raiser
oh now
it gives me document
that's it? just "document" ?
only whats in it
what about raise asset.inspect ?
the exactly same thing
whats in the document
raise asset.class ?
I just need to know how to get the content inside the file
exception class/object expected
We can get the content via Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@script.asset).read
because Paperclip handles the file
or ?
Ok, so Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@script.asset).read returns a big string which contains the text inside the file, right?
And you need to update this file ?
Exactly :(
I would suggest a copy of it, to start
in the /tmp/ folder (which is emptied every day I think?)
Okay here is the strategy I would use in this case :
use a copy of the file
create a simple class that is responsible for parsing the "big string" and define the getters/setters, the "set_default_values" methods
something like:

class JavascriptFileParser
def initialize(file_path)


def parse
def initialize(file_path)
@file_content = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(path).read
def parse
ARGH I'm going crazy with this enter which submits my answer!
i'm writing it all down
can you copy-paste the content of the document after
`Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@script.asset).read` please ?
I would like to see how we could parse efficiently the document
but before that I need to know what is the exact content of the document as ruby is seeing it
iu do
chrome is bugging out
don't know why
that's my helper
maybe it helps you
can you copy-paste in here the content of ` Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@script.asset).read `please? I need to see what Ruby sees at this point
can you do the same BUT with .split(/\r\n|\n|\r/) ?
It should split on each lines of the file
OK so this code file_content = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(@script.asset).read
gives us each new line of the file
from this you can set, in the parse method, the variable @lines = @file_content.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/)
OH! I didn't see the UserScript /UserScript tags!
very easy to get the header with thi
Will it always be // ==/UserScript== ans // ==UserScript== ?
ok perfect
in parse
can you copy-paste the raw content again, without the split please?
Does it help you
to post the markedown content
cause it's again a really long string
the gist are perfect
but I thought I still had the last one, the original message
You eyes man :p
That's just like the file, but without intentions and tabs etc
The thing is ALWAYS at the top there will be this meta blog
And there are a fixed number of meta variables
i think there are 8 or 10
That's it

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