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You can't cover all that by one blanket statement of "it leads to overengineered code that's hard to understand" because they differ way too much.
yeah but I'm not saying "OOP is trash because it leads to overengineering"
@BartekBanachewicz, and what we get in the end?
@holgac "provides many ways to overengineer projects" is kinda that for me
@Atomic_alarm we get inner peace. And go back to the beginning.
OOP does provide many ways to overengineer, as in C provides many ways to leak memory. It's kinda harder to leak memory in java or python, for example
C ++ - difficult, then it is bad. OOP difficult, then it is bad. Let's write in C, right?
that doesn't mean c developers leak memory. that doesn't mean c is trash. it's just that it's easier to leak memory.
@holgac Also you're using the word "overengineer" a lot and I think you're not even sure yourself what you mean by that.
overdesign is more proper term, yeah
I don't know what this might mean in practice either.
Over-abstract is starting to make concrete sense to me
@BartekBanachewicz, there see. Don't tell me that closure it is easy to read.
But then again why would you say that constantly, because the problem of "too many classes" and "too little classes" is well known and stuff
@Atomic_alarm Excuse me?
look mate, that's not the first or second time you're making it personal. your tone would fit better in a flame war, and there is absolutely no point in trying to discuss this with you, since you're here to attack, not discuss
Closures are a mechanism. They are unrelated to syntax at all.
@holgac I don't know how else should I point out that you basically lack knowledge about what you're talking about.
so anyway, it was still nice talking to Peter
@BartekBanachewicz, you say that the closures and the objects are the same,right?
maybe you should stop taking that personally and start thinking on how you can improve that vOv
@Atomic_alarm no.
The anectode in that website has a deeper meaning than that.
meh, not gonna answer anymore
you just did :)
bye all!
bye einstein!
bye @holgac
@BartekBanachewicz, ok,from link "Closures And Objects Are Equivalent", do you agree or not?
@Atomic_alarm "equivalent" and "the same" aren't the same :)
thought I correctly conveyed the meaning. Bad.
"the same" are not "identical", right?
the thing is they kinda represent the same idea
Hi :D
Is this how to make an array of strings? char* a[] ?
And do I print it with %s ?
create array of pointer to char
@BartekBanachewicz, as you can see,your " the same" and my " the same" are the equivalent :D
Yup. I got that part. Another question. Is there a way to do something like this:
str[i] = "%d/%d", x, y;
The same idea. But the actual implementations differ
@fixotherm sprintf
But I need to save it in an array?
Or is that what it does?
Ohh. Lemme try it
Hmmm... I want to save a formatted string into an array. sprintf?
It crashes XD
I wan to loop something like this
sprintf(*str[i], "%d/%d", p_numerator[j], p_denominator[j]);
2 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz submit this extension for chrome-store
4 hours later…
@fixotherm sprintf(str[i], "%d/%d", &p_numerator[j], &p_denominator[j]);
3 hours later…
this is news for me:
Q: What is the difference between casting to `float` and adding `f` as a suffix when initializing a `float`?

userWhat is the difference between float f = (float) 99.32 ; and float f = 99.32f ; Both of them compiled and ran successfully.

