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@Owatch no; I'm saying in ObjC there's a change they might be necessary (not sure) but the author may just be saying you have to because he thinks it's the correct way.
But in the end it really doesn't matter if you do/don't because the compile will optimize out getters/setters for you.
I want to learn this without any effort on my part.
Is there a way to do this?
newBrain = [knowledge get];
Well, that might make me end up like that Russian woman from the kingdom of the crystal skull, better specify.
newBrain = [knowledge get options: objc];
6 hours later…
helloc all;
helloc @Mints97;
> Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
'sup? going for the job interview? ;)
that will be at 12:00 and now it's 8:44 here, so have lots of time
right now, I'm trying to pull myself together
@PeterVaro cool! Where will you be applying?
my throat is killing me right now..
@Mints97 to kitchen budapest
oh, a startup program! That looks cool! =)
actually kibu has several projects -- has a talent program, has a startup incubation porgram, and there always were a research section
I hope I can restore that section ;)
@PeterVaro wow, you sure got big ambitions! ;D
well, it started early this year, the university I'm teaching asked me, to create a stufy of a laboratory (projects, program, budget, etc.) and if everything goes well
and all the founding will arrive, then I will be the lead og that lab
unfortunately even if my study was a success, there were several "beta" projects there
the university did not got the funding
so I'm still looking for places, where I can create this lab and educational system
but out of luck.. a few days ago the CEO of KiBu contacted me, he said he thinks we can cooperate on some sorts of things -- he did not tell me what exactly, I will find that out today
but hopefully we can come up with a mutually interesting and inspiring project idea
-- and hopefully that will include R&D:)
@PeterVaro R&D? what's that?
research and development
oh, ok =)
@PeterVaro Good luck!
helloc @DrorK.;
and thanks ;)
ahh.. I envy them:
helloc @haris;
@PeterVaro helloc
@PeterVaro All of these 'fancy' metros/trains will be obsolete- soon enough. Once the prototype for a non-stopping train will kick in, it's going to revolutionize the field!
@PeterVaro wow, yeah, they sure get good trains :D we have nice trains in the Moscow metro too, but on my line, most trains are goddamn old and haven't been repaired since the 70-ies XD
@DrorK. And that too will become obsolete once teleportation comes into picture :D
@DrorK. "non-stopping"? it won't even stop for passengers? once you get in, you get out out? :D:D:D
@haris Well, I'm unaware of any breakage within the teleportation field :)
@PeterVaro That's the beauty of it.. it's modular!
speaking of obsolete inventions:
@PeterVaro The train acts like a vessel, while the carts are dispensable, which means you can "Release" them at random points, and collect others, on-the-go
@DrorK. sounds interesting, although raises so many questions ;)
@DrorK. coz its a secret google X project.. ;)
@PeterVaro The only question it raises... how come they didn't think of it SOONER!
1. Makes all the 'express' lines, obsolete
2. Makes all the existing routes, as efficient as possible
3. You may add multiple stopping points without the penalty of 'waiting'
4. You don't waste energy for stopping and going, not to mention time
@DrorK.: no, that won't work out. The trains are going too fast for that.
@Mints97 Even if speed was a consideration, it would make more sense to throttle a train down, for making it feasible. Although I haven't read anything specifying a low-speed requirement. (the faster the train, the more carts, the more carts- the more length you have to as padding for catching and releasing cards at the very same location)
@DrorK. the faster the train, the bigger the impact when "catching" the cars... and equipment for minimizing shock force ain't cheap =)
I guess they will create "connection lines" too
where the cars are slowing down for a bit
attaching to each other
and then get back to the "fast line"
and moves on
You obviously don't take a cart from 0 to 100 MPH at 0 seconds :) ... and even if speed was a consideration, so the train will have to go slower during the catch and release- that's still 10 times more efficient than full-stopping, and waiting for passengers to come and go
(if I were the designer, I would do something like that)
@PeterVaro do you know the brake way that a metro train needs when slowing down to a halt?
it's all not that simple, guys...
@Mints97 don't get me wrong, I have the same doubts as you
I was just guessing ;)
and yes, I do know how long does it take to stop a car completely => freaking lot
That's the reason why it's so beneficial... stopping a full train on each and every stop-location costs energy, wear and tare, time, etc...
