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A: Parent and child tree view in ios

Panayot PanayotovYour JsonData is an array of dictionaries. Loop throught the array or access your dictionary by its index in the array. Example for loop: for(NSDictionary *obj in JsonData) { int currentID = [[obj objectForKey:@"id"]intValue]; // key children is an array so you can eccess it like so NSArr...

I fetched data like this : for (NSDictionary *dict in JsonData) { [JsonDataArr setObject:dict forKey:[dict objectForKey:@"id"]]; } for (NSNumber *key in JsonDataArr) { NSLog(@"Message : %@", [[JsonDataArr objectForKey:key] objectForKey:@"message"] } But i want to specify parent and child individually like above my question link.
See my edited answer
thanks but in your code what is adArr ?
its the Array that holds the id's for the children of this object
This is not working please teach me int parent;for(NSDictionary *obj in JsonData){int currentID = [[obj objectForKey:@"id"]intValue];NSArray *idArr = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[obj objectForKey:@"children"]];if(idArr.count){parent = [[idArr firstObject]intValue];}} NSPredicate *filter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"parent = %d",parent];NSArray *filteredObject = [JsonData filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filter];PrantLbl.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",filteredObject];
Are you getting anything in your label text?
the parent
and child name
child name with his parent
you there>#
I have added some more code into my answer
did you get you project working
You were outputting the whole object into your label
you should create NSDictionary from filteredObject array
this should hold number of matches returned by your search from JsonData
could be one, and could be more than one result
you get me
you should create NSDictionary out of this result
and then you can access its keys
I have added some examples in the answer
it's pretty straight forward

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