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Q: Ajax POST to nodejs gives blank object

lawmI am trying to successfully ping an object back and forth from the browser to a nodejs server via AJAX POST. However, I am having no luck, as the middleman from browser to server interprets the object as blank ( {} ). Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? Client: var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(...

Q: In 2014...Scaling Socket.IO .join and Cluster horizontally in NodeJS?

1ManStartupIn 2014, im trying to figure the most efficient way to scale socket.io .join with node.js. Excuse me if the question has been answered before, but after reviewing several hundred posts it appears that some methods have become outdated. Currently I'm Doing the following: 1) Scaling Session with ...

Q: Unable to install Express Node module on Raspberry Pi

user3650893I have followed these instructions to update nodejs on my raspberry pi running Raspbian, but when I check if the Express module is installed correctly (via the npm list command) I get the following: pi@cutiepi ~ $ npm list /home/pi âââ UNMET DEPENDENCY express * ââ⬠[email protected] âââ base6...

Q: How to use sessionID with express and socket.io

AmtrixI am trying to hold session data across my whole web-app, but I have difficulties to get the same sessionID everywhere. What's the use of the sessionID inside of this snippet of code (used with express): app.get('/test-page', function(req, res) { console.log(req.sessionID); }); Every time...

Q: Node,js Application not deploying on Heroku

idudeI am using SimpleCV JS to work on a project but I can't seem to deploy it on to Heroku. SimpleCV.js uses Brunch with Chaplin as it's framework and has many files in many different folders so I really don't know which one I should declare in the Procfile. I get a huge response after git push he...

Q: PubSub Server Example: How are messages broadcast?

Alex H HadikI'm working on the Node.js in Action book and I'm a bit confused about their PubSub server example in chapter 3. The example allows users to connect to the server via telnet and broadcast messages to each other. Here's the code: var events = require('events') , net = require('net'); var cha...

Q: "Cannot find mongoose module" while deploying in open shift using node js

user3651033"Cannot find the mongoose module" I tried adding as a dependency and run the install scripts.And tried to install the mongoose locally(nom install [email protected]). Is there any procedure, to include mongoose module as a dependency in open shift

Q: Cookie not sending with request.js

MkoopajrSo I had a API up and running however I decided to switch from using nano to just using request. However I for some reason can't seem to get the cookie to send back to the server now. Here's an example of the code I've been testing. var request = require('request') var cookieJar = request.jar();...

Q: Error: cannot find module './lib/middleware'

ashatteI am attempting to run the demo for the mobwrite node.js package. First I installed the mobwrite package (npm install mobwrite) and then entered the following command: node -e "require('mobwrite').quickserve()" A demo server should start, but the following error is thrown: module.js:340 t...

Q: Where exactly does jade lie in a web application architecture

FourthI'm new to MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node) development and want to learn where jade templates come into the picture in the overall architecture. For example, HTML (UI client-side script), JavaScript (Client-side scripting), CSS (styling), php (server-side scripting), SQL (backend). For...

Q: What's keyword about repeat $addtoset in mongodb by mongoskin ( I read english a little)

user2468652Sorry, I can't find answer and I can't read english. What's keyword can find answer about the following example code ? for(var value in row){ db.collection('testdb').update({_id:'id'},{$addToSet:value}, { upsert: tru...

Q: How to do a modulo operate in ejs javascript templates

hh54188I want check if a number is odd or even, here is my code: <% var isOdd = number % 2 != 0? "true": "false" %> but this go wrong when I try to compile it should I escape the = or %, how can I make it work

Q: Generate Animated GIF with GM in Node.js

Nikolayso i've been tackling this one for a few days and got the point when i'm ready to ask for help. I'm trying to generate an animated gif with in a node.js based app, using the graphicsmagic package. I've generated several slides that look kinda like that var slides = []; for (var i=0; i < 10; i...

Q: communicating with node.js×Socket.IO from iOS

user3493922I made a chat application with node.js and Socket.IO on Windows Azure. It runs correctly. Now, I'd like to run it on iOS client. The problem is that the chat message is not displayed on iOS. And, When I click sendButton, the app abend with following log "*** Terminating app due to uncaught exce...