I want to see an actual animation/simulation how this thing is working
without that, I can't judge
Let me look for the Japanese company that is working on it
I'm not good with foreign names
it could work -- but with my limited imagination I cannot think of a way it would
Or maybe it was actually Chinese
I've found a lame youtube demonstration, don't think it was even the same concept: youtube.com/watch?v=DIeRrU4_M3Q
paste the YT link separately
so it will become a preview
Why, it would just take 20 messages height-worth of spam
(After all, C stands for Control, not trains! :)
@DrorK. C stands for Cars?
ahh, I see now. Not bad. but what would be so useful about such a design, except for making it easier for train pilots?
@Mints97 What do you mean, can't you imagine how existing routes are going to be much more efficient?
@DrorK. not really. To think about it, if you take the design further, you'll just end up with the same old train lines but with the machinery being on the rails and pulling the trains.
or an easier-to-maintain, but still imperfect scenario: a double set of rails, one above and one below. a train without a engine on the top one and a platform with an engine on the lower one that can connect to the train and move it without stopping.
@PeterVaro How about the concept of gyro based motorcycle? (2 wheels car) - that can't be tilted to the ground! Even when being hit by a car?
@PeterVaro I'm sure many people thought it would be either impossible, or impractical, but there are already live prototypes, brilliant! :)
IMHO, it will take as much piloting work as a normal train - to drop off the separate upper train at the station properly. Also, the sound pollution in the metro is going to double because of becoming constant, without pauses
@DrorK. believe me, I can imagine pretty "impossible things" -- after all, I was (probably still am) an industrial product designer
my actual work was, to imagine things like those ;)
Well, imagining things is easy... making them a reality- now that's godliness.
that's why I asked for a minimal concept of how the boarding and connecting is going
(godliness is the right term?)
because I have a hunch, it is all possible -- just want to get the right idea/picture in my mind
I was already familiar with this one -- and I absolutely loved it!
ofc, it is far from being a customer-product
but still and interesting concept
Well sure, but the fact that their prototype is live- is one serious step above dreamers who only produce CG prototypes
What's funny about this vehicle, is that people look at 3-wheels motorcycles, and they think it's the same thing, just with one missing leg
What they don't realize, the third motorcycle leg doesn't give you any of the properties of this 2-legged one
@DrorK. reminds me of this:
@DrorK. and reminds me of Cosmic Motors
Now that's sci-fi! :)
Don't you have an interview to get to? Showing-up late is a bad first impression
I have 2 hours and 15 minutes left to get there
I get up at eight, I'm already showered and dressed up -- I'm okay ;)
(except I'm still sick as hell)
(drinking hot tea non-stop now..)
what is the best way to find the elements of array and value to same?
helloc @nitesh.kodle123;
without using bruteforce
@nitesh.kodle123 you want to search for a specific element in the array?
no element with the value same as index of array
by definition the lookup for an array is O(n)
@nitesh.kodle123 I'm not sure if I understand the question -- can you provide a small example?
unless you do some magic, and don't use an array, but use some sort of "higher-level" data type
(like a hash based set for example or a binary search tree, etc.)
you have to go through the array to compare the elements
you mean the quicker way is to use hashbased set
or binary search treea
look at a hash-based example: you input a data => it gets hashed => give you and index => you look up in the sub-array or list or whatever you have => which makes it way faster
however it comes at a price: greater memory foot-print and more complex data structure
you also have to find a proper hashing function and deal with the collisions
and by default a set does not have fixed order
(you can implement an ordered-set but that makes things a bit more difficult, you need an extra layer of indirection)
helloc @mantal;
helloc @dawmail333;
helloc @PeterVaro
hmm.. my userscript is not working.. yet..
it will convert the simple "helloc"-s to linked "helloc"s
it seems to have then, I think?
it's a link now
helloc all
yeah, but I did it manually
actually, that's syntax error
helloc all;
Anyway, I had a quick question:
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr;

I understand little about C, does the above line create two structs of type `cli_addr`?
(Does code syntax markdown not work here?)
