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Q: server-sent event without webserver service

user642318Is it possible to send a server-sent event without underlying server framework (from an external application on the same host) under the assumption that that the client has already initially loaded with a page from the same host from node.js server? Another question which is related to the ques...

Q: Finding all objects under an index and type with javascript API

HousemanWith the Javascript API, I'm doing this: client.search({ index:'530d8aa855df0c2d269a5a58', type:'532a2b28495c533e5eaeb020', q:'slide' },function (error,response){ if(error){ console.log(error); } if(response){ console.log(response); } }); I want to s...

Q: NodeJS HTTP Post - GZip

Lee ArmstrongI have a NodeJS client that is similar to var options = { hostname: 'www.google.com', port: 80, path: '/upload', method: 'POST' }; var req = http.request(options, function(res) { console.log('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode); console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers)); res....

i been in my office last a minute. i already feel tired
Q: Can't find document with mongoose in express app

HelloWorldI am trying to find a document in a MongoDB using Mongoose. Here is my Model Schema: var mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/bitlyClone'); var db = mongoose.connection; db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:')); var Links; var Schema = m...

A little late but:
Sinon.js and testing with events and new stackoverflow.com/a/23749961/79247
Q: MongoDB Get Document Age in Hours

Noah BuscherI am wondering if there is a way to get a MongoDB document age in hours? Here's what I have so far, but obviously I'm using a date object, it is not calculating the hours, and it's not giving the age, just the date it was created, so it is not giving the desired result. In fact, the $divide pipel...

Q: How can I module my node express server code?

diegoaguilarI got the following node with express server code: var express = require('express') var mongodb = require('mongodb') var mongoose = var bodyParser = require('body-parser') var app = express() var BSON = mongodb.BSONPure app.use(express.static(__dirname+"/public")) app.use(bodyParser()) var M...

Q: is node js used only for mobile apps?

user3027637I wanna understand the extent of node js? Is it used only for mobile web apps to handle server side or can it be used to develop a full fledged web app for all device configuration(like replacing ruby and rails). I found some examples but all seems to be mobile web apps. Is it like companies ...

Q: How to handle an async function that depends on multiple other async functions

Sreekesh OkkyI have an asynchronous function that works with the result of two other async functions. Till now what I was doing is that I write function2 in the callback function1 and function2 in the callback of function2 function1(callbackFunction() { function2(callbackFunction() { function3()...

Q: Can't save the value of a query from Mongoose due to scope access

HelloWorldThe first snippet of code works but the second doesn't. Why do I not have access to redirectLink in the second code snippet? I thought that I could access that stored value anywhere within the router.get's annonymous function 1) router.get('/:short_url', function(req,res){ var redirectLink; ...

Q: npm installs dependencies with complete readme in a package.json -- invalid json results

stu.salsburyToday I upgraded npm and node. I'm at 1.4.9 and 0.10.28, respectively. (OSX 10.9.2.) Since then, it seems that npm install is writing "bad" package.json files for all of my dependencies. Specifically, it is putting sevaral fields into the files that do not seem to be present in the source rep...

Q: Sails with Express' Cookie-based Session

JeremythuffI am wanting to build a simple sails application that utilizes a signed cookie to store the session data as opposed to any sort of server-side data store. My reading thus far has lead me to investigate Expresses' cookieSession, which seams like a likely candidate--since sails states that it relie...

Q: base64 nodejs. letters of the Russian alphabet

user3386802I have some troubles with base64. function readFile(file, callback){ var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (a) { callback(a.target.result); }; reader.readAsBinaryString(file); console.log(reader); } code on client. It send base64 on the server,...

Q: How to connect .NET code to node red platform

slaveCoderI am having a .net code which is looking for a threshold value to send a message.I want this to light up an ledborg. I am using node-red platform and mosquitto-message broker to connect to the ledborg on a raspberry pi. But still confused on how to put the message from .net to nodered platform. ...

Q: Returning wrong URL

prismI am using phantomejs-node for facebook login . Here is my nodejs code : var phantom = require('phantom'); phantom.create(function(ph) { ph.createPage(function(page) { page.open("https://facebook.com", function(status) { setTimeout(function () { page.evaluate((function(U...

Q: Retrieve and unjumble cookie data from superagent response header

laggingreflexI'm using supertest and trying to get the cookie data cleanly agent.post('/login').send('username:u','password:p').end(function(err, res) { agent.cookie = res.req._headers.cookie; }); But to cookie data I get is jumbled up connect.sid=s%3Afc20GaiFXGNju1rxqDSOEiA4.W3XfTacI0xhk4gQ9Bdh1LL...

