@radomaj Now I'm trying to set up an interactive environment. IHaskell won't work in Windows (and VM solution is slow, I assume) but I will cook something up with Mathematica notebooks after I learn enough of ghc command line syntax, basics of module loads, and so on.
@radomaj …After the environment is set up, I will simply learn by examples.
I think what could kind of work is what I sometimes do ghci ./somefile.hs then, in ghci I type whatever it was that I wanted to test and when I want to change the definitions of things in the file, I type ":e" inside ghci
that opens up the file in an editor of my choice (specified in .ghci (vim in my case)), edit stuff, save and when I quit my editor, I'm back in ghci with the file reloaded
Since I'm in ghci, I can run my commands however I like, without the use of a main
Apparently there is also haskell-mode for emacs (brrr...) if you swing that way, @Akater.
(Then you could edit the file and send specific lines to the REPL)
@Akater: Whatever floats your boat. The best way to do it is to do what works, right? Notebooks seem very nice, although I personally never used them. If I did, it would probably be for presentation/tutorial purposes.
@radomaj Well, there are two ways to use it: 1) pass a string to interpreter via command line…
@radomaj …2) write snippet to a temporary *.hs and interpret it
@radomaj With the second approach, let should probably work OK
@radomaj Actually, I'd like to have ghci run in background and send stuff to it through pipe but in Windows it could be tricky. I'm [passively] working on it. :-)
@Akater I was just thinking of how I usually use interpreters and I would feel rather limited if I couldn't store intermediary results, hence the question.
@Akater Maybe you could use cygwin? Also, I thoroughly recommend Powershell it is rather nice and should support a thing like this.
@radomaj Yes, that's why I want to keep the ghci process running and interact through pipe.
@radomaj I should probably pay more attention to Powershell, yes. It's just weird that such a basic thing is so difficult to achieve.
@radomaj (I mean, I'm a Windows user for 13 years, and still don't know how to transfer data between processes. It's weird because it looks like something one learns after several weeks of OS use.)
@radomaj …I came to believe recently that it's because OSes are written in inexpressive languages but I'm not a programmer with years of experience so… it's just a wild guess. :-)
@radomaj Thank you a lot for your help! I'm about to leave for some time.
@Akater I'm in a similar situation with regards to experience. Also, although I've used posix shared memory and pipes on Linux, I would have no idea how to pipe input to and from an already existing program.
As in, in a loop communication kind of way, obviously piping via "|" is simple and easy
@BartekBanachewicz By the way, is if-then-else a special notation for some “internal_if” that is a function? (I haven't yet read haskell.org/haskellwiki/If-then-else , maybe it's all there.)
Also, is it true that everything is an expression in Haskell? Quick search implies it is so but for now I don't see it clearly stated (expressed? :-) in Haskell Wiki.
…If everything is an expression can user, for example, avoid repeating import by, say, mapping import function over list* of modules? Or maybe it is considered a bad practice?
* Or some other structure that would be more appropriate here
@Akater If you have problems trying out IHaskell, were you able to install IPython? If so, you can try this. It's a haskell notebook that runs on top of IPython. You should be able to install IPython - it has binaries for windows.
I'll also try this out tonight and see how that goes.
@Akater about your questions - it's true that everything in Haskell is an expression. In fact, that's what you see in the ordinary `if`. Functions evaluate expressions to return something.
x = 42 foo val = if val < 50 then "small" else "big"
@S.R.I Well, it's more about getting the boundaries of syntax than immediate need, of course. (Still, D.R.Y. is always a good principle to stick to, IMO. :-)
separating the game loop into different sections that might execute in parallel
@BartekBanachewicz task programming basically: push tasks, for each thread check if there's a task and execute it until the whole tasks list is done; at that point we can render the current frame.