I couldn't work out what to google, because I could only find things about declaring structs.
nope, it creates two "struct sockaddr_in" typed vars, called: serv_addr and cli_addr
ah right, thanks
glad I checked
I decided to try some C++ networking for fun... after spending a long time doing Ruby on Rails stuff. I feel like my brain died.
think of it as:
int i;
int j;
is the same as:
int i,
and if you don't typedef a struct, you will always use it as "struct xyz" as the type
ofc you can go and do this:
typedef struct sockaddr_in {...} SockAddrIn;
and now you can refer to it as "SockAddrIn" like:
SockAddrIn serv_addr,
is there really any point doing that?
well, it depends -- if it is an external/public API I would use typedef'd types
and proper "methods" -- that will abstract the things from me
I can think of it as a "black box" which can be modified with only the given "methods"
but it is up to you actually -- for me the correctly typedef'd types are easier to read and write and think of
Ah right. I'm just reading some sample code for sockets right now, so those structs are declared somewhere in the depths of my includes.
anyway, I gotta run, be back at night
goto away;
free @PeterVaro;
@PeterVaro And thanks again. Faretheewell!
1 hour later…
It means, what ever you want it to mean.
2 hours later…
which online C compiler is best...cant install nything on office machine :\
I use these: http://www.compileonline.com/compile_c_online.php
hi all
helloc @rsz;
i have a search function which searches an array of elements for the number which is the parameter of the function too, it is pretty simple, you need to find the number X from the array of n elements and return the index of the number.
It is indeed pretty simple but we have an online system where you need to submit it and it tests in the background for some nasty inputs, and there it writes afterwards that it took too long to execute the program. Someone any suggestions on how to speed up the process or on which things could it fail? http://pastebin.com/9pXLrcf0
@rsz hmm, if it has to be an unsorted array, I guess your approach is the only optimal one
yeah, i was searching through the google for some optimalizations but couldnt find any, the point is to return the index of a number if found and if not then -1
the array is specified like this
int numbarr[] = {90, 15, 105};
it is called like this
printf("index: %d", search(numbarr, 3, 90));
i would say nothing special
@rsz maybe you could try sorting the array and then going through it with a binary search...
i dont know what a binary search is, but will take a look on google
it was too simple at first :D so probably it will be this binary search the solution
thanks @Mints97
"...Binary search is faster than linear search but list should be sorted..."
cuz of this line
@rsz it'll work only if the array is sorted first
can you show me the task from the online system?
there is nothing special about it
like 3 lines
they dont say nothing about sorting which is the point i think
maybe they had a glitch of some sort and your solution didn't work on their server?
not really
but will tell you in a few minutes
@Mints97 yeah thats the only things I am using, but yday someone in chat said ideone not much good...
just guessing anything better / standard / most preferred is out there already, am am a bit new to C, I mean learnt a long back several years ago
lost touch
@Mints97 it worked with the binary search
thank you for the suggestion, and it is indeed faster since this way the testing enviroment accepted it
@rsz hmm, did you sort the array before doing a binary search on it?
if you did, what algorithm did you use?
didn't had to sort it
the text said, that it was a sequence of numbers
so we needed to assume that the numbers are in order
what i did was the binary search method
@rsz aah, I see =) the text had to be clearer!
it had to be :D but i am already used to it sometimes, they want us to think about it
because like everyone including me would think that the index of the searched number from an array is returned the easiest way like with a for loop

Proposed Q&A site for Qlikview professionals and beginners alike.

Currently in definition.

qlikviewers unit!
// C code
FILE* file = fopen( “a.txt”, “wb” );
if (file) {
 fputs(“Hello world”, file);
 fseek(file, 9, SEEK_SET);
// proposed new C++ code
FILE* file = fopen( “a.txt”, “wb” );
if (file) {
 file->fputs(“Hello world”);
 file->fseek(9, SEEK_SET);
@BartekBanachewicz looks nice and very object-oriented =3 but this could easily be implemented in both C and C++
@Mints97 this can't be easily implemented. It requires language-level support. Have you read the full paper?
it's certainly cleaner than C code.
@BartekBanachewicz I wouldn't say cleaner... the C code has what could be called the procedural approach, and the proposed code has what could be called the object-oriented approach
as they are methods typically associated with different programming paradigms, I don't think it's wise to compare them
@Mints97 it's literally the same code. The approach is exactly the same; object-oriented. The only thing that's different is the syntax.
@Mints97 wrong, see above.
well, maybe, maybe, I could have understood that wrongly =)
@Mints97 What the proposal proposes is that a->b syntax desugars to b(a,...)
it doesn't change anything else; the code stays exactly the same
But the C++ version is a bit more readable and makes it clear that FILE is actually an object.