Q: Nginx 502 Bad Gateway when uploading files

bob_cobbI get the following error when I try to upload files to my node.js based web app: 2014/05/20 04:30:20 [error] 31070#0: *5 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client: ... [clipped] I'm using a front-end proxy here: upstream app_mywebsite { ...

Q: How to install node.js dependencies globally in app.js

rwattsI am creating a CMS with node.js and express.js. I am creating my app.js file and would like to know how to install certain dependencies globally, to avoid having the user install these modules on their own. For instance. The app requires nodemon and the express-generator modules. Those should be...

Q: node.js game and hosting

HardikI am working on a chess game which has 2 player real time playing. the code is ready(client and server). so far, i have been running this code form my local machine (localhost) and i also tried to setup an ubantu server on VM. This is ok as far as one wants to see how code runs on local machine. ...

Q: req.params not working inside $limit in mongoDB

bibin davidi tried to get the url params of lim (check the code listed below) with value 5 to limit the search result so i passed the req.params.lim inside $limit but its not working, but when i tried with normal variable with a assigned value of 5 its working good. so please help me out. app.get('/se...

Q: regular expression join number and %

user16168I would like to connect number with '%' sign by removing spaces Here, what I trying to do, unfortunately this doesn't work. "... 14 % ...".replace(new RegExp("\\b(\\d+)\\s+%\\b",'gi'), "$1%") I would appreciate any help.

Q: throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe because of many file donwloads in Node.js / request

StartecI am trying to download many (around 2,000) images from a JSON feed using Node, (and specifically the request module). When I try to do this (looping through the JSON) I get throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe. I checked ulimit -n and it was set at 256, so I increased that to 4,000 a...

Q: How can I restrict access to a route which should be allowed after Passport JS authentication?

diegoaguilarI got below express node.js server code using Passport. At it my whole routes definition depends upon a MongoDB connection using mongo-db but model used by Passport is done through another connection by mongoose. I mention these two details cause I think it should also be coded in a better way. ...

Q: MEAN stack - GET request from server controller

user3583721I'm using MEAN stack with MeanJs. The thing is, I have a task that requires calling a GET request from the server side (Expressjs) to another server (with a different domain name). The code in the client side (AngularJs) calls: $scope.getWorkflow = function() { $http.get('/ezee', $scope.cre...

Q: How do I get content of log file (forever npm)

Luca BoieruSo i am running a nodejs server as a service with forever: forever start server.js I saw in the man that you can do something like this to get the log file content: forever logs server.js This doesn't work for me. When I run the command above it displays the help. Does anybody know how to d...

Q: How can I set response header on express.js assets

Mr.StudentI need to set CORS to be enabled on scripts served by express. How can I set the headers in these returned responses for public/assets?

Q: Assistance with a building CMS Project based on Node.JS

rwattsThis isn't a direct question but more of a reach out for help. I am currently building a CMS based on node.js from scratch. So far I have created very basic project files, and a possible structure for the CMS. I have an idea as far as features and functionality for this project. The Github repo...

Q: How to receive post data in node.js as sent?

UdhayaClient sending POST request with msgpack data as postbody. I can receive the chunk data as string, msgpack module not able to accept the string input for unpack the data. how to receive the post data as msgpack (not as string)? so that msgpack.unpack can be performed to get the actual data.

Q: regular expression put space between number and character

user16168I wonder how can I write regular expression to put a space between number and character only if this character not % and not space. var str = "... 15a...".replace(/(\d+)(\D+)/g,'$1 $2') The above doesn't work as I expect, for example I need the following constraints "... 15a ..." => "... 15 a...

Q: Advise me control panel for Node.JS (web interface)?

LabutinAdvise me control panel for Node.JS (web interface) Needs: start new instances view running instances (memory usage and other parameters) auto restart broken instances start instances after server reboot Main requirement: web interface

Q: getting rid of sockets undefined errors in socket.io node.js

user3455531I sometimes get into errors of sockets undefined when trying to emit messages to sockets. I have kept a track of open sockets in an array, but still sometimes after a disconnection event is a messages is sent to it before it gets deleted in the array(like is some milliseconds, which is rare) i ge...

Q: Using supertest to test separate nodes run by naught

TheTruthIsInThereI'm using a naught (https://github.com/andrewrk/naught) to run my node.js app on multiple cores and also have naught giving me zero downtime deploys with only one machine. I'd like to use supertest (https://github.com/visionmedia/supertest) for testing each individual node before it's up - for s...

Q: Can we use .expect ouside .it in Mocha with Chai

user3651560I am using Mocha with Chai I have a scenario where I am getting data in a callback function when an event triggers and I have to assert that data through expect. But the issue is I can not use .expect outside of .it domain. I can't sleep since node is single threaded so it will be blocking the ...

