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Help T__T
8 hours later…
@fixotherm wut? :}
@DrorK. /* ughh what a horrible mistake now i need to allocate myself again*/ member*agawa=(member*)malloc(sizeof(member)*agawa->reputation);
@Agawa001 Are you a C++ programmer?
@DrorK. im newbie to c++
any class-based oop is new for me
Why the cast for malloc?
@DrorK. because i freed my address before ?
Are you a C beginner?
The cast for malloc is redundant, and it's generally simpler to use the sizeof object than the explicit type, and it doesn't make sense to dereference an object you just declared
So agawa->reputation is also wrong
i know, i m just twiddling arround
that wouldnt be taken seriously thu :p
C stands for Ceriously
i missed that note again (facepalms)
where s the chat-language link again
First link on the description, if I recall correctly
ah c_chat must revise my lessons
5 hours later…
Anyone here knows about creating bots?
what bots?
@DrorK. It is not possible at all, isn't it?
@sdd or IRC ones? :}
A bot that will automate a process involving the iTunes program
@sdd soooo, what problems are You having? :} And how is that related to C?
@Kamiccolo I want a bot that auto-updates specific apps
I am not sure it it is related to C, Please confirm if it is
@sdd it's You project :} So, You should know better :P Can't say for sure from that little You've told about it.
only thing, isn't it already done ?
apparently not :D
1 hour later…
@deckard I can't see how
hello can i get an advice about recursive function?i need some help
i have an A should return B, C, D, and B should return 1,2; C==>3,4;D==>5,6 how can i do it
@Emredağıstan are those floats? :} If so, first thing would be realizing, what each (or single one) function should do.
In this case, think of how would You get 3.4 from 5.6. And 1.2 from 3.4 :}
those are integers
and function must be like a tree
i mean it should be multiple returns and all returns should multiple returns again
@Emredağıstan mhm. Are You trying to write this in C?
@Emredağıstan return a struct
so, You can't exactly return 2 values. Unless... You use pointers OR structs.
okay i will try to use structs
thanks :D
struct twoIntReturn { int a,b; }
struct aReturn { twoIntReturn b; twoIntReturn c; twoIntReturn d;}
One of the ways would be something like this: void fency_recursion(int in_a, int_b, int *out_a, int *out_b);
@Kamiccolo Out parameters are terrible.
@BartekBanachewicz says C++ guy :P
@Kamiccolo How is that related? Also, I'm a Haskell guy if anything.
retu rning structs is terrible.
@Kamiccolo ok, you tell me why and I tell you why out params are terrible.
w8 i grab some popcorn..
@BartekBanachewicz Structs might be big. And stack isn't like a trolleybus. In this case it's just a 2 integers. What if we had an HD pointcloud?
Out parameters make code flow unclear. They require you to manually handle the returned error value, which is error-prone. They also require you to preallocate the memory for the variables passed.
@Kamiccolo return a struct with a pointer in it.
If you want to return two pointclouds return a struct with two pointers in it.
Say I wanted to create a chat program in C...
Like a very basic one with .txt files and stuff
How would I structure an if statement to check if an input file has been received yet?
So like the option to Send is always there. But if one session hasn't received a message (in the form of a .txt file) from the other session, it shouldn't crash but instead just say "Nothing received yet"
Actually I would've chosen to pass a pointer to a struct
And I don't understand the concern of 'manually handle the return error', nor the 'require you to preallocate the memory'
Both are pretty much common C conventions
@KommanderKitten How it communicates? How something is being received?
@DrorK. Those conventions are a source of a lot of errors vOv
Also you might like this video ^
Unfortunately it's too lengthy
@DrorK. it's worth it.
It's about C++?
It's about teaching C++ and how teaching C parts of it doesn't make sense.
I have little time as it is, unfortunately I don't have any to spare for C++
I agree
It wouldn't make sense to teach C related things within the context of C++
@DrorK. People still teach pointers to beginners :/. Or new / delete.
C++ doesn't benefit from pointers?
So the way it works is that I provide three arguments. An incoming file, an out going file, and then a chat handle.