@Feeds That's an interesting one.
Q: Grunt Run Grunt

user1853128I am trying to run a grunt file with in a grunt file. and Am using Grunt-run grunt.. The second grunt file is failing... Here I am adding a little bit of code what I have tried.... Main Grunt File: grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), run_...

Q: Generate same random number on both client and server in Meteor

HarleyUsing Meteor, I need a method to generate the same random number on both the client and server, so I can get the benefits of the client method's latency compensation. I noticed Meteor has a random package: http://docs.meteor.com/#random I'm not familiar with random number generation or crytogra...

Q: sudo npm -g sails -> install error

user2118781I have tried to install sails on my Mac (Mavericks) but I am getting an error message during the install process. Here my console log: ... npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/lodash._basecreate npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/lodash._shimkeys npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/...

A: sudo npm -g sails -> install error

SomeKittens Ux2666It's actually installing fine - it just looks like there's an error. It's running the command node-gyp rebuild and redirecting all errors to a file named builderror.log.

Q: express js Can't set headers after they are sent for user login

eslammostafai am having an error of cannot set headers after they have sent, i am using express js and mongoose, i thought using if else if and else would prevent this error, but seems like i didn't understand the concept like i should, here is my code: User.findOne({email: email}, {}, function(err, user){ ...

Q: How to populate nested documents in mongoose?

ErikI have the following Models: //Unit.js var mongoose = require('mongoose'); module.exports = mongoose.model('Unit', new mongoose.Schema({ title: {type: String}, _unit: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Folder'} })); //Folder.js var mongoose = require('mongoose'); module.exp...

Q: Preserving Execution order in nested for loop and callbacks in NodeJS MongoDB

Avdhesh ParasharScenario: There are users and users has many posts. For a particular group of users, I need to fetch 10 recent posts per user and send them in response. Here is what I have come up with: users is array having user info. posts var allPosts = []; for(var i=0; i<users.length; i++){ (function...

Q: Passportjs returning whole mongoose document

AnonymousI have authentication working with nodejs, passportjs and mongoose. However, during authentication I am querying a subdocument (user record) but once the login has been validated the entire document is being returned and I only wan't the subdocument I queried. Here is my schema: db.companies.i...

Q: find items from json array uisng nodeJS

SushAm trying to search particular items from a json array and returs the items result = { FF: { server: 'deskes.com', result: 'succes' }, { server: 'cleantarge.com', result: 'Failed' }, { server: 'fance34.com', ...

Q: How to send cookies from client to server upon an initial connection?

user784637I'm noticing headers like host, user-agent, accept are being sent upon connection but that cookies like PHPSESSID are not. var server = require('http').createServer(app) , io = require('socket.io').listen(server); server.listen(80); io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { console.l...

Q: Working with an existing Grunt project - Getting JSHint Missing semicolon and errors

randomIn an existing GRUNT project (http://gruntjs.com/getting-started), I did npm install and then grunt and I'm getting loads of JSHint errors (missing semicolon, mixed spaces and tabs, extra comma, etc ). I know the project was working on a different system. error description: Running "jshint:befo...

Q: Sass filewatcher for webstorm

EternallyCuriousI am trying to use sass in a NodeJS project and this is the library I installed with nodejs https://www.npmjs.org/package/node-sass I am using webstorm for this project and I can't get the Sass file watcher to work. Even after I save the filewatcher and click "Ok", the filewatcher does not w...

Q: Building conditional mongoose query

Pradeep BhatI've been trying to get this query working and am extremely frustrated. I'm trying to search against either the email or username with the email not matching the one passed. I'm passing searchstr and email to the function. What am I doing wrong? var friendlist = { friendslist: []}; var query ...

Q: Expressjs + Angularjs - csrf

tommyd456I'm using Expressjs 4.x and Angularjs. I've had a look around for resources on the setting up of CSRF protection but most seem a little out of date. I've added the CSRF package (via npm) and included it in my project. Could someone give me some advice on how to get it to "play nicely" with Angul...

Q: Bug with downloading files from node.js server on google chrome browser on android device

user3651559I'm using such node modules on server: "express": "~3.3.5", "mongoose": "~3.6.17", "mongodb": "*", "gridfs-stream": "*" Servers runs on https and requires authentication. The code for getting files looks like this: var conn = mongoose.createConnection(app.get('mongoUrl'), { db: { safe: true...