Q: Node AWS SDK - callback(); TypeError: undefined is not a function

user3655367var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); AWS.config.loadFromPath('config.json'); var dynamoDB = new AWS.DynamoDB(); dynamoDB.listTables({}, function(err, data) { if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred else console.log(data); // successful response }); Issue: The code...

Q: Using the phonegap framework with node.js, javascript, html, msql and css

SelokaCan someone please show me an example of how we use phonegap and node.js to push and pull data to mySQL database from an html page/form . THANKS

Q: Why aren't these MongoDB document changes saved?

TrindazThis code is intended to make changes in bulk to all the documents in a MongoDB collection. However there is no change at all to the documents in the collection after running this code. What is wrong with it? var mongoose = require('mongoose'), async = require('async'), Person = require(...

Q: Heroku with haml, nodejs, and websockets - "'parse!': missing argument: -e"

ProGirlXOXO$ foreman start Full error: 00:34:43 web.1 | /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/thin-1.6.1/lib/thin/runner.rb:147:in `parse!': missing argument: -e (OptionParser::MissingArgument) What's weird is that the server starts when nodejs is not included in the procfile but this error seems ruby rela...

Q: how to move focus in same level in jquery?

Naveen Sharmacan you please tell me how to move focus in same level when focus in top node.Actually I am using jstree and use it API with jquery. Firstly I select any node from the tree view after expanding .Then I press button ,It goes to parent node.if it is top node its parent is "#".Now I need if user do...

Q: Angular/Node/Express/Passport - Issues when connecting to facebook(CORS)

user3655498i'm trying to use facebook authentication on my NodeJs server. i came to the tutorial of http://scotch.io/ and have it working locally when using a REST client(Postman, etc). To improve the UI i used Angular JS as a front end. but when i call a http.get to my specific route given on the NodeJs ...

Q: io.of('namespace').emit('event', message) not working with namespace in socket.io

AriesDevilI have an app like this following: app.post('/', function *(next) { console.log("At here......"); var pushMessage = (yield parse.json(this)); console.log(pushMessage); if(flag !== 0) { // io.of('/hello/').emit('slat', pushMessage); io.sockets.emit('slat', pushMessa...

Q: Can we create page template or modulize UI page using handlebars

Thang PhamCan I use handlebars to create template or module structure like this <div id="container"> <div id="left"> //include module A src </div> <div id="right"> //include module B src </div> </div> If it cannot, what is a good template engine that can couple with nodejs do achieve the...

Q: Install node.js on AWS OpsWorks php app server

nordhagenI have set up a PHP App Server Layer in my AWS OpsWorks stack which works fine. Now I need to have it install node.js as well in order to compile and minify stylus and coffeescript, run browserify and also compress pngs, all through Grunt on each deploy. The steps/requirements are: Install nod...

Q: How to zip (compress) a JS array

PetahHow would I compress an array? I am trying to compress an array. I have tried using the lz-string library and converting to/from strings, but I get null/0/[] on decompress. This is what I'm doing: var array = []; for (var i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { array[array.length] = i % 255; } var string ...

Q: node.js for loop inside a for loop

Nuno BarrosI’m in a need to do a certain algorithm but I'm having a problem with For loops. The first problem is that I can't make the execution of two For loops (one inside the other) without the first ends and doesn't wait for the second one to finish for(i = ports_default; i <= ports_final; i++) { ...

Q: CasperJS/PhatomJS running shell commands

MaxoFor the last few days I have been struggling with running shell commands from CasperJS/PhantomJS. I am running simple unix sed on a file in node, which runs just fine: var sys = require('sys') var exec = require('child_process').exec; var child; // executes `sed` child = exec("sed -i -e '1,10...

Q: How to get access to req (request) property from service

YarikKotsurIt is simple to get access to session property from the action of controller. var SomeController = { someAction: function(req, res) { // no we have access to session object if (!req.session.hasOwnProperty('flash')) { req.session.flash = []; } } } But I need to get access...

Q: How do I load the nodejs version of fs in a casperjs testing environment?

DynamicDanBased on "File IO inside CasperJS" it seems that casperjs loads the phantomjs fs version instead of the node fs version. I want to use fs.readFileSync but it doesn't exist in phantomjs. Any ideas how I can get the better version of fs?

Q: Node.js Source Code Protection Like PHP

user3655853Is the node application protected in the sense that a client cannot view the source code as in the case of PHP. I am on track to building a website based on node.js but i don't want others looking at my server files, the client side javascript code is not a worry for me but i want to keep the me...

Q: NodeJS - Socket.io - Android : All messages aren't received

user3328614I have a NodeJs/Socket.io server. I have a Android client, and want to create communication. Connection works, sending messages from android client works and I get responses. There is just sometimes answers from server that doesn't arrived to the client : Android : socket.emit("setPosition",l...