float a = (float) 99.32
double literal casted to float.
@Kamiccolo i knew that before, maybe a month ago :D
@Agawa001 it costs $5 to make an account :P
@BartekBanachewicz hmm ?
in chrome-website ?
Thanks @Agawa001. This is to save the formatted string into an array, right?
@Agawa001 yes
Oh. Thanks :)
@BartekBanachewicz too bad, regarding your reputation in SO, you would rather apply for chrome membership as chrome dev
@fixotherm does it work
@Agawa001 I'll pay those $5 if enough people start using the extension
@BartekBanachewicz thats the point of payment, it is for advertising
@Agawa001 mostly for convenience of people who want to use it
i mean it's easy to install anyway
just download the zip from github
@Agawa001 How could the address-of operator produce an int?
helloc all;
We have flame wars now :) Seems like the room is getting bigger.
Where are the flame wars, and where do I sign up?
Well, not really flame wars. Flame skirmish
or so
@deckard only when I'm here
which is not very often
@DrorK. telling c stands for crime, is something worth of war
@DrorK. elaborate !
im having trouble generating test cases, they arent random enough to match projecteuler ones
dunno what is the evil trick those developpers use to produce evil testcases
@Agawa001 which number
@Agawa001 The first sentence within the channel's description: "C stands for Control"
@Agawa001 So was your sample above, with the address-of operator, wrong?
@DrorK. this ?
6 hours ago, by Agawa001
@fixotherm sprintf(str[i], "%d/%d", &p_numerator[j], &p_denominator[j]);
does that mean this is better ? sprintf(str[i], "%d/%d", p_numerator+j, p_denominator+j);
@Agawa001 What's the argument type the conversion specifier %d is expecting?
i would just like to remind you that variables are storing, not originating values
What does it mean- 'variables are storing'?
@Kamiccolo ^
@DrorK. in addresses
more subtly, addresses are pointing to variables
@Agawa001 The %d conversion specifier expects an int, the address-of operator produces a pointer type, p_numerator+j produces a pointer type just as well
@Agawa001 So why did you suggest a wrong example? And then another wrong example?
Are you sure you're not a beginner?
@DrorK. let me ideone it
What is the use of Hex?
@Agawa001 mhm. As I recall, %p is for void * pointer. It it's what You're trying to do.
@Kamiccolo I was under the assumption the intention was to print two ints
@LGL What's the use of Dec? :} Just a way of expressing bytes faster and simpler than listing all bits.
@DrorK. yup, I'd assume that also. But & p_enumarator[j].
@Kamiccolo Hence why I commented on the wrong argument type
@Kamiccolo do people even use it? I guess when it come down to scaling
I just learn about it today
@LGL are You talking about number system, Intel file format, Helsinki stock EXchange, ... ? o_0
agh, apparently, there is also a programming language called HEX :D
if You're talking about the language, I doubt it's used at all. It's still experimental 0.1, so... and it's been like that for... what, 3 years so far?
@Kamiccolo yeah I mean the language
@LGL and also, to mention, failed compiling it's source code... :( so... there are plenty of a bit newer and more maintained alternatives, like Nim, Cello, etc. Still, kind a experimental and not wide spread at all.
Im entering advanced swift phase, im just wondering what to learn next, Maybe C.
Or Java @Kamiccolo
From... a bit less experimental languages... Rust worth a shoot. Developed by Mozilla. Or Go, a child of Google.
@LGL it depends... :} How deep would You like to dive... What about some Python instead of Java? :)
Ugh Python is easy syntax are for out future generation lol
if You'd like to go even deeper, C or even Assembly would be pretty nice drug of choice :D
Yeah I need to be more closer to machine
I start from HTML/CSS->PHP->Swift->?
I think is C is good next step
HDL would be the closest You could get.... :D But... won't be that much useful unless... You'll go to work at Intel or something...
@LGL it's debatable, but, on my opinion and from some guys from this chat experience ---- it's a really nice step ^_^
Yeah, I'm trying to get into robotic stuff
@DrorK. ouch, i was refering to sscanf without paying attention, i mix up these functions all the time
so it is without the &
And these top level languages are just getting easier and easier everyday, I wonder what our future kids would program, maybe just talk the language instead of typing it
@LGL i still havent regret studying lowlevel coding
@LGL cool ^_^ In fact... I'm working in this field...
can anyone use sed here
Soooo. What do I do?
@BartekBanachewicz not much and deep enough, why? :}
@fixotherm do not use &
Huh? XD
echo "Statements : 58.28% ( 299/513 )" | sed -r "s/.*(\d+).*/\1/g"
@Kamiccolo why won't this match
it doesn't match anything
Imagine saying to computer "connect to database and secure it with this this and this" and bam u got database connection
@Agawa001 I don't regret anything I learn :D
What do you mean don't use &?
Ohhh. Okie. I get it xD
Hell yeah, I can get the hang of this
library iEEE;
use iEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