Q: asp.net mvc shard routing

NZCoderGuyI have a website that is deployed across different regions and the data is splitted in different locations as well. When the user log in into http://login.mysite.com/ it gets redirected to http[s]://{abcd}.mysite.com/. abcd will be the actual url where it should work for the rest of the session....

Q: Code coverage for node.js project using Q promises

DamianI'm currently working on a node.js project. We use Q library for promises (https://github.com/kriskowal/q). We are using mocha for tests and code-coverage provided with grunt tasks (https://github.com/pghalliday/grunt-mocha-test) which uses blanket.js for coverage and travis-cov reporter for as...

Q: node js/jade error in css

ArunI am trying to study node js. I converted a template to node js and it shows somme css problems. In the template there are social media icons of width = 30 px and padding 3px and border radius of 50%. It shows as a perfect circle in the original theme. But shows as ellipse in the node js converte...

Q: What are best resources to kickstart on the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, NodeJS?

fakhrizakiI am an experienced PHP developer. Have good knowledge of Front-end, and now want learn MEAN stack. I have no knowledge of any of them, so please guide me the best and quick resources to kickstart it. Thanks

Q: Jenkins And NodeJS Plugin - Permission Denied Error=13

SamTheGoodOneI'm Running the latest version of Jenkins (v 1.563) and Node (0.10.28). I have a Java project that builds fine. When I add a pre build step as a node script ( with Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH checked), I get the following error although I have given 777 permissions to everything (n...

Q: How to pass variable from back-end to front-end in node.js ejs template

hh54188I render my page like this: response.render('index', { data: list // the `list` is an array variable }); And in the front page, I want store the data as globe variable, so I tried: <script> window.app = <%= data %> </script> but the result is : window.app = [object Object],[object O...

Q: how to perfrom ternary operation in Nodejs

SushAm new to nodejs.am trying to perfrom ternary operation in nodejs code here is the code segment am using if (filter.serverId != "0") {// filter server details from report filterJson(report, report[items].server, filter.serverId, function ( filterdData) { ...

Q: Set an object's deep attribute using a bracket notation

coisofor getting this works: exports.getDeep = function(field, object){ var parts = field.split('.'); var value = object; // Iterate the parts, updating value each time for( var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ){ value = value[parts[i]]; if(i==parts.length-1){ return JSON.par...

Q: Node.js image upload and store

Jehanzeb.MalikI was starting work on a new web app running node.js in the back-end with mongoDB as the database. The app, apart from other features, will be expecting a-lot of image uploading and viewing. I was searching on the internet for the best practices to handle the image upload on node.js. One of the ...

Q: Add log4js warning appender to json-file-reporter node.js

user3651560I am using protractor with mocha as runner, log4js (logger) and mocha-json-file-reporter(reporter). Straight away, it is working good and generating result.json file with little details, but I want to customize the generated json file with warnings that were appeared in between TestCases, so i...

Q: Socket.io emit from Express controllers

user182527I'm quite new to Node.js / Express, and I'm using it as a backend for an AngularJS app. I've looked all over StackOverflow for some help on my problem, but I can't seem to figure out how to port the suggestions to my code. My application works as follows: A long running Scala process periodica...

Q: Concurrent Javascript Library to share Code

LordTribualIm looking for a concurrent javascript library for node.js to share code between two persons. I have found ShareJS. However, I think it wont allow a readonly mode. Basically I want to connect two people so that person A can see the code of person B and vise versa. Are there any libraries for this...

Q: Grunt with Apache SSI Issue

Mehul ChauhanI have below directory structure: <ul> <li>build (This dir is having Gruntfile.js,package.json and all project specific nome modules in it)</li> <li>staticTemplates <ul> <li>DEV <ul> <li>assets <ul> <li>images</li>...

Q: If statement with a String input

RockernaapI want make a if statement with a String input. I have a MongoDB with Achievement data. This data contains a string with the condition that has to be met to get the achievement. I want to use the condition (in String format) as the condition in an if statement. I have the following code: fun...

Q: Heroku deploying nodejs app : mongoose and mongodb

Shwetavar mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/sulabh'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; This is my setup for my server.js. Followed all the steps on heroku. Have a mongoLab addon. Application Error An error occurred in the application and your page could not be serv...