Q: Server side rendering NodeJS frameworks

Hirantha DissanayakaI know SailsJS render the views in server side. Are there any other frameworks that does this. The reason for this is that I'm planning to create the API services using SailsJS so that I need a another framework to generate awesome html. Please let me know if anyone know this. Many thanks for t...

Q: Notification alert when mysql server is up.

Waqas AhmedI have implemented error handling in my application which do db operations via sequelize. When mysql server get down then error handler shoots an email to me like this Error Message : Connection lost: The server closed the connection. Error Stack : Error: Connection lost: The server closed the ...

Q: Searching email in imap Node.js

Waqas AhmedI am using imap package in my project I have read the documentation and I found this for searching in email with date. imap.search([ 'UNSEEN', ['SINCE', 'May 20, 2010'] ], function(err, results) { }); I want to search email between two dates for example May 20, 2010 to May 28,2010. So it poss...

Q: Node.js to pick up images from S3. But some folders work and some do not

user3656066We use Node.js to pick up images from S3. Images from some folders can be picked up perfectly, but some failed to be picked up. We use quite consistent way to name the directory and images themselves. For example, our website is a property website. Each property has one folder with name ABC-001...

Q: How to create non-blocking asynchronous function in node.js and express.js

kobesinI create express.js example by WebMatrix. I want to create a api to get result from myfunction. If first request case is complicated and spend many time and the second request case is simple, the second request have to wait the first request finish. Can I do something that the second request can ...

Q: why object inside toJSON is null if we return him from callback? (Waterline)

Вася РоманчакI have TopPlayer model: module.exports = { attributes: { league_id: 'number', playerid: 'number', playerimage: 'url', teamimage:'url', teamname:'string', season: 'string', player: 'string', assets: 'number', goals: 'number', toJSON: function() { ...

Q: issue in running selenium grid on virtual machine

user3409650I am trying selenium Grid on VMs with vagrant. What I did is that I followd the step from here https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/Grid2, I defined a hub sudo java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.41.0.jar -role hub and defined the node locally on the same VM sudo java -jar selenium-server-...

Q: Tool/library/framework for creating restful api from model/resource definitions

jsnoobI would like to create a rest api just by declaring models and their relations using nodejs. It can be created from mongoose models or directly setting them in a configuration file, or some other way, it doesn't matter. But as I see it, there is no tool to make this "magic" happen in node.js. Mo...

Q: Retreive Google+ activity list of an user

ForeeverI need to get the list of activities of an user in Google+. My coding platform is node.js Express framework and I'm using google-api-nodejs-client package. var googleapis = require('googleapis'); var auth = new googleapis.OAuth2Client(); var accessToken="XXXXXX......"; googleapis .discover('...

Q: Mimicking interfaces in NodeJS

ryanzecSo I have this library that uses an adapter to talk to a date store layer (like a database) and this adapter should have a defined set of methods available. As long as the adapter has those methods, it can be used with this library. The issue I am running into is how can I make sure the adapter...

Q: How to Deploy MEAN stack to my hosted server?

user349072I have a great working website built with MEAN and works great locally. i wish to deploy it on my server, but i never deployed a website other than uploading the files to my website ftp. Tutorials anyone?

Q: Background Loop in Node.js

user1502301I'm not sure of the best way to go about this in Node.js (MEAN). Basically, I am making a game prototype, which will use node as a http server. I also need to have a constantly running game loop which does work on the Mongo database. How should I go about this?

Q: mongoose custom validation using 2 fields

amgohanI want to use mongoose custom validation to validate if endDate is greater than startDate, how can I access to startDate value? when using this.startDate it does'nt work, I get undefined. var a = new Schema({ startDate: Date, endDate: Date }); var A = mongoose.model('A', a); A.schema.path(...

Q: URL in address bar not changing when clicking on link

kjelelokkI've set up an express app in node. For authentication I've used passport, and I have AngularJS on the client side, using the angular ui router. Let's say the user goes to /admin. Angular will then send a xhr request to the server, asking for /admin. /admin requires a logged in user, so the serv...

Q: Time sensitive data in Node.js

Deepak KumarI'm building an application in Node.js and MongoDB, and the application has something of "time-valid data", meaning if some piece of data was inserted into the database, I'd like to remove it from the database (programmatically) after three days (or any amount of days/time spread). Currently, my...

Q: Upload file to Node.js from REST Client

MaTI am trying to upload a file to my node.js server using a REST Client. For testing, I use Postman and Advanced Rest on Chrome. But I am always getting an error. TypeError: Cannot read property 'applet' of undefined Here is the code to retrieve the file and to upload it to the Azure blob storag...

