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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

yeah... what I've learned today... on some Intel BIOS chips You have to enable "LAN boot" to be able to use PCIe Network Card.
2 hours later…
/me thinks @PeterVaro is developing a sleeping disorder
You know how in the movies
All of a sudden they reveal something systematic, and then they 'show it to you', and you can't believe you didn't notice it earlier
ahh.. about that.. yeah.. we'll see ;)
Lately, our news reporters, have noticed that for the past year or so, there was a dude- that popped up on the background of dozens of items
The dude wore the same t-shirt, had the same common face 'expression', and stood in a very systematic manner across from the cameras
So they tracked him down and interviewed him, and apparently he's a real-life nutz
He lives at the north of Israel, and every day he tries to locate items across Israel, and he drives very long distances to try and be on the background of TV items
what is he working?
He's not working
Let me look for a Youtube clip that shows him on random items
You most probably won't even believe it's real
ahh.. and you think I will become a guy like that at some point in my life? :P
One moment
No, I'm just giving you suggestions! Open your horizons! :)
@PeterVaro Have a look: youtube.com/watch?v=G0cLCh_TiNY
And these are just a few tiny examples
I like that guy :)
What's disturbing is, that because his mission was to be as much time as possible on camera
He used to "participate" in items, even ones which were about memorials of figures
Like, saying farewell, and things like that... creepy
@Apoorv Ubuntu NEXT running on MIR Unity8 daily build screencast
@DrorK. creepy.. maybe.. I think it is funny.
@PeterVaro Well obviously he's mentally ill...
are you sure -- isn't he playing a role, he was creating?
Playing the role of a creep that drives around for hours, to try to get on TV?
While faking items and interviews just for the sake of being on TV?
..lots of folks have expensive hobbies :P
Expensive is one thing, that's definitely a disturbing one
agh... reminded me GTA II multiplayer...
it's nice how they did that though...
okay - okay, I was joking -- I get your point, he is probably ill
@DrorK. I think anyone can learn from this C code: Hobby kernel + userspace, built mostly from scratch.
@PeterVaro !!!! Yesterday I saw a presentation of my colleague who did this... programically xD Just connecting his ZX Spectrum to osciloscope, fetching data from it through USB and decoding lines with Python. Pretty freakin amazing.
@Kamiccolo I have a ZX Spectrum ;)
@PeterVaro agh... I know plenty of guys who would kill for it... :}a
awww, actually, he had Russian Copy of ZX Spectrum. But still...
I have the original one => and I actually found it in the trash
helloc all;
@Qix js + sweet memories => winamp 2
helloc blue birdy; // :}
Ahaha that's great.
Do you know the feeling you get, when you stumble something trivial again and again- and you just feel inadequate when try to sort it out?
Why sshd wouldn't release open tunnels, hours after the remote machine has clearly died?
@Qix here is something even crazier than that: HTML + CSS only 3D scene (someone has too much free time)
> ATARI dumped over 3.5 million games
@Qix aye :} And bids aren't small. Boxed copy of E.T --- over 500 USD xD
and this sounds like a lawsuit:
> Lewandowski said Warshaw was guaranteed by Atari executives that his games were recycled and used for other things and not thrown away.
Mexican goverment vs ATARI xD
@PeterVaro Ridiculous....
> This functionality is provided through multidispatch. All this dispatching however is done at compile time.
@PeterVaro hmmm... kind a... merging concepts error and error logger. Not quite sure how it's going to work, but having core functionality for pretty hierarchy of errors does sounds pretty interesting xP
I'm about to shoot ssh
For some reason, they thought it would be funny not to enable the specifier %p for the IdentityFile directive
So now I can no longer have keys associated with a nice pattern such as %r@%h:%p
Unless they use the default port... now that's A-N--N---O-----Y---I--N-G
Just got Tup/Shell scripts taking in an INI file of "NAME=error message" pairs, generating a header/source file, and compiling a function that returns the error message given a code.
So now all I have to do is update a nice, human readable list of error codes and it will generate source files for them (and can compile them statically)
@PeterVaro or @DrorK. - pastebin.com/JJ8cjja8
I'm getting a boatload of errors regarding the array of strings.
I'm tired, and I know I'm not understanding something.
EB_OK/etc are part of an enum.
Should I just use a switch in this case?
The compiler should be able to optimize it as well as what I'm trying to do, right?
"part of an enum" means => EB_OK = 0 and EB_MEM = 1 ?
Pedantic errors bark at the extra comma, too >.>
<thumbs up/> ;)
@Qix Do you explicitly assign the enum members?
