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Q: How to get the size of an input section (to place it at the end of memory)

user1273684I have the following linker script: .data & .bss are placed into ram, then a .heap section fills the remaining memory. Now I want to add a .noinit section that always gets placed at the end of the memory. That is so it gets ignored by bootloaders and the like. I still want my .heap section to o...

1 hour later…
Q: Should "NaN" default to SNaN or QNaN

AlwaysNubI created a function to read floats (IEEE 754 binary 32-bit) from strings, for developers. I have everything finished and working perfectly, except i'm wondering if a user/or programmer enters a string such as "NaN" that does not specify QNaN or SNaN, what should it be considered? or should "NaN"...

2 hours later…
how do you use ** or even **** on a char array in C?
for exmaple, if I wanted to separate a page of text into paragraphs, words, and sentences.
use something that isn't C >.<
not sure what you mean though, use them like any other pointer?... very carefully lol
@Kcvin I just want to see a small example of this. I know its bad to use indirection but I just want to see it
@Rick It's a pointer that has an address and points to a different address.
Take this, for example
for(i = 0; i < (size_t)(*nchucks); ++i) {

        /* set the address of the next chunk of free memory */
        *mem_ptr = (void *)( ((char*) mem_ptr) + size);
        /* move to the next chunk of free memory */
        mem_ptr = *mem_ptr;
mem_ptr is a void **
ok there is a lot going on there
Yes indeed, C is probably the last language I'd use if I wanted to do string operations
well string operations are not much easier in C++
Well, I'd say they are. Also I didn't say I'd pick C++ either :P
@milleniumbug let's say I wanted to split a string is based on empty spaces. I bet you that would be more than 5 lines of code in c++. and that's with mangling the original string
istringstream iss(sentence);
vector<string> tokens{istream_iterator<string>{iss}, istream_iterator<string>{}};
@milleniumbug but iss won't work with anything other than empty " " it won't work with a delimiter like "#"
that made my head hurt
just use C# :D
@Rick Not a part of the original problem description :P
@Kcvin I'll use C# when hell freezes over
Though, yeah, fair, the version which takes care of that would be more than 5 lines of code. It would be 8 lines of code.
Also, like I said earlier, I wouldn't pick C++ for string operations either.
How does malloc deal with memory fragmentation?
seems like it's implementation specific. but you can mitigate it. avoid long-running processes. short living processes free all their memory sooner rather than later.
Other proactive steps you can take are
Allocate temporary memory from stack using alloca() or using data stack.
Group related memory together using memory pools.
Use data moving garbage collectors.
The malloc() function allocates size bytes and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory is not initialized. If size is 0, then malloc() returns either NULL, or a unique pointer value that can later be successfully passed to free().
Yeah I use memory pools for specific objects, but since I try to align the addresses there is a bunch of free space at the beginning of the pool and end - unless the chunk returned by malloc is already aligned
@VioAriton interesting you segment the memory pools for particular operations? why such tight constraints?
hell hasn't froze over?
@Kcvin no, global warming is making it hotter.
1 hour later…
Happy 5th Birthday Room!
free @petervaro;
I wonder if you can remove yourself from the room owner list if you're the only room owner.

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