Q: NI-DAQmx C libs over nodejs

holographixI'm making a nodejs app that have to pull data from a NI USB 6210. National Instruments, gives away a bunch of examples that use their (pure) C libs, since, I'm on nodejs, I thought I could "easily" recycle them into a node module using node-gyp, but I discovered that node modules are more likely...

Q: Express.js using passport-facebook - TypeError: Object 302 has no method 'indexOf'

JamieI've got an express project already running, I'm just trying to hook it up using passport to authenticate through facebook, I've basically copied the example from the github page here: https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-facebook But I'm getting the following error whenever I try to go to t...

Q: JSON array vs object: why have both?

IoanWhen I first read the JSON format specification, I was under the impression that an object was a collection of key-value pairs (with the value being of any type) and an array was a collection of zero or more elements of the same type. object (mixed values): { "key": "value", "key2": 2 } a...

Q: Mongoose many to many relation and circular structure to JSON

notmeI am trying to create a classic Articles/Categories association with mongoose. Everything works fine, but since I am trying to expose the query results as JSON, I get a Converting circular structure to JSON error. I know the issue is related in cross referencing models, but I don't know how to so...

posted on May 20, 2014 by Karan Goel

After I'm done with the scaffolding, I want to cd into a newly created directory and do a bower install there. How do I change directory? I've tried looking but couldn't find a solution. For my purposes, the bower.json file must live in the subdirectory and cannot be in the current directory. I did ask this in the Yeoman repo, but they said it's more suited for SO.

Q: Custom message at the end of Yeoman generate

Karan GoelAfter everything is done, I want to show a custom message to the user. I tried to write an end function but that does not get called. I did ask this in the Yeoman repo, but they said it's more suited for SO. Thanks

Q: SEO Redirect with Node.js Sails

RobI'm using Angular and Node.js and I have a redirect for bots to load pages for SEO content. In express I had something like this: req.isBrowser = function () { var pattern = /(opera|aol|msie|firefox|chrome|konqueror|safari|netscape|navigator|mosaic|lynx|amaya|omniweb|avant|camino|flock|seamonk...

Q: Render HTML to PDF with PhantomJS on DOMContentLoaded/Document Ready

PlasmicI'm new to phantomjs and am having problems with rendering my website as PDF. I can get a simple render of the page however when loading multiple images/(web)fonts the DOM is not done loading when phantomjs renders the page. Code: page.open(address, function(status) { if(status !== 'succes...

Q: How do I pass an object to a function?

SamI want to pass an object to a function I'm using in Gulp. I think I've got the syntax right, but must be doing something wrong because it isn't working. I'm passing an object called page to another plugin like so: .pipe(frontMatter({ property: 'page' // the name of the property added to the ...

Q: Hubot CronJob Function

user2683183Cant seem to figure out how to achieve this. I am trying to make Hubot call a function periodically in a specific hipchat channel. Currently I am able to do this by having the user type in chat "Hubot totalviewers" and hubot will return with the number of current viewers. The point is to have h...

Q: How should a server return a large json object to client?

foreyezI'm returning a large object from the server to the client, a few hundred MBs. I'm using node/express.js. Inside my GET request I have: getData = function(req, res) { ... res.json(bigObject); } However, because this is a large object I've noticed that my server's CPU shoots up to 100...

Q: NodeJS as javascript server pages

remillcWhat setup should i use to have a bunch of HTML (*.html) files - some of them having server side code (<?= 'Hello world'?>) - acting as javascript server pages on a node.js server?

Q: Send cookies between subdomains

webSpiderI have an ajax request from one subdomain to another i.e. sub1.example.com => sub2.example.com, while I have a cookie for all domain. (cookie domain='.example.com') But cookie is not sent to server ( node.js). Why can it be?

Q: How to stop garbage collection on global object in Node for caching purposes?

foreyezI'm caching an object in the global namespace so for example: global.cachedObject = myObject; but I notice that after a certain amount of time, node garbage collects it. Is there a way to tag the object in some way so that it doesn't get collected?

Q: Run exe file with Child Process NodeJS

Matjaž JurečičI want to open google chrome with nodejs, but I get this error (I used execFile and spawn), code var execFile = require('child_process').execFile, spawn = require('child_process').spawn, spawn('C\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe', function (error, stdout, stderr) { i...

Q: Express - using root path not working

tommyd456I'm probably doing somthing really stupid here but I have this route in Express: app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.json(200, {msg: "There is life!"}); }); but nothing will show if I navigate to http://localhost:8080 but if I change my route to: app.get('/app', function (req, res) {...

