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@Owatch That gave me a good laugh
4 hours later…
i'm taking D3 omplements, severe lack of vitamine D
hey guyzzz
Anyone ready for noob questions?
2 hours later…
@SOCIOPATH helloc, just shoot it :}
@Kamiccolo, yaaay!
So, I will start now. I was going to point a structure from void* pointer
And then access this structure variable
But when I trying to access it, my application just does nothing and doesn't execute the rest of code
2 hours later…
@SOCIOPATH could You please post a code sample? Even Your compiler should complain about missing a cast or something.
struct foo foo_a;
void *foo_ptr = &foo_a;
foo_ptr->bar = 0;
@Kamiccolo, thanks, but I have already solved it. Just forgot to allocate some memory before editing variable.
@SOCIOPATH aaa, also :}
huh, gcc tells me
cannot cast 'void ***(void *)' to 'void ***(void *)'
@SOCIOPATH Well, most of the cases You shouldn't need more than 2 asterixes.
@Kamiccolo I have followed function pointers example)
Can I replace typedef void *(*onClick)(void *); with typedef void onClick(void *); ?
@SOCIOPATH well, typedef is just an alias. So, most of the cases, again, for better understanding You should not be using it :D
@Kamiccolo, so, how can I implement function poitner?
and no.
A: Understanding typedefs for function pointers in C

psychotikA function pointer is like any other pointer, but it points to the address of a function instead of the address of data (on heap or stack). Like any pointer, it needs to be typed correctly. Functions are defined by their return value and the types of parameters they accept. So in order to fully d...

5 hours later…
helloc; //there
It's perfectly safe to call: memset(p, 0, X * Y * sizeof(int)) on int p[X][Y] right?
why not ?
Ah, just unsure wanted to check here fas.t
windblows is getting on my nerves

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