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A: Creating New files on Git

Abimaran Kugathasan To create a git repository locally, you have to be inside the project directory, then run git init command. To add a file to git, you have to create a file, with some text editor for example. Then you have to add that file to git, then commit it locally. git add . git commit -m "A short descri...

sir i have to create that file on that master branch or anywhere else?
@NimitJoshi, By default, you will be master branch, It's up to you, to which branch you need to add the file.
How do i create a new branch? I do not need the master branch
@NimitJoshi, Don't you check any beginner's git tutorial?
I have checked, but i did not get the idea
@NimitJoshi : Use git branch <your branch name> to create a new branch.
Sir I used it , but it shows: fatal: Not a valid object name: 'master'
@NimitJoshi, How did you use?
ok let me edit my question. Check it out..
@NimitJoshi, Check the updated answer, do it accordingly.
I used a git branch Sample but it shows an error, you can check it out. i do not understand what is the problem. I did the same as you said. I made successfully a Sample directory. I can not make a new branch
I also created a new Readme.txt file and save it in the Sample directory and now when I am running git add Readme it shows that fatal: pathspec 'Readme' did not match any files
@NimitJoshi : You have to be inside the project directory to issue the command, I recommended delete all the thing you did upto now and start it from basic.
Sir i reinstalled it. At first I used git init Sample, it shows that Initialized empty Git repo in C:/users/Nimit/Sample/.git/
is it good?
Now what should i do for creating new branch or file?
I did it. thanks

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