@DrorK. They aren't that needed.
You can do a lot of things with references.
However, this is between two terminals on the computer. So it's nothing huge
Certainly beginners can manage just fine without even touching a concept of "pointer".
But if incoming file is empty, then a message comes up with "Nothing received yet"
Then once one of the sessions send a message (by way of .txt file), the other session receives that and then the chatting begins
@BartekBanachewicz I gave up, she doesn't make much sense
She claims that the reason people grow tired of C++ is because of the 'complex uneeded' stuff
How does that explain the people with C background, that grow tired of C++? Obviously the 'complex' stuff are trivial to them, and apparently they didn't find them to be appalling
@BartekBanachewicz yeah yeah, saw this one. And more.
@BartekBanachewicz And the owner, in this case, is clear.
In modern C++ you don't use raw use pointers (you use shared|unique pointers at some cases) => you use references instead; you don't use naked new/delete => you are counting on RAII; etc. Basically what is happening: you get away from the nasty low-level C part to another language => that's why teaching C or C-ish coding to C++ newcomers is just nonsense
unless ofc you want to maintain code before C++1x => or you have to read/write your companies legacy code
Morning Peter
anyway, C and C++ since C++1x are not just a bit different languages, they are completely different ones
I haven't reach to a part where she said it shouldn't be taught
@DrorK. mornin'
She tried to suggest that this was the reason people dislike learning C++
I didn't watch that video, I just know this => C++ still tries to be a language with higher and higher level abstraction and modern concepts
(btw which is cool)
the thing I hate C++, is that they never remove anything (*almost) they only add things, just to make everything backward compatible
if the C++ committee would push a hardcore standard, and a compiler makers would follow it => they could make a perfect Rust :P
It doesn't work this way :)
I know it doesn't
One doesn't get to re-do, or 'shoot again' when it comes to legacy
and this makes me super sad :(
That's how new generations come into place
@DrorK. that's why I admire Guido van Rossum => Python 2.x and Python 3.x are not compatible
they just made a "tabula rasa" and cleaned up the language
Whoa, now this happens only in the movies
ikr? but the outcome is "nearly perfect"
One of our politicians admitted that he's smoking marijuana, which is obviously illegal
they have just learnt so much from the previous mistakes, that they could easily redesign everything to be faster, safer, better, etc.
One of the former security-heads, wrote a message via twitter, saying: "This explains this and this behavior..."
The politician replied: "I have a thing or two to share about you, which would most definitely explain your actions"
The former security head removed his message and apologized!
This never happened in the history of Israel
It always goes to libel, trials, settlements, etc etc
@BartekBanachewicz and You're doing quite the same. Someone asked about C, and You're answering the ways in C++ to do that. Blargh.
@Kamiccolo why are you still bothering? a leopard cannot change its spots :)
@PeterVaro Chameleon and octopus do :D
facial expression pretty much defines the speech :D
I don't like dumbing down anything. In this case, programming.
@DrorK. this argument doesn't make sense
@Kamiccolo who what where
@Kamiccolo picking things to teach isn't about dumbing down. It's about order.
And the fact is, despite what low-level fanatics say, that if you teach beginners ommiting the low-level parts, you can get them to be productive much earlier. Someone taught modern C++ from 0 will be able to write programs on his own doing actual stuff after a few hours.
Someone taught low-level C after a few hours will be able to concatenate strings. Maybe.
@DrorK. To elaborate, C++ can be tiring, compared to other modern languages. To get tired of C++, it might be enough to try Haskell, Rust, or something like that - they're just much better. But this argument hardly means anything when talking about beginners who are just starting with the language, and that's what the presentation is about.
@DrorK. You might think that she doesn't make much sense, but (I know this is close to appeal-to-authority), she's been teaching people how to program for quite a long time. She comes in and says "hey I've actually taught people that way and it was much better than teaching them pointers"
I eagerly await replies from you both @Kamiccolo @DrorK.
@BartekBanachewicz I never said anything about 'low level', if anything, I consider most of the 'low level' stuff to be implementation-details, which are not part of the language to begin with
@DrorK. so what was your problem with what she said in particular?