Q: Adding multiple repos of git --- Grunt

user1853128Is there any method to add multiple repositories of GIT in a grunt file to clone different data. gitclone: clone: options: repository: "https://github.com/imaginethepoet/autojqm" branch: "master" directory: "repo" I am using the way pasted above and if I want to add ano...

Q: Open bash and run command on npm start

kjelelokkWhen I start my app, I do it by running npm start. Right now, npm start only runs my server.js. Is it possible to have npm start open a new bash prompt and run e.g. grunt watch to start the task that watches my less/stylus etc? It would be nice to not have to manually start the watch task each t...

Q: Twitch.tv and node.js

Ram BhatI'm trying to build a twitch tv chat app on the serverside. I tried a dirty include of their js API using fs. Seems like this doesnt work. Has anyone managed to get the twitchtv client side app working on server? I pretty much just want access to their chat so that I can parse stuff. var fs = re...

Q: How to populate objects inside a virtual in Mongoose

Sergey BasharovI have set a virtual query looking like this: UserSchema .virtual('user_info') .get(function () { return { '_id': this._id, 'username': this.username, 'admin': this.admin, 'email': this.email, 'company': this.company, 'image': this.image, 'profile': this.profile }; }); comp...

best place to start to learn node.js ?
Q: How to parse Android JSONArray made of Android JSONObjects in JavaScript?

MackovichI have an Android Application and a Server with Node.js that uses Restify.js and MongoJS to store data from and to my android application. For now, I am using JSONArray from Android (but in my case, it's json-simple lib based on original lib) and I have a JSONArray containing JSONObjects (from j...

Q: How to deal with Sessions in Node.js?

SenadI'm trying to use a Website within node.js. Unfortunately the Site is telling me to enable the save of Session-Cookies. I tried to define a cookie-jar but i had no luck with it. Simplified version of the code causing the problem: var request = require('request'); var j = request.jar(); request....

Q: how to fix memory leak in setTimeout closure?

KelooCan someone please explain how to fix this memory leak in nodejs: var foo = function (data, cb) { cb(data); }; setInterval(function() { foo('asdf', function(data) { console.log(data); }); }, 500);

Q: Fetch user stories by iteration using Rally API

NedI can't figure out how to fetch all the fields of one User story in Rally. Right now, I need to fetch last 5 iterations, and calculate points of done tasks for every iteration. I managed to fetch iterations, by specifying type: iteration, but don't know how to fetch user stories for those iterat...

Q: How do you write a node module using typescript?

DougSo, the general answer for the other question (How do you import a module using typescript) is: 1) Create a blah.d.ts definition file. 2) Use: /// <reference path="./defs/foo/foo.d.ts"/> import foo = require("foo"); Critically, you need both the files foo.d.ts and a foo.js somewhere in your ...

Q: Number of inactive jobs in Kue

abdawoudIs there any known API for getting number of jobs in Kue? For example, I want to get number of inactive jobs. Right now I have this portion of code that gets the JOBS. var kue = require('kue'), jobs = kue.createQueue(); kue.Job.rangeByType ('job', 'failed', 0, 10, 'asc', function (err, select...

Q: How does Jade handle a src attribute? Why is it that /javascripts goes straight into the folder instead of /../public/javascripts?

Geoywsdoctype html html head title= title link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css') script(src="/javascripts/jquery-2.1.1.js") script(src="/javascripts/global.js") body block content Apparently, src="/../public/javascripts/jquery-2.1.1.js" d...

Q: Forking a new process when Node.JS receives a connection

vote539I'm running a Node.JS application involving heavy child process I/O. Due to the way Node.JS handles file descriptors (among other reasons), I want to fork a new V8 instance for every connection to the server. (Yes, I'm aware that this is a potentially expensive operation, but that's not the poi...

Q: URI bind Express.js

Ricardo BarrosHello I want to bind the URI of my app, for example lets imagine this scenario. I am running express app on port 3000, nginx on port 80, proxying requests of URI api to port 3000 And have this route on express // Home app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('Hello!'); }); If I try acce...

Q: Getting OAuth Access Token via Node.js

user3284007I am learning about OAuth2 with Microsoft Accounts. Right now, I'm trying to just connect my app with my test Microsoft Account. To do this step, I want to setup a basic Node.js app to get a access token. I've reviewed the documentation found here. I'm now trying to get the OAuth Access Token usi...

