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05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Qix kind a... naughty reference, I must say xD
@Kamiccolo and then wrap it with perl and wrap that with batch -- the list goes on ;)
@Kamiccolo How so?
@PeterVaro And add it as a windows service (shutters)
@Qix oh, dang... just though of another hole...
@Kamiccolo Then create a native wrapper for the batch:
int main() {
system("cmd start_fuzzy_search.bat");
return 0;
@PeterVaro Remind me, are you a 'perfectionist'?
@DrorK. 120% perfectionist.
You just described a typical day in my life. How do you get anything done?
I work pretty fast, that's how ;)
btw -- it all depends. if this project was from a client, and I have to deliver it on time
I wouldn't bother going through this rabbit hole
but since it is my own spare time -- I can screw that how ever I want ;)
Recently I've started a new system, every time a new issue 'pops up' and distracts me from my original task, I take a note of a short description of said annoyance, and address it later on
one of the first tools I crated was a simple but very very powerful comment scanner
so each project of mine has a dynamically created TODO file
Comment scanner? Hand-written?
which collects all the comments from every single file or folder I describe
hash the whole project structure, so it is very efficient
I'm not sure how that works
goto work; // Ping if you want me :)
@Qix Have fun :)
Personally I tend to hand-write out-of-context matters
@DrorK. it creates a cache file, where all the hashes of the files of the project stored
it scans all files in the project only if the hash changed
and collects all special tagged-comments
/* TODO: need something to be done */
        int retval = 0;

        lua_State *tmp_l = NULL;

        tmp_l = lua_open();
        if (tmp_l == NULL)
            retval = 1;
            goto done;

        luaL_dostring(tmp_l, "os.execute('./start_fuzzy_search.sh')");

        if (tmp_l != NULL)
            tmp_l = NULL;

        return retval;
it collects all todo|hack|xxx|bug|note|???|!!! tagged-comments
arranges them, get their positions and file-locations
reindent them if necessary
and generates a YAML file with all these comments into the project's root dir
everything is configurable: the tags, the comment symbols, the extensions, the exceptions, etc.
@Kamiccolo Let's nitpick! .. what's the purpose of the 'NULL' initializer? (6th line)
@DrorK. got it now?
@PeterVaro Yes, usually the notes that I'm concerned with are actually the ones that are out-of-context
what do you mean?
(unrelated to the project I'm focused on)
I tend to comment in the first lines of the build/make/setup script of the project
if it is strictly unrelated to the project itself
as quick reminders when I get back to project
Yes, but these are only comments related to your project
this comment appears in the generated TODO file as well
@DrorK. well, the easiest solution is then, to create a project, which unrelated to all projects
@DrorK. initial value. Just to be safe, if someone is going to mess with the code and add something between setting it and actually initializing Lua VM.
and only contains comments which are project-dependent
@Kamiccolo it should be:
lua_State *tmp_l = lua_open();
and then checking if it is NULL or not
helloc @Apoorv; //wb
@Kamiccolo My personal belief is that it's actually unsafe. Because now you have a meaningless value, which the compiler will never generate a -Wuninitialized or a -Wmaybe-uninitialized for
@Kamiccolo So I believe that the 'NULL' initilizer is either redundant, or actually masks a very trivial to spot warning generation
@DrorK. aye, can't argue with that.
@Apoorv How's the Diwali going on? :p
@PeterVaro It is the default, too. Not just exception
@PeterVaro I suppose you're familiar with: return 0; ... followed by a cleanup label?
@DrorK. just ran back after bursting fire crackers :)
@PeterVaro Look again where the return is positioned :)
@DrorK. omg..
how idiot I am..
I do this all the time..
biggest stream of (removed) i've ever seen
That's why I try to look at codes of others very frequently
it was so silly that I'm actually ashamed of it..
@DrorK. I do the same, however I was writing Python and JS code all day
my mind is not set to C ;)
I have to load it: load c.kext => peter's brain
peter's brain is a kernel
@PeterVaro kernel panic mode right now ?
And c.kext is a proper kernel module... :}
nah.. a few minutes, a nice reboot
and everything goes back to normal ;)
does that happen with a Mac too ? i thought it was a feature of windows
peter is not a product of Apple
peter is a product of Nature ;)
and Nature's products needs reboot as well
@Apoorv is "Happy Diwali" a proper term?
@Qix yep, that's how i wish everyone :)
Happy diwali to you too
Isn't it proper within any festive holiday?
@PeterVaro xD
@DrorK. "Happy Day of the Dead!" sounds weird to me tbh
@Apoorv :)
Only thing that with Nature objects reboot is usually done using a proper-sized sledge-hammer xD
@Qix Is it a festive holiday? :)
@DrorK. DotD? Yes, very much so.
@Kamiccolo or maybe going back to sleep and then waking up again :P
But for somewhat of a depressing reason.
@Kamiccolo that, and when c.kext is loaded :P
anyway back to the problem:
do you have to call lua_close() even if the initialisation failed?
if it returns NULL, I thought lua_open() will take care of cleaning up
@Qix I've tried to google it, and some places mention celebrations, while others mention grieving... I dunno what's up with that
so you can simply return without a goto from there
@Kamiccolo I was thinking of something like this:
int main(void)
    lua_State *tmp_l = lua_open();
    if (!tmp_l)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    luaL_dostring(tmp_l, "os.execute('./start_fuzzy_search.sh')");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
@PeterVaro It should work, but it's a different variation
@DrorK. It's for celebrating the dead; it's a day of memorial.
@PeterVaro Hahahahahahhaha
@PeterVaro and Two exit points. If I'm about to chec an output of os.execute() --- I would need another one.... And some more for other stuff which might be needed parsing the result.
@PeterVaro nope. Don't have to :}
anyway, I grab something to eat, bbl folks
goto away;
Bon appetit, now I start to wonder... what will I eat
@DrorK. "feet" rhymes pretty well in this case xD
kind a... nice 3 liner You have here ^_^
Raspberry Pi:
> Having sold about four million units over the last 2.5 years
@BartekBanachewicz someone is bragging... xP Pretty nice! Though, need some more work with STD xP
@Kamiccolo yeah, I never finished my stdlib book :(
@BartekBanachewicz Heya, could you elaborate what exactly it indicates?
@DrorK. It so happens that I'm looking for a new job and was asked to take this test
But what kind of 'test' is it? You give code you've previously written?
You write code on demand? You're being asked questions?
no, it's adaptive multi-choice test
And now to the silly question of the day:
How 97 is being translated to 88% percentile?
if you imagine the gauss curve, mean should be around 70%
I haven't really calculated it
rehelloc all;
I'm bad at solving integral equations in my head :(
rehelloc @Mints97;
List from those assesment's page:

