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-(NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window
if ([Singleton sharedSingleton].MoviePlayer) {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
aa method ne appdelegate ma aap
try karu 6u...
tu jyare landscape view ma ja tyare singleton ma aa bool variable ma YES kari deje.
and te j view ni viewwilldisappear ma tene false kari dej
and aa method ne appdelegate ma aap
4 hours later…
good evening
i have small doubt
plz check this link
this is my json data
This is my HTML Data:

["{\"id\":\"6\",\"title\":null,\"description\":null,\"year\":\"2012\",\"date\":null}","{\"id\":\"4\",\"title\":\"Predictions proved correct in the year 2013\",\"description\":\"*<\\\/font> Financial system in America for this year is not indicated progress this year too. More problems will creep up.
\\r\\n*<\\\/font> Aggressive stage of Telangaana agitation- formation of seperate Telangaana state- bifurcation of state - sure indications are \\r\\n\\r\\npredicted.
\\r\\n*<\\\/font> Bad days for congress party was predicted long back. The same situations will continue.
now i need to display like this
Now i need to display like this:

* Financial system in America for this year is not indicated progress this year too. More problems will creep up.

*Aggressive stage of Telangaana agitation- formation of seperate Telangaana state- bifurcation of state - sure indications are predicted.

* Bad days for congress party was predicted long back. The same situations will continue.

* The Gujarath CM - Sri Narendra Modi - Bright future is indicated. ( Care should be taken on health aspects).

* Still danger is indicated for Indoneshia and Sumitra Islands.
how to remove tags and how to display plain text in uitextview?
plz tel me

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