Q: Register Yeoman Generator non-cli

Explosion PillsI want to run a Yeoman generator without the cli (yo). I see the instructions in the Yeoman documentation about how to run a generator without the CLI environment. If I run yo mygenerator:mysubgenerator it works (it's installed globally), but using env.run('mygenerator:mysubgenerator') from nod...

Q: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

user3493458bad request in client side of "findMessage" because all the rest- "insert","list".. are working client: angular.module('handleMessageService', []).factory('HandleMessage', ['$http', function($http) { return{ get:function(){ $http.get('/public/views'); }, insert : func...

Q: Why does Node.js' Assert.js use !!!value in their code? What purpose does it serve?

Geoywsfunction ok(value, message) { if (!!!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok); } assert.ok = ok; !!!value basically means not not not Boolean(value) yes? Say if value = 9 > 1, then it would mean: not not not true. not true = false not not true = true not not not true = false My ...

Q: Installing ruby gems in a npm project

Mikael LindqvistI have a node.js project that depends on a ruby gem. Is it possible somehow to create an installation process that installs the gem dependencies in an easy way? Ideally, when I do npm install to install the npm dependencies, it would be great if the required ruby gems were installed as well. ...

Q: How to catch error when connecting a unix-socket in node.js

Oliver Joathe following code does not work: #!/usr/local/opt/node-0.10.24/bin/node var net = require('net'); try { socket = net.connect("/tmp/test",function () { socket.on('error', function(err) { console.log("err"); }); }); } catch(err) { console.log("err"); } If there is a error,...

Q: String to array nodejs

Alberto AlibabaI format a string (I can format the string in any way) e.g id1:234,id2:4566,id3:3000 then encrypt it and pass via query string ?qs=djdjdjfjf57577574h33h3h3hh3h3 then decrypt it on node id1:234,id2:4566,id3:3000 which is the best method to format the string and then turn it into...

Q: HAProxy: Enable TLS compression for raw tcp connections

KekasI have an haproxy frontend terminating raw TCP/TLS and forwarding unencrypted traffic to my backend. My clients support TLS compression. I want to configure haproxy to enable/handle compression along with TLS termination. Is it possible? If not, is there any other proxy that could do this job? T...

Q: How Can I Prevent npm from Reformating package.json When Versioning?

C. Spencer BeggsI am one of those crazy dev who likes to format my JS and JSON with tabs instead of spaces — stone me later. When I increment my package.json version with npm version <newversion>, my package.json reverts to spaces. Is there a way to prevent this behavior?

Q: How to use Hubot and node-cron with the IRC adapter

Chad LajinessI've been unable to properly setup Hubot and node-cron to execute tasks within my IRC channels. This page shows how I initially setup my code: https://leanpub.com/automation-and-monitoring-with-hubot/read#leanpub-auto-periodic-task-execution Here is the link to node-cron: https://github.com/ncb...

Q: Possible RVM conflict with installing Node.js on Mavericks?

richimgdI am trying to install node.js on Mac OSX 10.9.2 Mavericks. I am using the pkg installer from http://nodejs.org/ When the install is complete it is clear that is not something is wrong when I try to enter any node commands. I.e: -bash-3.2$ node -v -bash: node: command not found So the obvious...

Q: Angular, Expressjs and Lusca csrf protection

tommyd456I am investigating csrf protection with my Angularjs and Expressjs (4.x) app. I am currently trying to get Lusca (https://www.npmjs.org/package/lusca) to work having not been successful with the standard csrf package (https://www.npmjs.org/package/csrf). I have included lusca like so: var lusc...

This room is active.
Q: Working with external routes and database connections in node

kiliankoeI'm currently writing a node app that has to execute an sql query before rendering a page. I want to move the route to a separate controller like this: app.get('/persons', personsController.index); The controller itself is the one who then queries the database db.query(sql, function(err, rows...

Q: Change process.env.RDS_PASSWORD for aws beanstalk nodejs app

FëFëI deployed an aws beanstalk application (with nodejs) which is connected to a RDS database. For some reasons i had to change the master password of this database through RDS Instance options. Now i would like to update my process.env.RDS_PASSWORD with this new password (for now i have to put it ...

