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uhm... But...
I have a problem to understand "why" ...

little example ...

main ()
int *ptr = null; //pointer to array

initialize_array(ptr, dim);

void initialize_array(int array*,int dim)
array = (int *) malloc(dim * sizeof(int));

void print_array(int *array,int dim)
for ......
printf (array )

in main if i use a
int *ptr;
work good.
if I initialize ptr to NULL i haven't error but the address when i try to "print_array" is 0.

I don't care if the code works or not.
You have ask me because the passage takes place by value.. but i don't understand why..
when i pass argument to initalize_array now i pass an address of ptr..
it's ok?

in function initialize_array i modify this address(by return value of malloc)..
in "this moment" *ptr point to new address ? or not?
Why when the istruction come back to the main ... the address of
*ptr is zero ??
(and why when i don't use a NULL is working good?)
2 hours later…
helloc all;
no @PeterVaro why?!
Is size_t always the CPU word?
> size_t which is the unsigned integer type of the result of the sizeof operator;
none for me ? guys ?
have a patient i'm a student
Looking at func1, we can see that it allocates 8 bytes for the pointer, then it moves from the rax register the result into those 8 bytes
oh my god! :D it's a beautifull tool but i don't know assembly ..
wait 1 second .. I write my dubt in example with in image
the result from malloc
but since those 8 bytes are on the stack, the address will be lost after the function ends
so this would be a leak
because malloc is aware of that allocated memory, but you lost the reference to it
don't cast malloc result
see the image...
i miss a passage that i lost a referecent about malloc return value
yeah, because of what I have written above
use a full example, i hate implying whats happening in the ... sections
Kcvin, i want to understand .. i'm not interested if a code work or not..
I'm a student and with this dynamic i have a problem to understand
ahh yes, vio is right
look at Vio's code to understand
what is vio?
Helloc. That's me
I will use helloc from now on. Thanks @Kcvin
ahah :D sorry :)
unfortunately I can't understand why we lose the reference
i'm frustrated for this
because scoping
why .. is a pointer
	int i = 0;
	    int i = 5;
	printf("%d", i);
i know scope visibility
Look at the differences between func1 and func2
okay, so when you malloc the way you are, after scope ends...
movq    -8(%rbp), %rax
movq    %rax, %rdi
Why does it move it again to %rdi
i'm try to read an assembly but for me is very hard
i see the different about funct1 and 2 but i don't understand the code
i have write this
just for understanding what happens in "memory"
put your code there
Q: Scope of malloc used in a function

user191776When a function returns, is the memory allocated via malloc freed? Or can it still be accessed in the main() function using pointers? eg. void function(int *a) { a=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); *a=10; } int main() { int *num; function(num); printf("%d",*num); return(0); } ...

int a = 0;
void function(int b) { b = 0; }
void pfunction(int *b) { *b = 5;}
do you see where I'm going?
now lets add pointers
int *a = 0;
void function(int *b) { b = 0; }
void pfunction(int **b) { *b = 5;}
I just wrote the following program while playing with macro definitions. However I don't understand why the output doesn't match with what I expect it to be. My program is,
#define CUBE(x)(x*x*x)
void main()
    int a,b=3;
When compiled, this gives the output as
Because you get b+2 * b + 2 * b + 2
when the macro expands
So I should put a bracket around the expression right?
CUBE(x) ((x) * (x) * (x))
@VioAriton By bracket I meant the following,
@Kamiccolo is our master
#define CUBE(x)(x*x*x)
void main()
    int a,b=3;
Yes, that works as well. But maybe you don't want to do that every time
Or you forget.
yeah, defeats the purpose of a macro
probably .. I have understand ...
it's ok?
ibb.co/q7GDS6F (see the example of address memory)
So ....
everything is passed by value??
even when passing an addresses...
We work on this address only if we use a dereferencing in a function ...
ok Vio but now my image is good? plz .. ?
Sorry, no.
ok .. try to understand assembly
not assembly in particular - try to understand how the computer works
@rul3z you know what a dangling pointer is?
beside it is C, you need to get used to it
I'm not that good either, so don't worry
dangling pointer ? i imagination a pointer to point anything lol
i try hard to understand Vio :) ..
@rul3z are you looking at any of the links, SO questions, I linked?
ideone.com/wuuh4U <--- your example code
@Kcvini have see example and my example
but ..
to me it continues to seem that this happens in memory
but Vio tell me that it isn't this.
@rul3z Sorry, I thought you asked if the program is right. Yes, that's what happens.
gdssdkihnjosdga (tilt moment!!!) :D
ok ok , ty all Vio and kcvin ..

you have been very helpful and patient!
I hope in many people like you in this environment !
thanks so much!
1 hour later…
Q: Stop EPOLLHUP on a closed pseudo-terminal

ncarrierI am working on a small library for creating a pair of connected pts. I use an epoll fd, in which I register the master fd for two pseudo-terminals for EPOLLIN events. When my example client program starts, the event loop is idle and so it is when two clients (microcom in my case) open each slave...

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