Q: Twitter API reply (in_reply_to_status_id) not working properly

kyrI am using the Twit library to build a Twitter bot in node.js. However, when I want to post a reply to a tweet, it appears, but not in the reply stream. My code: twitter.post('statuses/update', { in_reply_to_status_id: data.statuses[0].user.id, status: '@' + data.statuses[0].user.screen_name + ...

Q: undefined is not a function: unit testing passport authentication custom callback

sbrownI'm new to passport and express and trying to get a better idea of how everything works together by creating unit tests for all of my code. I have been having good success but today ran into an issue I don't quite understand... I'm attempting to unit test the following exported function on sess...

Q: NodeJS Strict Mode

RUJordanAre there any advantages to using "use strict" in NodeJS? For example, a global object is not a good idea to use, as all your requests will mutate said object (assuming the object in question should be unique to each user, of course). In this case, using strict mode would have been a good idea, n...

Q: How to create a new Error in javascript when the error message is an object

doremiOur model layer in our app will generate an array of errors that may or may not contain objects. As an example, say someone wanted to POST a thing to our api and the user submitted an invalid payload, an example validation error array may look like so: ["foo is required", "bar must be a string...

Q: Nodejs naming conventions for modules

phtrivierGiven this pattern : A module defines a public API, but needs runtime information. // Contrived example for a module abstracting a db module.exports = function (host, schema, ...) { // A "module-level", private, instance of an object // that will be used by the public API of the module ...

Q: in express.js what is the different between app.params() and router.params()?

NightOwlin express.js 4, a Router is introduced to handle routes. what is the diff between app.params() and router.params()? when to use each?

Q: Accessing git to install mysql on server on gandi.net

RoccoMaxamasI purchased a Simple Hosting instance using node.js/mysql on gandi.net. I'm trying to set up my database, but I'm having some issues with connectivity. I found some sample code to connect and talk to the database (which I set up via PHPMyAdmin), but it requires the mysql module (which I assumed...

Q: how to use multiple arrays in jade

user3657516I have items in mongo database as the following: "_id":01, "category": "Electronics", "type": "Television", price:345.00 "_id":02, "category": "Electronics", "type": "Mobile", price:145.00 "_id":03, "category": "Electronics", "type": "ipad", price:300.00 I am using Node.js express and jade to ...

Q: nodejs callback closure when accesing an array

nootje860this is my problem. i have a piece of code and when i run that code thats in the callback it can't find the var out side the callback and original function. var counts = []; collection.count({vote:'walibi'}, function(err, votecount) { counts.push(votecount); }); so when i run the code "co...

Q: Node.js Tinymce storing rich text

andrepcgI've got a form with Tinymce editor so any user can format it's text to look good. If he writes any malicious script in the form, it is automatically escaped. But if the user cheats and posts the form using something like Postman, he can submit unescaped scripts (like iframes). How do I valida...

Q: Expressjs : mount multiple application on the same path

phtrivierIs is possible to have an expressjs application that serves pages like "/:something", and mounts another application that would server "/foo" ? My natural guess was something like this : var app1 = express(), app2 = express(); app2.get("/foo", function (req, res) { ... }); app1.get("/...

Q: Fire a remote bootstrap modal when clicking a form submit button, remote modal content then has form data to be displayed?

jensanity5000I'm having trouble finding a way to accomplish this. I'm using Node.js, Bootstrap 3, and express I want to start on a form page. When the use fills out the form they click on submit. Here I want to fire a remote modal. Have no trouble accomplishing this from a regular link or button. This...

Q: node.js REPL pauses on each "tick" of the eventloop

Oved DI'm trying to demo some code that uses asynchronous callbacks. When I run the code using the node.js REPL it pauses in each callback, until I press enter to continue. When running the same code from a node script, this doesn't happen. How can I tell the node REPL to not pause in each callbac...

Q: Running meteor.js application on your own server

Nate I am trying to run my meteor application on my local network so that when I am off-line I can still use the application on any devices connected to my network. I have been following http://ox86.tumblr.com/post/45184656062/running-your-meteor-js-application-on-your-own-server as a basic tutorial o...

Q: Restart Node.js server programically

user2900890How to restart Node.js server from code? For example, if using expressjs framework, app.get('/restart', function (req, res, next) { //Code to restart a server }) I want to restart server from app like this, without going to console etc. How to do it?

Good morning! Knocked a couple answers off the list - let's keep it up!
Q: How to call a function from java socket to Node.js

user3657671I have the following script that connects without problems from JavaScript ( as client) to a function in Node.js server by socket.io that has the following code . But I have no idea what to call this same function (conremot.sockets.on("connection",recibeSMS);) from a java client. client JavaScri...