What I said was her reasoning, she said that the reason why beginners grow tired of C++, is because of the 'complex' C-stuff
@DrorK. Yes, that's the low-level part.
I don't know if it's true for the people who come without C-background, but it's definitely false for all the ones that do
Your two last messages are directly contradicting each other.
Using printf() is low level?
@DrorK. of course.
We're talking about C++, right? right?
@BartekBanachewicz we've been on this plenty of times. As some most of teachers and psychologist. Some people prefer from-top-to-bottom, some prefer from-bottom-to-top. I don't debate how to teach C++. As Peter said, it's totally different language. Personally, I'd prefer starting at lower level. And forcefully not mentioning lower level parts of the language, sounds like dumbing it down.
@BartekBanachewicz You're talking about C++. Again. Started at the point where someone asked for C solution and You started pushing C++ one.
@BartekBanachewicz Let's assume that printf() is low level. It's obviously not confusing for the people who already have C background, right? ... so maybe people grow tired of it for different reasons, and not merely because she's found the perfect recipe that is going to make a difference
@Kamiccolo Who said anything about forcefully? If you're a teacher, you have to pick either top-to-bottom or whatever, you have to pick some teaching order. She proposed that particular order, as a teacher. She said that it worked well for her students. She didn't mean that they should never teach pointers, merely do it later.
@Kamiccolo We started this as a discussion about the video about teaching C++. Was me assuming we're talking about teaching C++ wrong here?
@DrorK. In the video she talked about people who don't know either C or C++.
@BartekBanachewicz I didn't hear this distinction, at least not within the first ~15 minutes or so
But once again, even if she was referring to such people, her reasoning doesn't explain why people with C background grow tired of learning C++
So maybe her 'precaution' when it comes to the ones without C background, is based on no valid reason to begin with?
@DrorK. Maybe you should have just watched it then.
BTW, this issue is not only with C++, people say the same about C books
They say people should start learning C by this step, that step, and the other,
and this and that should be there and then
what is wrong with this lady talking i dont have sound here
@DrorK. She didn't have any precautions against people who already have C background. This was directed at beginners. She specifically mentions not introducing pointers. If someone had a C background, that person would already know that and that has no point.
@BartekBanachewicz I think we have a miscommunication
@DrorK. And neither that was her aim, ever, at all, during the whole presentation in my opinion. I don't know why you'd think she tried to say that.
@BartekBanachewicz Let's say that you're an adult, and you frequent a place
heh, to quote the speech in question:
> "I'm not trying to make library writers. I'm trying to make library users."
@Kamiccolo exactly? Still goes with what I said
You're being asked, how do you feel about this place, and you answer: the people are awesome, but the management is trouble
@DrorK. can we focus on the matter at hand?
You can derive two conclusions... one: the management is terrible. two: adults think that management is terrible
She said specifically it's not my problem with people who are teaching C. The problem is with people who do a 5-day C++ course and start with 2 days of C introduction.
Just because you've targeted adults, it doesn't necessarily mean that only they think that way
this is all I am arguing here
@DrorK. I fail to see any relevance of what you said to what Kate said her in her talk and to what I'm arguing.
C is being old-fashioned ?
@Agawa001 kind of. It's not really a modern language.
i undrstand that; 7 years of my life gone by wind
last iteration was 4 years ago and it didn't change much from the original ideas
C is still my fav low level tool
@BartekBanachewicz She assumed that the reason beginners give up on C++ is because of the unneeded C-related stuff. But obviously this issue also exist with beginners with C-background, so obviously it's a false reason, or at least: far from begin the only reason, or a significant reason
@DrorK. no, the issue is completely different with people who already know C.
because, for one, THEY ALREADY KNOW THINGS that she wants to skip in the introductory course
@BartekBanachewicz You're welcome to join ##c on freenode and participate in many discussions related to C++, and hear their view
if you've managed to get through learning C already, then you have the worst part over
@DrorK. how this is relevant to our current discussion?
and i cant use IDA without C, python is not the suitable intermediary for disassambling
@Agawa001 What other low-level tools do you know and use?
ollydbg ?
well, narrowing that to languages?