1 hour later…
@PeterVaro Oh trust me I've seen that ;)
helloc all;
helloc @Qix;
@Qix oh, you're into webdev too? :D
@Mints97 I'm an interactive developer as my real job :)
@Qix what does this mean? That you develop anything? :D
@Mints97 An interactive developer is someone who develops websites and "UX driven experiences"
Basically I do PHP all day.
@Qix as someone with experience in PHP, I do not envy you... writing good code that is larger than a "personal home page" in PHP is not an easy experience =)
@Mints97 Luckily the company I work for is really great in that they promote really quality code and don't mind taking the extra few hours to make it so. Our clients are generally big and I have a good amount of control over how the code is produced and whatnot. It's really not that bad. :)
Though I agree; in most situations I'd hate doing PHP.
I like PHP mostly because it is easily portable, thanks to LAMP being available everywhere as an easily-installable package.
actually, it's easy to set up even on a Windows server. Much easier, I heard, than the native ASP.NET framework =)
@Mints97 ASP.NET isn't that bad anymore. However, ASP in and of itself is just.... heinous.
@Qix can't say anything about it, haven't tried it =)
@Mints97 Don't waste your time >.> trust me.
all right, I won't, thanks =)
@Mints97 PHP is a bad language though
It has a developed ecosystem, but the core is very weak, especially compared to modern alternatives
ASP might seem weird at first, but ultimately the newer versions are superior to PHP
@BartekBanachewicz the core is very weak? what do you mean? I don't really understand...
A lot of beginners like PHP because of easy learning curve, but it's easy built on lies and deception and not paying attention to important matters, mostly
@Mints have you read "a fractal of bad design"?
It's a very well known article covering the topic in depth
@BartekBanachewicz I think I started it... but definitely not finished... ><
It's basically a list of PHP flaws, and the sheer length of it tells you something
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, you bet :D
On an unrelated note
My Myo devkit is coming soon
@BartekBanachewicz that myo? thalmic.com/en/myo
that thing sure looks cool as heck!
I've been waiting for like 2 years I think since my preorder :P
we're drawing closer and closer to true virtual reality =3
Well it's "extended" reality at best
And I just want to change my music volume when on a crowded bus :D
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, that'd be handy =)
Helloc all;
helloc @RonniSkansing;
@BartekBanachewicz the myo looks cool
@RonniSkansing yeah
Just read the entirety of this little gem.
Holy tap-dancing christ I didn't realize PHP was that bad...
@Qix yeah, it is.
What the syphilitic f&@*k Adobe is doing again ? :|
@Kamiccolo flash is dead already
@BartekBanachewicz killing something more than once does sound kind a... pervertish.
helloc @1336087;
Hi all :)
Welcome ^_^
Thanks :)
I'm new to chat room on SO.....
@1336087 hi hi hi, double welcome then :} Chat rooms of SO is gaining new people sloooowly...
what brought You here? :} C related work, studies, personal interest?
actually I have a IDE related question...
I generally use Vim for programming, So yesterday just for trying a new IDE i installed Netbeans IDE 8.0.1
I setup every thing correctly yet I'm getting make error!
Actually make.exe is not present in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin
I searched on web and found that I could rename mingw32-make.exe to make.exe which is in C:\MinGW\bin and paste it in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin...
mhm. MinGW on windows? Finding the same solution... didn't it help? Mismatch of hardcoded paths, I guess...
@1336087 wondering if there is a way to do symbolic links on Windows... :}
nice suggestion...
Ya I did tried that...
however no joy
do You have enabled extension showing on Your Explorer? (make.exe.exe != make.exe, and default Windows configuration hides this)
which MSYS and MinGW versions do You have?
I just downloaded yesterday so hope i have latest version
If I copy the make from MinGW bin and run a simple C++ program, I get following errors:
"/C/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe" -f nbproject/Makefile-Release.mk QMAKE= SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
/usr/bin/sh: /C/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe: No such file or directory
nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk:39: recipe for target '.build-impl' failed
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 127

BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 1s)
Please suggest how can i check the version of MinGW and MSYS. Is it make --version?