Q: Deploying a repository on an OpenShift node.js server

shmuliI'm using the Wercker Continuous Integration & Delivery Platform to test and deploy a BitBucket repository on a node.js OpenShift server. Wercker loads in the BitBucket repository, builds it, tests it in the node.js environment, and passes it without any issue. It's also checking the code with js...

Q: grunt - getting "Local Npm module "xxx" not found. Is it installed?" What's causing this?

u353I just received a copy of a grunt package to work on, but I'm new to grunt and am having trouble finding answers to a few things. The biggest issue is not knowing where the errors below are coming from - can someone tell me where this is coming from? Both of these files are in the same director...

Q: How do I pull multiple JSON files into SWIG on Node.js?

PwrSrgThis is actually two questions... I have a single SWIG template (index.html) that I would like to pull multiple JSON files into for compiling using Node.js. An "index.json" file with variables that pertain just to that page, then a "common.json" file that contains a set of common variables that...

Q: Regex to match first n characters of a string

user3622734I am creating a regex to query a MySQL database dynamically based on some text. I have the text parsed, and now I need to make a regex based off of the text that will match a string that contains the first N characters of the text with a minimum of 3 characters. So far I am doing this: var regex...

Q: how to get the value of item that we are priting to a variable using jade

user3657516I have a jade file mobile.jade with following in it which prints from a query done in .js file. extends layout block content p.home FlipKart Mobiles in Electronics Category ul for item in mobile a(href="/mobileSearch")=item.description + '' b...

Q: ChaiJS Should - test for empty string

YashuaAccording to docs on the shouldJS site I should be able to do this: ''.should.be.empty(); The ChaiJS site doesn't have an example with should syntax be they do list it for expect and it seems like the above would work. However this yields: TypeError: Property 'empty' of object #<Assertion> i...

Q: Unit testing using sequelize, mocha and async : Sequelize doesn't call back

SehsyhaI have a problem with mocha and async/sequelize I think. I have a form that allow the user to enter his pseudo and password and do some asynchronous work with that. It works really fine. But I want to write unit testing for all my application. When I wrote the test for this part, it doesn't wo...

Q: TCP connection on Node.js Heroku app

TheGamingArtI've got a simple TCP chat application below running locally using Node.js. I would like to deploy this to Heroku. I'm quite new to both Heroku and Node.js and instantly ran into issues where I could not telnet into any specific port to access this chat client. The ideal situation (which works lo...

Q: How to build a wrapper for C++ lib in node.js

guilhermeandoI would like to build a wrapper in node.js for some C++ math lib. How can I do it? Anyone knows a tutorial or book or guide?

Q: Publish via a zmq publisher socket, but only for a specific topic

Sven HaigesI am using the zmq node.js module and have publisher/subscriber working. But the publisher publishes messages without a topic right now: publisher.send(JSON.stringify({some object })); and the subscriber subscribes to all topcis: subscriber.subscribe(""); //all messages That works real...

Q: Can you run a meteor bundle, example.tar.z , on a computer that doesn't have meteor?

Nate If I bundle a meteor app using meteor bundle iron.tar.gz can I run the app locally, (localhost:3000), on a different computer that does not have meteor installed. If so, how would I go about doing it? Thanks for the help!

Q: Access Object from meteor main app in package

pmuensSo I'm developing a meteor app right now which is based on several different packages. I have an object in my main application which I use as a kind of API for the packages. This object looks like this (in lib/helper/api.coffee inside the main application): @Mainapp = getCurrentUser: -> Met...

Q: sync function on nodejs to mysql

Alberto AlibabaI'have a check script with a myql query, the problem is that the authorization function is executed before it was done mysql query so it return always false how can fix it? check_auth(req.query.s){ // query to mysql } io.configure(function () { io.set('authorization', function(req, callback) ...

Q: Raspberry pi remove node.js

NeJcOlInII need a bit of help. I instaled Node.js on my raspberry pi. and now i want to remove it. The problem is got the instalable with wget and istaled it with script (with make) Any ideas how to remove it now?

Q: http.request & pipe dont fire after error event touched

user3658060var http = require('http'); function onRequest(req, res) { var headers = req.headers; var host = req.headers.host.split(':') var options = { hostname: host[0], port: host[1]===undefined?80:Number(host[1]), path: req.url, method: 'GET' } var pr...

Q: .Save an Array to Mongoose with NodeJS?

StackThisI am looking to save an array to MongoDB using Mongoose & NodeJS. The data seems to pass through NodeJS properly, so it looks like a Mongoose issue with .save and an Array? console.log(req.body.tags); // logs as [ 'tag1', 'tag2' ] I have a schema that looks like this: var mongoose =...