Oracle Database Administration
Windows Server Administration
Project Management
Internet Security
Network Engineering
C# Programming
Software Quality Assurance
Lotus Notes / Domino Administration
Rational XDE
Unix Administration
PC Technical Support
pretty meh; I must say.
@Kamiccolo why?
@Kamiccolo these are requirements for a job?...
@Mints97 ha, not this time xD Just offered tests.
@Kamiccolo oh, I see. Like the one @BartekBanachewicz took on C++?
@BartekBanachewicz most of those are pretty ancient pieces of technology. Or pretty generic. Or pretty Windows-centric.
@Mints97 aye :}
@Kamiccolo and cover vast majority of topics required from candidates. Your point being?
@Kamiccolo most software development today is windows-centric. That's why I'm on Windows.
@Mints97 meh :( I tend do ignore that.
@Kamiccolo well, the choice is yours =) anyway, where is that test? The internet security one looks interesting... =)
@Mints97 you can't just take it, unfortunately
@Kamiccolo ignoring that doesn't change the fact that it's true.
@BartekBanachewicz oh, it's specific for job interviews? I see...
@Mints97 Hmm. Is there an actual study behind "most software development"? Or it's just a mere reflection of the size of clientele/adoption?
@BartekBanachewicz fact, what fact? xD
@Mints97 I was given a link, so I guess yeah
@DrorK. the latter, obviously
@Kamiccolo that Windows is a huge share of development nowadays.
@BartekBanachewicz My conscious might be doing tricks on me. I see only blank line here xD
@Kamiccolo I guess it must be your SUBconscious... XD
...man, I really should stop doing homework on psychology lessons
@Kamiccolo I don't get that "hate"
@Kamiccolo rebooting yourself might help :P
I mean OK I get hating i.e. C because it's awfully shitty language that should be dead 10 years ago
I wonder if there's a specific category on SO for Windows-related development. Does it reflect the size of Windows-adoption?
but hating windows is weird.
@DrorK. what would be the point of that?
there are tags
most of C# questions are about windows
@BartekBanachewicz Is there a Windows-specific tag?
@BartekBanachewicz I think C and Windows are much alike. There are things they can be criticized for, and many people argue that there are better options. But still people use them both!
@DrorK. perhaps? No idea.
@Mints97 the main difference is that Windows is actually making progress, and C is not.
...you can develop with C# for any OS... I even met a guy who compiled C# code under FreeBSD...
And so 8.1 is really really nice, and 10 will prolly be even better
@Mints97 so what? Doesn't change what I said.
@BartekBanachewicz C is making progress, though, sadly, a bit slowly...
C shouldn't make 'progress'
@Mints97 lol, who are you trying to kid now? yourself?
C11 is virtually nonexistent
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, I can't wait for an official release of Win10!
C99 is gaining slow adoption
I mean come on it was 15 years ago.
Its strength is its maturity and adoption... if it tried to 'change' today, that's another different language altogether
15. years.
@DrorK. yes, otherwise it's terrible.
the only thing keeping it alive is that it's so big that it's hard to get rid of it all
Hmm, what do mean by C99 has slow adoption? How do you define adoption?
"being used"
being written.
I actually think that C99 has peaked?
most of C developers have no idea what C99 is
and I've met my share of C developers.
@DrorK. i believe C89 is still default on gcc
@BartekBanachewicz this is Microsoft's fault, IMHO. If they'd only supported C versions older than C89 in their goddamn compiler...
i'm not sure though
seriously, the whole ecosystem, language, community is basically stagnant
it's made of people not willing to change and learn
@Apoorv I actually think that GNU89 is the default, not even C
look at @Peter and you'll see everything that's wrong with C and its community in a nutshell
@BartekBanachewicz Judging by the newcomers on ##c, and the random libs that I'm curious about... I'd say that C99 has peaked
well okay you're wrong but I don't feel like going trough any statistics for that
The only C89 related questions on ##c are actually related to old books, but the guys seem to mostly aim towards C99
so either you believe me or not
also C99 is still 15 years old.
I believe that your experience is different than mine, sure
@DrorK. ...that is if you take out homework questions...
EOT. I'm going to play some guitar.
Have fun!
@Mints97 Yup, You've just read what I've meant xD Wasn't sure about English term.
@Mints97 The guys at ##c know better... :)
@BartekBanachewicz hey, what kind of guitar do you play? the classic or the electro-guitar?
@Mints97 I own an electric and an acoustic
and reached for the electric right now :)
@BartekBanachewicz geez, that's cool! I've only got a classic one (I think it's also called acoustic).
sadly I don't know musical notation in the slightest... =( I play by the chords
@Apoorv Not sure. Whole week feeling kind a dumb. Can't sleep. Can't reboot. Can't code properly...
@Mints97 I play mostly rock and instrumental rock tracks
@Mints97 I have an Ibanez S1520
@Kamiccolo sometimes you just need to forget about all stuff that stresses you out and get some sleep
@BartekBanachewicz mine's Hohner HC06 =)
@BartekBanachewicz and I play russian bard songs on it =)
@Apoorv problem is... nothing stresses me out during the night. Just... can't sleep. And keep waking up without any particular reason...
@Kamiccolo it means something bothers you and you don't even know it :(
@Apoorv I guess.... the problem is... called "No reason" Just... no more reason to do anything of mentioned.
@Mints97 classical guitars typically have nylon strings
acoustics have metal
@BartekBanachewicz there's not much of a difference as nylon and metal string sets are easily interchangeable.
(but the sound is completely different, and obviously you can't pull off riffs on nylon)
@Mints97 are they? I'd say you can kill your action if your saddle isn't adjusted. Also, oh well, classics have flat and wider fingerboards and smaller frets
@BartekBanachewicz really? I never knew that, thanks! I'll keep that in mind =)
headings from CodeProject nowadays: "Topcoder now has 3,700 Swift devs!" meh
@Mints97 yeah, also the nut can have too narrow/wide cuts
the high E is really thin compared to the nylon one.
Is this the right way to query the MTU of an interface ?

