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A: paypal status is pending

stephanruhlI had the same issue, the problem is the buyer is buying buy using a currency which is not the default currency of the seller, and by default paypal set something like manually approve different currencies, as they have conversion fee. Login to your sandbox account, and click on profile then cho...

i am unable to find My Selling Preferences kindly help me in this..
@Rick4444 i have added screenshots
i am not getting this type of profile page. please see screen shots of my profile page
@Rick4444 where are screenshots?
i am not able to find this type of profile page can you give me the link of that page
@Rick4444 and login with your merchant/seller test account
i am not able to find this type of profile page can you give me the link of that page In my profile page there is no option for "My Selling Preferences"..
okay which url are you trying to login?
and with your merchant test account right?
can you take a screenshot after logging in to
i am logging with my merchant account
okay lemme see the screenshot after logging in then
ok wait
i m giving the link
it says image not found?
still the same
these are the screen shots
this is not merchant account
u got the screen shots
this is customer account
i got the screenshots now
can you check and there go to sandbox accounts
and then try to login with one of the seller/merchant sandbox account
i had the same issue last week... their documentation is some kinda long and confusing :/
ya i am also totally confused now
and i m stuck on this pblm since last 10 days
now see this screen shots
no selling preferences
the url path on my screen and yours are different
ya exactly and that is why i am not getting "My Selling Preferences"
okay i found the reason
it says your account type is persona;
it should be business
you are still using a personal account not a merchant/business one
ok i m trying
better to check your sandbox account list on
you may need to create or enable a merchant business account
on its showing business account
okay and then go to my apps link
no sorrry
sandbox accounts link
should be this url
now i logged in from my merchant account
and u can see there are some pendong transactions
hey thr?
yup sorry i was preparing lunch
now click on profile and check my selling preferences
the transactions are pending because of currency difference
when you got to your setting page
you will see why they are pending :)
image fails again... cant see it
now no option for my selling preferences
page content is still different than mine
can you check My Settings there?
no how can i check ur settings
oh sry
ya i checked
but unable to find
and anything related with receiving payments?
my selling preferences
hhmmm well lets try this... go back to sandbox account link again and create a new business test account... maybe the default one has some problems
if all of those cant work, then test with the same currency from the client application... that might be a workaround too... though dunno if the actual application which currency will you use
how about creating a sandbox account with NOK then?
i made the same mistakes at first, accepting EUR but sending USD and so on
i just made an sandbox account with default setting
but in my code i write currency code NOK
by the way thankx for ur time
thnkx a ton
no problem :) i hope it works

last day (14 days later) »