Q: Watching npm module dependencies for updates

abelnationI'm looking for a solution similiar to https://david-dm.org/npm/npm for letting you know when a projects npm dependencies have updates. The problem with David is that it requires you have a public github repo. I'm seeking a solution that will work on private repos as well.

Q: PhantomJS PDF file to Base64

Luigi Cordoba GraneraI'm working with PhantomJS and doing PDF Files from rendering my own website, right now works perfectly (the file is creating, everything seems just ok at localhost). All this comes from a Post all the way from my actual server (NoseJS), i'm trying to send in response the .pdf PhantomJS made, I ...

@Zirak Totally
Q: Migrate Q to BlueBird (or Vow)

MichaelI'm current using the Q promise library in a Node/amqp app. I've read that the performance of Q vs libraries like BlueBird or Vow is... not so good. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to use BlueBird (or Vow) to replace my current Q usage patterns. Here's an example: this.Start = Q(ampq.co...

Q: Issues instantiating Node.js for our chat feature in apache

October ElevenWe're having an amazing problem with Node.js not instantiating after installing SSL on our servers. We've tried many things & I'm personally not that well versed in apache or Node.js. Below is the error and few things we've tried. Any help would be highly appreciated. Here is our domain.com.conf...

Q: communicate with node.js×Socket.IO from iOS

user3493922I made a chat application with node.js and Socket.IO on Windows Azure. It runs correctly. Now, I'd like to run it on iOS client. The problem is that the chat message is not displayed on iOS. And, When I click sendButton, the app abend with following log *** Terminating app due to uncaught excep...

Q: Using app.set vs app.value in Express

Traveling Tech GuyIn my app.js file, I use app.set(valName, value) to pass several config values to my routes. I then pass the app to my routes: app.use('/', require('./routes/index')(app)); I can then easily use app.get(valName) to retrieve the values in the routes. My question is: wouldn't it be easier to just ...

Q: What is the difference between udp(4) and udp(6)?

user3109826Can somebody go over the syntax differences and possible use case differences between udp(4) and udp(6)? I noticed there is a difference marked in the Node documentation when creating a datagram socket.

Q: Sharing SockJS connection

AleksandarI'm developing a Node.js back-end which communicates with some desktop clients via websockets, and the communication from the server side is initiated from a web front-end. Everything works ok since I am storing the SockJS Connection instances in an array. But if I would like to scale out the ser...

Q: Debugging Node.js Truncating file when writing to filesystem

lysdexiaI am attempting to download a zipped file from S3 using node.js and node-request. I am provided an s3 download path. I am able to consistently pull down the zipfile using a browser and curl. However, when I attempt it this way: function downloadBatch(args, callback) { setTimeout(function(...

Q: Stopping node server that listening to specific port

AgzamIs it possible to stop express server that's listening to a specific port on the same machine? From a different script? Not the same script. Let's say I start server in one terminal window by either directly calling node executable and passing the script, or via Grunt/Gulp task. Now, is it poss...

@Feeds Interesting. Here's my hacky solution: stackoverflow.com/a/23746107/1216976
Q: Install root certificate to Node.js (HTTPS Client)

Michael KunzmannI would like to connect to an internal corporate server with Node.js as a client via HTTPS. How do I install my internal root certificate to Node.js, so the certificate validation is successful? I don't want to disable certificate validation.

Q: socket.io and IDs weird behavior

MokkunI'm struggling with socket.io, so my code is: io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { var user_id = socket.id; console.log(user_id); socket.emit('greeting_pic', { ohayo: ohayo, konbanwa: konbanwa, oyasumi: oyasumi }); app.post('/new', function(req,res){ var form = new form...

Q: Node.js, Socket.IO, Apache, SSL

xShiraseThat one is a tricky question. The setup is the following : A dashboard on my Apache server on a subdomain of a client's company website. http: //sub.domain.com The dashboard gets realtime info from a Socket.IO server on port 5000 of the same subdomain (same machine). http: //sub.domain.com:50...

Q: CasperJS running unix shell commands

MaxoI am trying to find a solution to run unix shell commands in CasperJS in synchronous mode. I have seen exec-sync for node.js, but could never make it work for casper: Sync-exec: http://davidwalsh.name/sync-exec I intend to run some unix utilities through casperjs: sed -e "1,1000d" file1 > fil...

