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@Ell sure
Whip it out then :D
    generateUnits g = g & gameMap . traverse . filtered (\field -> isJust $ field ^? city) %~ generateUnit
    generateUnit field = case field ^. unit of
        Just (Unit value owner) -> field & unit .~ Just (Unit (value + 5) owner)
        Nothing -> field & unit .~ Just (Unit 5 cityOwner)
            cityOwner = fromJust $ field ^? city . traverse . conqueror . traverse
The problem lies at fromJust.
I've no idea
@Ell let me introduce you in short then
a field can have a city and a unit (can have both at the same time)
a unit always has an owner, but a city can be neutral
I want to take every field with a non-neutral city and generate units on it
however, generateUnit, as a helper function, assumes an informal contract (that I broke and the bug is in first line)
@JimmyHoffa lol
@Jefffrey he looks like a funny guy :P
yup, funny and gone
@Jefffrey I still have no idea how to tackle this BTW :P
And I'm having a bit of a problem with those traversals getting out of hand
@BartekBanachewicz ^? and %~ are for lenses?
@Jefffrey ^? is preview (view the first result of a traversal or nothing)
%~ is just modification
(1,2) & _2 %~ (+1) = (1,3)
room topic changed to Haskell: Haskell. [haskell]
> Haskell is, to a small extent, a dependently typed language. There is a notion of type-level data, now more sensibly typed thanks to DataKinds, and there is some means (GADTs) to give a run-time representation to type-level data. Hence, values of run-time stuff effectively show up in types, which is what it means for a language to be dependently typed.
_2 :: (a, b) -> b = snd?
@Jefffrey nope, it's a Lens, not a function
snd is a getter. A Lens is a pair of a getter and a setter.
That focuses on the second element, I see.
precisely! :)
Ok, I think I have it. Ask the question, fast :)
which question? :D
It's field ^? (city . traverse . conqueror . traverse) right?
    generateUnits g = g & gameMap . traverse . filtered hasAConqueredCity %~ generateUnit
        where hasAConqueredCity field = isJust $ field ^? city . traverse . conqueror . traverse
here's the fixed version
Ok, what's the problem?
@Jefffrey I feel uneasy that the compiler isn't checking that, despite I know that.
I know something which I'm basing my program behaviour on, but the compiler doesn't know that.
Checking what?
@Jefffrey look at generateUnit again
cityOwner = fromJust $ field ^? city . traverse . conqueror . traverse
I know that a city has a conqueror, because I've just checked that!
but the compiler doesn't; to him, the check effectively disappears.
It's a deeper problem; I can rewrite that as a map over the fields and put the check together with the modification
What would you like the compiler to do?
@Jefffrey apply a type reification on the filter clause.
filter :: Pred -> [a] -> [reified a (but still a)]
Nope, I don't have enough info to get this.
I doubt you are claiming there's a type mismatch somewhere that the compiler is not getting.
So I assume you refer to some runtime condition that is not checked; in that case Haskell can't check runtime conditions at compile time, but I'm sure you know that already.
@Jefffrey actually it can :). Not strictly runtime, but value
It might just be my late obsession
That look interesting
> What we need is a generic way of specifying that the output of the predicate is not just an a but an a that also enjoys whatever property we are filtering for.
isn't that... amazing?
You are using LiquidHaskell?
@Jefffrey not at this moment, no
Q: Why not be dependently typed?

MathematicalOrchidI have seen several sources echo the opinion that "Haskell is gradually becoming a dependently-typed language". The implication seems to be that with more and more language extensions, Haskell is drifting in that general direction, but isn't there yet. There are basically two things I would like...