@BartekBanachewicz People with years of C experience, try to learn C++, and give up on it. The issue is obviously with C++, not with the order of how you're learning it
and winasm ?
Trying to suggest the issue belongs to beginners with no C background is obviously a false reasoning, hence her 'solution' doesn't make any sense
@DrorK. I wasn't really talking about people who know C already. Not a single time did I mention them or say I'm making any point about that. You keep introducing that standpoint and I still fail to see a relevance to people who don't know C.
dont know other lowlevel programming langs
@DrorK. No, it's not obvious at all. You're trying to equate thinking of people with vastly different knowledge, while she specifically talked about teaching absolute beginners. You're talking about people already having preferences, while she's talking about people in whom those preferences are just forming. Her solution works in practice and she has proofs of that, yet you're trying to debunk that just by saying "it doesn't make sense".
@BartekBanachewicz I assume you didn't learn statistics?
@DrorK. I did learn statistics. I fail to see the relevance.
@Agawa001 So, if you only know C, saying it's your favorite kinda doesn't make sense, huh? :) I mean, by definition, it's the one you like the most and the one you like the least if it's the only thing you know :)
Two groups of people experiencing the same issue. And yet you convince yourself that the solution to the issue- lies with something that is valid to only one of the groups... that makes no sense
@BartekBanachewicz 12+ year kids. To be exact. 10-15 of them.
@Kamiccolo To what is that a clarification, specifically?
It's like in Israel
@DrorK. No, they are not experiencing the same issue at all. They don't want to learn a language - but there can be million and one reasons for that, and you're assuming that the reasons must be the same for both groups despite the fact their views and knowledge are totatlly different.
@BartekBanachewicz have You been talking about sex slaves or absolute beginners?
They say that the reason for terror- is because they don't have this, that, and the other
@BartekBanachewicz i know java jscript php vb.net visual basic matlab and alot windows automation tools but all of em arent low level
@Agawa001 exactly.
@Kamiccolo Beginners in programming, duh?
But even the ones who do have, this that and the other, do terror. Your conclusion?!
@BartekBanachewicz You're welcome to join ##c on freenode and hear the reasoning/experience of others first-hand
@BartekBanachewicz so, to that this clarification is about. Duh.
@DrorK. I fail to see the relevance. You're making another far-fetched anectode. Why don't you focus on what we have and explain why do you assume the reasons for two group to stop learning C++ are the same?
@DrorK. If I wanted to talk on freenode, I'd join freenode. As long as we're discussing here, let's stick to the discussion here.
@BartekBanachewicz I didn't say they were the same, I said that addressing something which happens to suit only one of said groups- makes no sense
@DrorK. are you into freenode
@DrorK. Why does it make no sense if the reasons for them to stop learning might be different? By anectode, does curing two different illnesses with two different drugs doesn't make sense?
tbh, people there are more helpful and less deregatory than here
@BartekBanachewicz Everything is possible, it's possible that each and every programmer who stopped learning- has its own view and reason behind it. And yet, it makes no sense to assume that the solution for one of the groups, to be homologous
@Agawa001 well, why are you here, then?
@BartekBanachewicz not the chat, i mean all the network
do i bother you stayin here anyways ?
@DrorK. No one assumed that, except you, apparently. Kate didn't say her method is best for everyone wanting to learn C++. She said it's good for absolute beginners. She focused on one group and tried to solve the problem for one group.
It was you who brought people who already know C here and tried to disprove the effectiveness of her methods for teaching absolute beginners by saying they don't work with people who know C already.
How does that make sense?
nvm it was just a side note
@BartekBanachewicz Let's get back to terror. There are two kinds of terrorists, one kind has no money/land/rights/etc... the other kind has money/land/rights... would you assume that the way to 'solve' terror- is by giving all money/land/rights?
oh great another totally irrelevant anectode.
Sure, it's possible that it would solve all problems, but in the real world- nobody is going to make this assumption- because it makes absolutely no sense.