entity not1 is
port(a:in STD_LOGIC;
b:out STD_logic);
end not1;

architecture behavioral of not1 is
b <= not a;
end behavioral;
@BartekBanachewicz mhm.
@Kamiccolo amazing answer :P
apparently my sed doesn't like d
@BartekBanachewicz That's what she said?
@Kamiccolo working at Intel doesn't imply doing CPUs :P
@BartekBanachewicz echo "Statements : 58.28% ( 299/513 )" | sed -r "s/.*([[:digit:]]+).*/asdf/g"
@deckard s/she/sed/
@BartekBanachewicz was thinking if * greedy or not.
fudging extended PCRE.
@BartekBanachewicz what are you trying to catch
@Kamiccolo meh every regexp nowadays works like that
@Agawa001 I got it, using [0-9] instead of d was enough
@LGL yeah... it's terrible :}
@AnalPhabet why did you truncate your nickname in a so inaccurate place
@Agawa001 exactly
@Agawa001 Truncate? Where exactly?
@Agawa001 It's quite accurate I would say
analpha / bet should be more acceptable
Ah, truncated as in split?
'S an old joke
reminds me of uranus joke
they trapped me tbh
1 hour later…
double x = 1/3
int y = 1
int z = 1

is x == (double)y/(double)z ???
@fixotherm No
z is supposed to be 3
double x = 1/3
int y = 1
int z = 3

is x == (double)y/(double)z ???
How is it different?
Is there any way to make the condition true?
maybe have x not be equal to 0?
@fixotherm please use code blocks for code
@fixotherm What is the value of x, and why?
What do you mean what is the value? Is it 1/3?
@fixotherm double x = 1/3; ... what's the value of 'x'?
1/3? 0.33333 something in decimal, right?
@fixotherm no
What then? O.o
What's the type of highest precision in that statement?
I don't understand. Sorry.
@fixotherm In C, when you divide integers, the result is being 'truncated' toward zero, (not being rounded)
Double m
Oops. Maybe double?
'1' and '3' are integers
@fixotherm what type of 1 and 3?
@fixotherm Neither 1 nor 3 are doubles.
Even with the cast?
you not use cast
@fixotherm You're never casting any 1s ore 3s
You're not casting them when you initialize 'x'
@fixotherm I'm afraid I have to repeat myself: C is not a language you can learn by practicing it, "try it and see", you must follow a resource for learning it
It's much quicker and much easier to follow a book, than trying random things and never quite understand what and why
@fixotherm what cast
I've got no books and no time to buy one right now.
@fixotherm you're shit out of luck then
I tried coding it earlier
    #include <stdio.h>

int main()
	double x = -1/3;
	int y = 1;
	int z = 3;

	if(x == -(double)y/(double)x);
		printf("-%d/%d", y, z);