Q: communication between Node/Express and Spooky/Casper js

changeyI tried to incorporate node/express with spooky js. However, I wasn't able to send back the elements I retrieved using spookyjs. Below is my code. With my code, I only got foo printed out although I intended to get all the DOM elements data with spooky. I was wondering if anyone has the experienc...

Q: Node.js: Restify bodyParser multipartFileHandler not working

andreFrom the testify API documentation I have the following example. server.use(restify.bodyParser({ maxBodySize: 0, mapParams: true, mapFiles: false, overrideParams: false, multipartHandler: function(part) { part.on('data', function(data) { /* do something with...

Q: What is wrong with this? Trying to use request callback in a prototype...with little success

knu2xsThis Gist is how I have been attempting to include a request with a callback to extract a few elements from a series of webpages using Node.js with Request and Cheerio. Originally I had the basic logic working using little more than a function. However, I am trying to make this a little more obje...

Q: Using Sails.js build, where is my client side files?

MerlinFrom website: "sails build spits out a ready-to-deploy www directory for use in all of the sorts of places where you need indepenedent, API-driven front-end code" When I look at www folder I dont see the HTML files.

Q: Meteor strange behaviour

user1381537I'm testing some routines that Meteor has and I would like to know if this is it's normal activity or I have something wrong... I will describe step by step: I publish my collection in order to have only what I want server/publish.js Meteor.publish('decisions', function (decisionCursor) { ...

Q: node.js mongodb update error

user3658423I have a node.js website. I am using mongoose to connect with my mongodb. Adding new records works fine and find also works fine. But when I update the record it throws the error below. I have a callback function but dont know whats wrong. throw new Error("writeConcern requires callback") ...

Q: How to fix mongo exit code 100 when using Ubuntu 14.04 VirtualBox? Meteor reset, deleting mongod.lock, and export LC_ALL=C all do not work

user3658431=> Started proxy. Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting. Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting. Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting. Can't start Mongo server. MongoDB had an unspecified uncaught exception. This can be caused by MongoDB being unable to write to a local databas...

Q: Pass json data in node.js res.render to react.js client

user3658383I'm using node.js to accept a request, grab data from dynamodb, format/merge it into an existing JSON template object and return it. This worked great when using node as a webservice and just returning json, but i'm testing writing new client side code in react.js. I know I could do two round...

Q: Store sockets using pubsub without using socket.io

user2924127I want to create a node.js socket server without using socket.io because every client will support sockets (as well I have read that socket.io currently is not the most stable platform). I need to scale my socket server horizontally to multiple servers so I need a central socket store of some typ...

Q: Replace parent path in node.js

barkI'm trying to replace the parent directory of a given path src/path/to/file.ext => dest/path/to/file.newext My current solution involves using string.split, and looks pretty awful. It works, though. var path = require('path'); var outDir = 'dest/' var inFile = 'src/path/to/file.ext' var outFi...

Q: How to pipe a stream using pdfkit with node js

JosiahBefore PDFkit 0.5 - the following worked for me (generating a pdf via pdfkit/printing via ipp to CUPS): var ipp = require("ipp"); var PDFDocument = require("pdfkit"); var doc = new PDFDocument; doc.text("Hello World"); doc.output(function(pdf)){ var printer = ipp.Printer("

Q: MongoError: Can't canonicalize query: BadValue >1

Diamondo25Good evening, I've been busy with Mongoosejs + Node.js, and I've got the following error at the moment. [Login-01][ERROR] MongoError: Can't canonicalize query: BadValue >1 field in obj: { _events: {}, _posts: { save: [] }, _pres: { save: [] }, _doc: { _id: ObjectId('537a652e88d1ff281aa9ce95'), ...

Q: Sublime Cofee-Script Plugin Error: EACCES, permission denied '/.DocumentRevisions-V100'

user3546595I installed coffee-script, and it's working fine through terminal. I cloned and installed the coffee-script plugin through sublime here: https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script-tmbundle I followed the readme instructions: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/ git clone...

Q: Asynchronous function inside a javascript for loop

AritzBiI am trying to insert data that I get from the database to a json variable and then send it to the client, the problem is that as I get all the data from the database asynchronously I don't know when the json is correctly filled. var geojson={ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features...

Q: Using cluster in a Node module

Chris WilsonI'm trying to write a Node.js module called mass-request that speeds up large numbers of HTTP requests by distributing them to child processes. My hope is that, on the outside, it work like this. var mr = require("mass-request"), scraper = mr(); for (var i = 0; i < my_urls_to_visit.length;...

Q: Installing Javascript client library via npm

MxmastaMillsI am very new to Node.js (which I'm assuming this is; I'm so new that I'm not really understanding what's going on here). I'm working with a client library for a system called RJ Metrics. I'm basically tying their API in with a Volusion API in order to import data into their system from the Volus...

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