@DrorK. as in = 0, = 1, etc.?
Should I?
Try it, let's see what the compiler says
According to the standard it doesn't matter
What kind of errors/warnings do you get?
Hold on.
typedef enum
  EB_OK = 0,

static const char *b_error_strings[] =
    [EB_OK]  = "the operation completed successfully",
    [EB_MEM] = "memory allocation failed"

#define b_error_count sizeof b_error_strings / sizeof(char *)

const char *
b_error_string(b_error_code code)
    if (code >= b_error_count || code < 0)
        return "invalid error code";
    return b_error_strings[code];
I would do this, if it can be C99+
@PeterVaro ANSI C.
With which compiler?
GCC for the moment, but needs to work on clang and MSVC naturally @DrorK.
@PeterVaro According to the standard it seems that the assignment of = 0 is implicit
in all standards? ((8|9)9|11)
@PeterVaro I'm inclined to switch the project to C99 standards, but MSVC is C89, no? And what about ARM, for instance?
is MSVC fully C89 compilant (I have a feeling it not) ?
but sure, that is the closest thing you can get
or require other compilers..
I really, really don't want to go to MinGW >.>
I feel like it'd introduce subtle weird bugs
@PeterVaro C89/C99/C11 checked
all righty, thanks => so it is a redundant thing to "make sure it starts from zero"
Microsoft's C compiler is not strictly conforming to any standard
^ that's what I thought
And its behavior/features seems to change according to its version
If anything, MinGW would overcome native microsoft related 'bugs', or 'missings'
@DrorK. Isn't there a runtime on top of mingw?
I think you're referring to Cygwin?
And of course Mingw wouldn't restrict access to actual Win32 APIs, would it?
As far as I remember, Microsoft's compiler doesn't even have the standard snprintf() function
You'll have to apply a wrapper to such functions, if you even able to understand the subtle misbehaviors with regard to the standard functions
So system calls/APIs aside, everything C99 I'd need to do on real GCC can be done on MinGW?
Does MinGW re-implement the C stdlib?
Or does it use MSVC's?
I'm not sure how exactly they do what they do, but they give you winapi access, and they don't seem to suffer from issues such as snprintf() and other native functions which are not standard complaint
I suppose a quick glance on their website would reveal a few of their approaches to deal with it
It could be simple transparent interception to 'fix' the broken or missing functions, I'm not sure
Before MinGW, I recall wrappers for simulating the standard behavior were required, now MinGW eliminates it altogether
@DrorK. Huh, you've sold me. I'm tired of using MSVC.
Do I still need visual studio installed to link against the runtimes?
As far as I remember MinGW as a compiler suite is portable as-is
I approve I suppose.
@DrorK. lets say we have situation when a customer asks for support with an error code X. Now, You have to check all the version history and changes of error-code numbering to be able to answer what does it actually mean...
Alright, @PeterVaro so using MinGW I'm now upping the project to C99.
yay ;)
@DrorK. not only this one... but yeah... :}
@Kamiccolo He was asking about my errors; and no, that's exactly what I'm fixing.
I think that now days even Cygwin has a real MinGW-gcc package, and not only Cygwin's gcc, so if you have a portable Cygwin, you can simply install it through cyg-apt for example, and it would be portable just as well
@DrorK. Nice, yeah I've seen mingw on the package manager
@Kamiccolo If your program produces/provides error codes, then you must assign unique identifiers :)
I thought the issue might be related to using the enum specifier as an array index, but it seems that it shouldn't be a concern even without explicit assignments
:D @PeterVaro @DrorK. Thanks! It worked!
Heh, well, it was @PeterVaro's sample... but I wouldn't mind taking credit for his work ;)
I'm glad it worked -- it was wrote it in the chat window.. so it had a pretty good chance, I would miss something somewhere :P
anyway -- I'm super tired now..
so I guess I call it a night/morning
free all;
Night @PeterVaro
If you'll keep it up, we'll be sharing the same timezone soon enough :)
free @PeterVaro;
It's my last 15 minutes of being 21.
@DrorK. I suppose, all "good" programs should return some exit code...
@Qix Whoa, congrats!
@Qix welcome to the 22 club! :} 0001 0110 club, to be precise.
I wasn't aware of 22's club?
@Qix Here's a little perspective on life: I'm 29 and I would literally give everything I have for being 22 again. That's how good life's treating you...
@DrorK. Hehe :) I'm going to take advantage of it, that's for sure.
When I think of it, at 22 I was still during active military service
And yet, I would still make the trade :)
Were you required to enlist?