// ... UDP socket is created and connected
int opt = IP_PMTUDISC_DO;
ret = setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MTU_DISCOVER, &opt, sizeof(opt));
if (ret < 0)
perror("setsockopt error");

char data = '#';
ret = send(sockfd, &data, 1, 0);

if (ret < 0)
perror("send error");

ret = getsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MTU, &mtu, &mtu_size);
if (ret < 0)
perror("getsockopt error");

printf("mtu: %d\n", mtu);
whole code is about 55 lines: pastebin.com/Ep1aYiXT
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, you're right! =) the nut on my guitar is about twice as thick as the one on the photo
@Kamiccolo ind.ie/phoenix
return for_a_sec;
goto back_where_I_was_before; // :)
@PeterVaro I want to see their response (they probably will ignore the letter)
helloc, @all
helloc @stevoy;
too bad the conclusion is always the same
I suck and should play way more
goto offline; //goodbye! =)
Is it considered Poe's Law when you receive a comment on something and can't tell if it's spam or not because it's such broken English that it's hardly readable?
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz F*king awesome article.
@Qix in strict ES 5.1+ is there octal escaped char?
I mean: "\1 and \01 and \001" ?
because the standard only talks about hexescapes and unicode chars
but other sources mention octal escapes as well
ahh.. found the answer there is no octal escapes in strict ES 5.1+
@PeterVaro You're kidding
what what?
No octals?!
That's such an easy thing to parse!
yeah, but they removed it since ES5
05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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