Another assumption that proposed solution was posed as solving all of the problems.
You keep misrepresenting the point made to make it easier to attack
So my purpose is to make it easier to attack? :)
I must be very good at my job
@DrorK. You are arguing the point that she doesn't make sense. By trying to exaggerate what she said, you tried to prove your point. This is a logical fallacy.
if you're willing to drop the topic of people who know C already, which I believe is completely unnecessary to mention here, I'm willing to listen to any other arguments you have.
@DrorK. if someone is taken off his land/money/rights, which earthling force can prevent him from being a bloodthirsty terro
@Agawa001 The question is, why the ones who do have it all, choose terror
@Agawa001 Would you say that the solution to stop terror by the ones who do have it all, is by... giving them what they already have? Obviously it makes no sense.
@DrorK. i cant know, its instinctive
@Agawa001 Let's say your city experience a serious crime-related wave of incidents
People come, and tell you the reason they do that, is because they're poor, and they don't enjoy a fair share of the city's resources
@DrorK. dont know how is that relevant to C, but to stop terror, people thought about it and get their mind blown searching sociological solutions without any outlet
C stands for Crime
i would say rather, some peoople took me my rights but i didnt terrorise anyone
its about human nature, not rights/money stuff
That's my point, that's the very first rule, if the so-called cure doesn't fit for all, or most groups of participants, then maybe the reasoning behind it- makes no sense?
If you say that all you need to make this crime-spree go away, is to share resources/funds/land... but this doesn't apply for most of the criminals who participate... so maybe you should re-think your reasoning
C stands for consolidation.
our problem as programmers, we struggle to find cures of all bad phenomona we see arround without paying interest to make our lives better
@DrorK. Going by that logic, we should only accept perfect solutions. If a solution works in C but doesn't in any other language (doesn't fit for all, or most groups), then maybe it makes no sense?
as a programmer, you cant imagine any other eventuality apart to be, or to be not, either 0 or 1, flip or flop, life is more complicated than that
@DrorK. How do you know it doesn't apply to most criminals?
@Puppy I gave an example, this part is a given
it's a given example of a massive assumption ;p
@Puppy Under this assumption, would you vote for a cure that happens to apply to only some of the participants?
the question isn't whether the cure only applies to some participants; it's about how many resources are expended per beneficiary.
Isn't that better than no cure at all?
I would seriously doubt the reasoning behind the cure, given this assumption, and without addressing the participants it doesn't apply to adequately, I would say it's probably false
there are lots of diseases like cancer where the different parts of the problem have different solutions.
@DrorK. What does false mean? Do you mean that because it doesn't work on some people, it can't work on anyone?
not every apparent problem is actually just one big problem; most of them are compound problems that you can reduce by eliminating some of the components.
like if you say crime is a problem, then crime is driven by human behaviours which can have many root causes, such as economic problems, poor childhood environments, genetic defects, etc.
@DrorK. being sociologist is about debugging people s minds, and just imagine how a human mind is complicated, hey, we talk about a community here not just one person
@BartekBanachewicz I didn't say it can't, I'm saying that more likely- the person who presented the cure, simply misdiagnosed the issue, hence the derived conclusion
i spend a month long debugging one day written program, and we talk here about human being
@DrorK. You made no actual arguments as to why it would be misdiagnosed when applied to the particular group she talked about, namely absolute beginners.
@BartekBanachewicz You're entitled to your opinion, I obviously have no intention to repeat myself...
@DrorK. I wasn't asking about a repetition; on the contrary, I was curious if you had any observations with regard to absolute beginners and NOT people who already know C.
As I said, I'm only familiar with the ones who do have C background, and they seem to experience the exact thing she described for the ones without C background, hence why I think her conclusion/cure makes no sense to me
@DrorK. Oh, so you're just making an unbased assumption here and you have no points to be made for actual case at hand. Okay then, thank you for the discussion.
No, thank you for finally getting over it
Anyone having slight knowledge of ARM microcontroller?