Technically, by law it is required, yes
I see
@PeterVaro @DrorK. pastebin.com/xz08V1Ys -- the result.
Is C code faster than java?
3 hours later…
helloc all;
@Sajidkhan Depends on the platform.. but in general C code should be faster (if well written ofc) because it doesn't need a VM
@PeterVaro looks so much better than the current release
2 hours later…
helloc @Toppest.Of.Kek; // how are you doing today ?
helloc @Apoorv;
I'm doing well today, and how about you?
I'm good, thanks :)
That's good to hear, (especially since yesterday was frustration day ;P)
helloc @Mahesha999;
helloc all
helloc all; //<-- missing semicolon #Cnoob
helloc @Mahesha999; // wb
wb == welcome back :)
btw you can edit your messages for 2 mins by either pressing the up arrow key or clicking the little arrow on the left of the message
yeah not much frequent here but seriously dont know why u guys here are more liberal, elsewhere, people just say LEAVE to continue, here I talked about many stuffs other techs, but all good responces #generalizedObeervation

may b C is mother of all, thats why :p
also then how u link to helloc?
I mean u do type [helloc] (link) manually all time?
@Mahesha999 that is almost the only place on SO that is really negative, you probably shouldn't go there
@Mahesha999 First you need to install a grease-monkey plugin if you are using firefox and then install the user-script which Ronni pointed to
U r telling for shortcut for []()?
the user-script has many more links other than just helloc (install and check for yourself ;))
ohhhh good used gresemonkey for downloading google books
never knew this
nyways was surprised static variable does not get re initialized every time func() is called:

void func(int k)
static int a = 9;
tho I know static variable value is retained across function calls
so its like once initialized static variable re-initialization is ignored without throwing any warning / error
that is whole point of static variables, to avoid using global variables for value that needs to preserved
so second time static int a = 9; is encountered inside function, it is simply ignored ?
yeah, the initialization is ignored
yeah I read that
@Toppest.Of.Kek eval.in/218712
@RonniSkansing Yea i know, I ran it, I'm just wondering why someone would write that... lol
oh [= I have no idea.
helloc all;
@DrorK. here?
(tricky one) If I compile this code with -Wall -Wextra -Weverything -pedantic and it does not throw me any errors nor warnings, can I assume, that the code there is valid and working?
(the contest is for everyone as well -- find the bug, if there is any ;))
helloc @PeterVaro; //I have returned
hey hey @Toppest.Of.Kek, 'sup?
nm working on more stuff at work, hbu
(h)ow a(b)out yo(u)
ahh ;)
heh.. I'm okay, thanks -- just created the above "contest" for the room
(and especially for DrorK to demonstrate something to him)
I wasn't aware this room held "contests" =P sounds pretty interesting.
@DrorK. : and there is a bug I found there => in the at method the condition should be || instead of && (that's my mistake, sorry)
@Toppest.Of.Kek ;)
Oh =] I will read up on the code later, please no spoilers [=
hehe :)
he he
> Patiently brought me through some C programing fundamentals. We will contract Bartek again. Highly recommend!
helloc @BartekBanachewicz;
how has haskell been treating you
@Toppest.Of.Kek great
Good to hear, I've never dabbled in a functional language before. Would you recommend it to a beginner that's interested in functional programming?
goto walk_the_beast; //bb in 30
helloc @ZachSaucier;
@Toppest.Of.Kek o/ hi
I'm trying to implement the <, >, <<, and >> command line functions in my C program for a shell project. Do I have to manually open the files or is there a C command that I don't know of that does it for me?
I do not quite understand what you mean :\ It's possible @PeterVaro may know what you require, but he's away at the moment.
I think I have to open them and use dup2
@PeterVaro Morning
@PeterVaro Well, I don't know what is the misbehavior you experience- but obviously the realloc has the potential to invalidate the previous 'chr' pointer, so it's far from being bulletproof
@DrorK. nice, exactly! and that's the problem I wanted to show you
helloc @PeterVaro; //Welcome back
even in a very limited, very small environment, the compiler cannot decide, if the access is illegal or not
therefore it cannot warn you
the absolutely sad part here is, sometimes it will work, but not always
helloc @NoobSaibot;
Well sure, there's a limit to how much a compiler can do
helloc @NoobSaibot;
helloc @PeterVaro! Just the man i wanted to see. :-)
and you cannot predict when it will and when it won't => so at some point there will be a mysterious bug
Hmm.. I'm not sure if it's qualified to be a 'mysterious bug'
@DrorK. yepp => however this particular example cannot be done with Rust => I showed you this example, because you were skeptical about the "forcing a restricted usage of pointers" concept is a good idea or not
@DrorK. not in this dummy example -- although it is way more complex than the ones I showed you before
@PeterVaro: These days i'm real into coroutines/continuations. I've been looking at some implementations some people did in C using Python's C API. I was wondering, why isn't it enough to just switch out the PyFrameObject to implement coroutines?
