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6:51 AM
Hey anyone there, I have a quick question with arrays
@Kamiccolo @dbush
So have an function that takes in an array
And then it needs to just assign a random value
The problem is the function parameter passing is wrong by default
1 hour later…
8:16 AM
void fill_matrix(int *matrix, int row, int column)


// int (*matrix)[row] = malloc(sizeof(int[row][column]));

for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)


for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)


matrix[i][j] = (rand() % (100-0+1)) + 1;




What is wrong with code
initilization is int A [M][K];

int B [K][N] ;

int C [M][N];
8:40 AM
@HarshNagarkar what is A, B and C? Are those passed to the function?
Also, your function needs to have a 2D array as argument
9:35 AM
I want to make a GPU based ed25519 key pair generator.
I know how the algorithm works but I have no idea on how implement it for GPUs.
Since I don't have OpenCL and CUDA support, people were telling me to look after OpenGL compute shaders
Now, the problem is that almost every guide, PDFs and source codes I found are about graphics, textures and images, so I have no idea on how to start.
On how store 256bits long integers/characters, do basic math operations, calculate the sha512 (256) sum
Can anyone help me or suggest me something to read?
7 hours later…
5:05 PM
@yessure mhm... You sure about no OpenCL support?
@Kamiccolo Almost, but for being more sure I have contacted the support of my GPU manufacturer, I'm waiting for an answer.
Would is OpenCL more suited for this thing?
5:25 PM
@VioAriton Yes. You are right. I pass, A, B , into the fill matrix function to get them solved
I get error at matrix[i][j] where it says at j, object type reference must be a pointer
2 hours later…
7:11 PM
@yessure well, both, CUDA and OpenCL is exactly for that.

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