Maybe I should
I think ada has that builtin.
@Jefffrey very limited way
The best language that has them nowadays is... surprise surprise Idris
There are signs showing that Haskell might get dependent types soon, though
well, soon = a few years maybe
> With our current level of technology, a dependently typed language must go through an interpreter at some point (either immediately, or after being compiled to dependently-typed bytecode or similar).
maybe he meant a solver
C++ has dependent types and doesn't compile to "dependently-typed bytecode or similar"
C++ doesn't have dependent typing
std::array<int, **4**>
nope, not a dependent type
it's a parametrized type
@Jefffrey really no.
> Dependent typing is really just the unification of the value and type levels
@Jefffrey 4 in your example is entirely on type level
it's not a value, strictly speaking
yes, and it's a value in type level
4 is not a value?
Yes, and dependent types mean that the type depends on the value on the value level
i.e. transformations of value mean transformations on type
mul2 :: Int -> Even
I see
So what's the std::array thingy called?
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
it's a parametrized type
C++ has powerful generics, but its type system is vastly inferior to the Haskell's or Idris' one
I'm obsesses by being able to sanely make Matrix 4 4 in haskell. I'm not able to do that yet.
I can in C++.
@Jefffrey but do you really need a generalized type?
What's a generalized type?
@Jefffrey Matrix n m
why, if I might ask?
Because static correctness
are you multiplying 100x100 matrices? :)
@Jefffrey GLSL has mat2, mat3 and mat4.
Yeah, that's terrible
Because duplication of code
which code? Whose code?
Also, what if I need a 4x3 matrix?
inb4 mat4x3
And in graphics everybody need a 4x3 matrix
@Jefffrey mat4x3
What does mat4x3 return?
it's a type.
yes, GLSL types are lowercase.
Oh, I thought you were talking about Haskell.
Because I was initially talking about Haskell.
Yeah, I am still trying to get why would you need more than 2,3,4 and permutations
you can hardcode those.
Which is terrible
It's typesafe.
The duplicated code is in the library.
impossible without code duplication
That's implementation details.
yes, and Haskell could make it as easy as C++ but doesn't
no, it couldn't.
it could with parametrized types
it's not that simple.
look at dependent Vector examples if you want
I'm not saying it is. I'm saying that if Haskell had parametrized types some things would be easier.
they are a much better example than your Matrix one
Much better in what regard?
@Jefffrey it's actually useful
you can't hardcode all of the possible lengths of vectors
Matrix calculus correctness is useful
hardcoded matrices don't differ in use from parametrized ones
at all.
Also matrixes can extend to > 4 matrixes. See a simple snake game in which you code the platform as a matrix or whatever.
That's basically a fixed-length vector yes.
just please leave the matrix example alone! :)
because it doesn't focus on the actual problem.
it diverts attention
The problem is lack of parametrized types and Matrix is an excellent example.
Solving the matrices problem might not solve the problem of not having dependent types.
Even with 2, 3, 4 matrix implementing a sane matrix multiplication generates 6x code duplication.
@Jefffrey not really because SSE
And that's just an example.
what's sse
small matrices are implemented as specializations anyway to make use of hardware processing
@Jefffrey vectorized CPU instructions
so yeah your idea is correct, but the example and what you're trying to show on it not-so
are you trying to drive my discussion off with unnecessary fancy terms you know I don't know anything about?
whatever nerd
@Jefffrey what? I thought SSE existence is common knowledge.
i'm outside of common knowledge
In computing, Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) is an SIMD instruction set extension to the x86 architecture, designed by Intel and introduced in 1999 in their Pentium III series processors as a reply to AMD's 3DNow!. SSE contains 70 new instructions, most of which work on single precision floating point data. SIMD instructions can greatly increase performance when exactly the same operations are to be performed on multiple data objects. Typical applications are digital signal processing and graphics processing. Intel's first IA-32 SIMD effort was the MMX instruction set. MMX had two main problems...
maybe you knew them under a different name or something
never heard of them
also fuck i'm late
see ya in 1 hour or so
@BartekBanachewicz am I missing something obvious but doesn't haskell have parametric types?
oh wait
nvm ignore me
@Ell too late :D
I'm refactoring my code to make it more readable
I'm not that good at reading haskell still
but getting better
@Ell my friend who is writing potato with me had no previous haskell experience
he learned lenses and all that in two weeks
I don't know what lenses are tbh
@Ell a lens is a pair of a getter and a setter that can be composed with other lenses
IOW composable data accessor
Ohh I see
@Jefffrey here's the better implementation removing the informal contract that I came up wit
    generateUnits g = if isPlayerLastMove g then g & gameMap . traverse %~ generateUnit
                                            else g
    generateUnit field =
        case getConqueror field of
            Just c -> generateUnit' c field
            Nothing -> field
            getConqueror field = field ^? city . traverse . conqueror . traverse

            generateUnit' :: Player -> MapField -> MapField
            generateUnit' p field =
                case field ^. unit of
not perfect I suppose :F
A beauty
@Jefffrey lol
1 hour later…
I really don't like functions ending in '
@Jefffrey well how would you call that one then?
maybeGenerateUnit maybe.
Not sure.
8 hours later…
btw @Jefffrey you don't have to duplicate code to create matrix 2,3,4 types anyway
you can create them using TH

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