@user3287223 that'd be me.
nice :)
in this page they have a code snippet
ARM_LIB_STACK 0x40000 EMPTY -0x20000 ; Stack region growing down
{ }
ARM_LIB_HEAP 0x28000000 EMPTY 0x80000 ; Heap region growing up
{ }
how are they telling that the stack region is growing down and heap is growing up?
@user3287223 I think by the last number. One is positive, the other one negative.
the last number mentions the range?
;ARM_LIB_HEAP 0x20000000 EMPTY 0x200{}  ; Heap starts at 1MB
                                               ; and grows upwards
;ARM_LIB_STACK 0x20020000 EMPTY -0x400{}         ; Stack space starts at the end
                                               ; of the 2MB of RAM
                                               ; And grows downwards for 32KB
shouldn't stack and heap address range meet after sufficient growing up and down?
The tools also support two main types of stack and heap implementations, namely the one and two region models. In the one region model, the stack and heap share a single area of memory. The heap grows up from the bottom of the memory region while the stack grows down from the top.
In the two region model the heap and the stack each have their own memory region. The heap still grows upwards through memory and the stack still descends from the top of its region.
@user3287223 ^
ARM_LIB_STACK 0x40000 EMPTY -0x20000 ; Stack region growing down
it means the stack starts ar x40000 and goes till x20000 in reverse address sequence?
40000 39996 .........20000
like this?
can anyone answer this question?
Q: How does the code execution jump to the software interrupt handler?

user3287223I am talking about a system which uses ARM cortex M3. The code which I am referring to is written in firmware. The user sends commands to do a particular job to the firmware and the firmware calls specific software interrupt handlers to do the task corresponding to the command being sent.I know t...

2 hours later…
@user3287223 usually stack is growing in reverse address sequence. To mark the space left.
/* helloc all! */
wow, it's been a long time, but I still see familiar faces :)
helloc, @holgac; //!!!
long time no see :} How have You been? :}
@Kamiccolo I was too busy moving to a new country, adapting to a new job etc. but i'm back finally! :)
how are you?
helloc @holgac;
@Atomic_alarm hi! what's up?
I tried to say something funny about your nick, but couldn't find anything interesting :/
do not need to search for meaning in my nicknames, it's useless. :D
Morning @holgac
Where have you relocated to?
@holgac oh, right! I guess, You've mentioned that... but... it slipped my mind :} pretty much the same... just got back to studies.... at least officially.
mhmmm.... what to play on PS2....
@DrorK. hey, long time no see with you too! I'm now in London, and it's almost midnight here
@holgac, a few more hours and it will be morning :D
@Atomic_alarm hoping not :D my job is mainly php now, and my lifecycle is like php in daytime, c in nights
wow, I have something in common with superheroes now, nice
bad, is still anyone writes on php?
Yeah, it is a positive idea. With supervillains, too, is not it? :D
haha supervillains are way cooler actually, and all I need to do is to develop a malware :D
if you do php it will be not just a supervillain,and a true legend :D
hahaha reminds me of the times that I didn't know that php was run on server machine :D
Yes, there were times ... But seriously, how much actual php now? Many of my friends translate projects from it in python or golang. How widespread it is for you?
well we're actually using php hack, which is kinda improved
@holgac by facebook guys, as I recall...
I don't know much about php by itself, so I don't know which features are in vanilla php and which ones are in hack
@Atomic_alarm in Lithuania, at least, it's still freaking huge :(
@Kamiccolo yup, and it has pretty neat features
nothing, can be opinion is that php is bad is just a stereotype.
however for me it is really a terrible mixture of Perl and C.
yeah but it kinda depends on your preferences. I for example, don't like OOP languages much, except python
so I really don't like php,because for me it is the perversion of normal languages.
php stereotype is probably because of the php developers
I don't like OOP,in my opinion, this concept is overly complicated.
My favorite languages is C++ and Erlang.
OOP languages lead people to overdesign, I think
and overdesign = hard to maintain and understand
for example, I think linux kernel is surprisingly easy to understand for its size. you'll still need to spend a month or two to get the basic understanding, but it'd take lots of months if it was overdesigned with an OOP language
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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