	return 0;
which teaches you exactly nothing, as we can see
Nahh. Not really "nothing".
@fixotherm As far as I can see you've devoted at least a week for learning C? So obviously you have time. If you can't buy a book- follow a free book. They're not as-recommended, though
Btw, the code evaluated the condition as true
and printed -1/3
Just change that x into z
or download book on the torrent. =)
@Atomic_alarm Can I download physical stuff from torrents now? neat
I will. I just need to know the answer to that question, then I can debug my code. xD
@AnalPhabet, obviously you can't
> >tfw people cannot into sarcasm
@Atomic_alarm fuck no.
books aren't that expensive
If it's not equal, why does my code evaluate it as true then?
@fixotherm magic
Woah. I wish I'd learn some.
@BartekBanachewicz, depends on the country and books
why buy something that is not necessary?
Or maybe it's not equal but C sees it as true?
@fixotherm C doesn't see
@AnalPhabet, sarcasm is a subtle thing. Can not see :D
Fk hahaha
C doesn't in general
C is a concept
I just need answers. Haha.
@fixotherm That's a problem with float/double/etc standard, not C. Or C++, or whatever language which allow operating those.
Thanks for responding anyway
Ohh. OKay. :) THanks
@fixotherm if(x == -(double)y/(double)x) ; ?
it was evaluated as true
My compiler said so
Use a compiler, not a cimploler
I see it now
I'll try working around it somehow
Any ideas tho? If not, thanks anyway.
Yes, widen at least one of the arguments to operator/
Aaand what do you mean by that?
Exactly what I wrote
By adding a . after at least one of the numerals
s/numerals/integer literals/
More accurately, integer constants
(string literals, compound literals, etc)
@BartekBanachewicz if you have any useful idea on this one, I would appreciate it:
Q: How not to pollute the global namespace with declarations of a C header?

Peter VaroI'm trying to wrap a C library in C++, to make it a modern, high level and idiomatic C++ library. What I want to do, is to make the C objects completely opaque and/or directly unavailable from the C++ code and wrap/replace them with higher-level alternatives. The problem I'm facing with is simpl...

oh, who just starred that almost-working code of me ?
@Atomic_alarm you can buy used ones for dirt cheap
@BartekBanachewicz, not sure I understand you, but that does not negate the fact that it is not necessary to buy unnecessary.
@Atomic_alarm Actually it depends on your definition of 'necessary'
(or necessity?)
1 hour later…
@DrorK., so no one argues. Someone buys expensive iPhones, although in fact they are not need.
helloc @Stas; // here as well
hi all!
helloc @Stas;
@Stas so, all I was saying: using runtime for this is definitely not the solution, as nothing will justify that
we are talking about static data here, which can and should be defined as static data => I'm not wrapping for some environment, which has only an interpreter => we are talking about a compiled language here, and a super light and thin wrapper
@Stas I gtg now, bbl later (an hour or two)
goto away;

enum class
ALPHA = /* some special value */,
BETA = /* other special value */,
} ;

What's wrong with having such C++ enum in .hpp and having functions that will convert it to my_Consts and back?
helloc all;
helloc @holgac;
@Atomic_alarm hi, what's up?
good day out,but it seems I incorrectly distributed working time =)
A you?
@Atomic_alarm haha how so? you're working now?
fortunately no. It's time to sleep.
not bad, sama routine: work eat work eat go home work a little more :D
where are you btw?
whaat is that all hocus pocus about november blackout sorry for the offtop
@holgac, from Ukraine
@Agawa001, how progress in the solution of problems Euler?
@Atomic_alarm like an ant
projecteuler is like a spoiled picky child, so demanding
i m making my testcases more accurate
also stubbornly?
@Atomic_alarm if there s someone stubborn here, it would be me
it's good
@Atomic_alarm have you heard about nov blackout ?
no. Is it important?
its like three planets are going to line up once upon a very good time
but this is not surprising.
goto away;
@Agawa001, in the end, it is defined of orbits
i dont know about blackout hoax but the lining up is a bit interesting since it hasnt happened over 1 million years
that would be really cool, actually
i'm more productive in the nights anyway
@holgac best ideas come when im dreaming, a long hibernation would be useful to me too
i suspect a complete blackout but wont deny a complete atmospheric and meteorical changing
@Stas I'm back.. still around somewhere?
Haven't lining out happened recently? Mars, Jupiter, Venus.
Like months ago.
@Kamiccolo so nothing happened !
if anyone is interested (@Stas) here is a not that bad solution:
A: How not to pollute the global namespace with declarations of a C header?

Peter VaroIn the comments of the question @AnalPhabet suggested sarcastically, that one should use #include of a C header inside a namespace. @n.m. confirmed, that it is actually a working solution, and now I tested it on my own setup, and fortunately it is working pretty fine. (Although I have no idea, i...

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