@PeterVaro Rust would adjust the previous pointer for you?
@DrorK. no it won't compile and will inform you why
(Rust's compiler is super strict by default)
@PeterVaro Oh, so you simply would like to be able to 'tell' ... I suppose 'valgrind' would spot it for you? Or other lint-oriented analyzers
@Toppest.Of.Kek definitely.
@NoobSaibot I have no idea :P
It's very strict and pure, but I consider those good for beginners
I'm definitely not into that mind-set right now, that I could help you on this
You just have to realize that you can't program at all
Especially if you were writing I.e. in C, you can assume you'be never programmed before
@PeterVaro: I see...and how much bounty will it take to get you to find out? ;-)
@NoobSaibot actually I would suggest you to post it as a question on the main site
it probably worth doing so
@PeterVaro: If i get downvotes, i'm blaming you.
then you delete your question => problem solved
(will be the first downvoter)
@DrorK. :P
And then others will join!
@PeterVaro Doesn't work if somebody answers it. And those suckas are fast... o.0
really? if you voluntarily remove your own question, the points won't get back to you?
You can't. Soon as someone answers it, it's stuck for life (no matter the quality of the answer).
I always thought that is the case..
Must be some "make an example out of him" initiative...
nah.. that's not the philosophy of SO.. anyway, try to make it as detailed as you can
Don't forget to use fancy terminology, to confuse the enemy
if you put on a great and detailed question, you won't get random answers or downvotes
@DrorK. +1 :)
@DrorK. But how will people know i'm a genius? Maybe if i put it in all caps...
Now, trick them, use opposite-caps
jUST lIKE tHIS... or something
or Rot13 your question :)
@DrorK. Gr8 1d3A!!! 1 c0ULd vSE nvMB3rs t00!!!
@DrorK. +1
This is as detailed as i can be right now.
Maybe when i get home, i'll add moar.
Thanks, all.
@NoobSaibot you've got an upvote from me => that will protect you from @DrorK.'s downvote :P:P
So I guess I'll have to create a secondary account, so my down-vote will stick!
you are an evil genius!
goto burgers;
free @RonniSkansing; //bon appetit!
thanks =]
This is what my phone crashing on my keyboard looks like ^^
umm.. assume, you are angry, aren't you?
Maybe hungry, but why angry?
free @black
helloc @black;
@DrorK. I though you dropped your phone to your keyboard..
or something like that..
Well, sure, but it wasn't intentional :)
ah.. key-moment of the story :P
Btw, there was more to the story, but the 'flood protection' of the chat chopped it off
Besides, if I was angry at my phone, it would make no sense punishing my keyboard
I'm having enough difficulties with it as it is!
how would I know, if you weren't angry 'bout both your phone and keyboard?
Now that's a perfect storm!
anyway, it's time to do something useful => get back coding ;)
be back later, folks,
goto away;
Have fun
helloc all;
Hello @karim
@PeterVaro Hello world
I see that you're using: if (true) { success } ... how do you differentiate errors? (when you have more than one error type)
@DrorK. what do you mean?
helloc @karim;
If your function returns: SUCCESS, ERROR1, ERROR2
How if (true) for representing success is going to work?
ahh.. well it depends => if these are just for informing the user (and not for further processing) I still use simple true/false and printing out (or logging to a file or collecting elsewhere) the extra info
however if it can be other values, which the user supposed to process further
What if you need to differentiate the errors for your program's flow?
I used unsigned integers for that so far
but I think nowadays I would use enum
Don't you find the inconsistent if (true) to represent success for some, while others it represent failure, to be problematic?
I always switch the side => I understand why malloc returns NULL and NULL is false
therefore !returned is true
but most of the time, this is very counter intuitive
so I switch inside my functions, so the user don't have to
That's true when you have 1 failure, and many success values
if I have more than one failure, those also going to be true
so I have to switch only one, which is false by default
(umm.. maybe I misinterpret your question..)
can you craft a small pseudo code?
Let me look for a standard function, one moment
@NoobSaibot it looks like your question brought you 3 upvotes => I don't think that's a bad ratio at this point :)
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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