@1336087 this might do the thing too... :}
make --version
o/p is:
`GNU Make 3.82.90`
`Built for i686-pc-mingw32`
mhm.... apparently it requires POSIX, not MinGW automake. Could You try installing this:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/MSYS/msysdev/automake/automake-1.11.1-1/ ?
I think I have already installed the first one...
@1336087 hmm... msys-binutils still missing :}
Ok so that's the problem!
That's awesome man!
woohoo ^_^
Thanks a lot... Hope that will solve the problem :)
oh, You haven't tried it yet... xD
I'm still downloading the stuff using MinGW installation manager.
MSYS2 is typically more convenient on windows
I'd use its package manager instead
It has w64 builds
MSYS2 is it just like MSYS?
@BartekBanachewicz uhh, wasn't sure it has one until now xD
Still getting the same error :(
"/C/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe" -f nbproject/Makefile-Release.mk QMAKE= SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
/usr/bin/sh: /C/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe: No such file or directory
nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk:39: recipe for target '.build-impl' failed
make: *** [.build-impl] Error 127

BUILD FAILED (exit value 2, total time: 490ms)
@1336087 hmmm...
@1336087 Have you thought about using cygwin and installing mingw from that? I think you can do that.
@Qix: I'm just trying to run this simple program
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
cout << "Hello"<<;
return 0;
a) That's C++ (just pointing that out) and b) I'd recommend using the cygwin installer and installing mingw from that.
I've never ever had an issue with cygwin.
You can compile with the cygwin compiler, or install mingw; either way.
Yes trying to run a C++ simple program.
I'm using mingw.
Will try with cygwin as you all suggested... :)
I didnt
I suggested msys2
@BartekBanachewicz cygwin iz masterrace
Does it work changing "C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\make.exe" to "C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe" ?
Why are you using msys 1 again
@Qix I prefer real native builds than what cygwin does
@BartekBanachewicz True; however, you can still use mingw using cygwin. As well, Mingw isn't perfect either, you still have to ship a support DLL if you have threads for instance.
Cygwin isn't a real environment and that's the dealbreaker for me
Also to hell with that
OSes suck.
I think it was bobince that answered Favorite OS? with "They all suck, might as well choose the free one."
I should migrate to freebsd
This one shows potential at least
And it's Linus-free
1 hour later…
goto home;
enough of misery today,,,
1 hour later…
@PeterVaro how Your job interview? ^_^
return; // guess who's back?
btw, new T just arrived:
I just woke up -- I still have fever and I'm still very sick :(
@Kamiccolo it went actually very well -- we have similar visions
we are now negotiating about the salary ;)
I kinda like it and at the same time hate that t-shirt
having visions? xD It must be the fever...
and what's so bad about that T?
@Kamiccolo :):)
too offensive?
@Kamiccolo well, I don't agree with => it is not science that works => it is the world out there that works, and we use science to understand it
btw, You haven't signed the NDA, so... can reveal a little bit more, can't You? xP
and ofc we can predict things with science, but that's not because science is awesome, but because the world is awesome ;)
@Kamiccolo sure, sure ;)
it looks like we are going to build a full ecosystem at KiBu (Kitchen Budapest) => it now has the talent-program, for youngsters, and talented teams and individuals, and for great ideas
it also has the startup-program, with seed-money and connections, and mentoring
and it will have an educational/experimental-program
@PeterVaro Yup, from perspective of logics, sounds about right.... But I guess, the idea is, that the whole process of cognition of the world, nature --- exploration and hard work of scientists helps reaching something. Anything. From better life for human beings to knowledge.
to make the mentoring better, the help for talents better, or to make sure if new and great ideas and people are coming in, can also work on things that can be shared within the programs -- or with the world
@PeterVaro oh, sounds pretty intimidating and experimental... ^_^ And generic.
and if everything goes well, I'm going to work in this last program/section ;)
@Kamiccolo that was the "part" I liked ;)
the logical-incoherence was the one I didn't :D
@PeterVaro or it's just an allusion to those people who argues science xP
@PeterVaro and how many people and/or teams is going to circle around You? :}
I'm not sure yet.. KiBu has 4-5 teams in the talent and 2-3 teams in the startup already and has a small core-team (the stuff of KiBu)
so at the end it will be about 20-25 people?
I think it is the right amount of people => not too many, but not a small environment either
anyway I go back to sleep.. I have to..
free all;
sleep well :} sorry for waking up...

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