Q: Array as cache for Node.js live chat

Arjun PatelI created a Facebook like web chat app in node.js/socket.io. I have a MySQL database with the usernames and friendslist that is seperate from the node server. When a user logs in, I grab his info from the database and cache it into an array. When the user leaves the website, I handle it by doing:...

Q: mongo update query to ignore few fields in update operation

Dilip KumarI am using Nodejs based mongoskin driver for mongo database operation. I want to update my document however don't want to update few fields. Following are more details. Request for add: { "name": "Theme Name", "description": "Theme Description", "createdByUserId": "53651221b25521601a5c...

Q: Map Backbone "save" method to Mongoose "post"

Sizzles27How do I synch up Backbone models with Mongoose API? I am developing a Node.js SPA with Backbone.js on the client side and, Express and Mongoose on the server side. I have set up an api with Mongoose and it works when I post to the db from the console. Also, I have a Backbone view that is saving ...

Q: Getting "mkdir: cannot create directory..." while installing & using NVM/Node.js commands

Ricardo De la FuentePlease bare with me, not a Linux wiz (unfortunately). Anyways, I have a freshly installed 14.04 LTS version of Linux, onto which I recently installed NVM & Node.js. I did so by entering the next two commands into my terminal following these instructions. curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cr...

Q: Saving Schema-less Records with Mongoose?

Dropped.on.CapricaSo I've been trying to save CSP reports into Mongoose with a Mixed schema and have ran into a snag of sorts. If I try to save anything using the "schema-less" way, it only saves the default _v and _id fields ViolationSchema = new Schema({}); Violation = mongoose.model('CSPViolation', ViolationS...

Q: how to share the session on multiple servers with hapijs?

Stanley Yoshinori Takamatsuhow do I share session across multiple servers? I'm using nodejs + hapijs + yar and I want to share the session with many restful servers. thanks for help

Q: sql query times out although all records have been read

user3654312For several years I'm using a C# application that is using a MS/SQL 2005 Express database with about 250 tables. What could cause suddenly (never happened before) a simple SELECT * query from a single table to read all records from the table, but not reaching "Query executed successfully"; instea...

Many feeds…
Q: Create websocket connection between another server and a client

ZECTBynmoI'm building an application where clients will interface with the server through the browser, but will also connect to eachother using a local node.js server. This means that every client has a local node.js server running. I want to allow users to connect to the central webserver with the brows...

Q: Why doesn't Node cancel requests if a user disconnects?

foreyezI've noticed that if a user does an AJAX get request to my server, and then closes the browser the server will continue to process inside that function until it finishes even after the user is long gone! So for example if I had app.get('/dowork', doWork); function doWork(req, res) { // .....

@Feeds you're such a spammer :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, that's one of the reasons I wanted a separate room for this - we can clutter this up with feeds
Also, wow you're in a lot of rooms
@SomeKittensUx2666 I wish there was a way to weed out the deleted/poorly asked questions :(
Q: How would I design and implement a non-blocking memory mapping module for node.js

citykidThere exists the mmap module for node.js: https://github.com/bnoordhuis/node-mmap/ As the author Ben Noordhuis notes, accesing mapped memory can block, which is why he does not recommend it anymore and discontinued it. So I wonder how would I design a non-blocking memory mapping module for nod...

@RUJordan From Feeds?
Not sure how that would work without SO cooperation
Q: npm install handlebars -g ERRORS

user3273417So I'm on OS X 10.9.3 and just tried to install handlebars.js via NPM in terminal. i run npm install handlebars -g as instructed by the documentation http.://handlebarsjs.com/precompilation.html (had to add a "." to avoid exceeding 2 hyperlinks, not enough rep) then, I get the following results...

Q: How to get node's close event to completely cancel get request?

foreyezOk, so I found out there's a 'close' event on an ajax get request. But that close event doesn't stop things, it'll just send that event and will keep doing work inside the function even though user has closed the browser. What I'd like is for the whole doWork function to completely stop when user...

Node event is started wooohooo
3 minutes here, but whatever
Here's the list of unanswered questions. Find 'em, answer them, post answers here for review.
Assuming based on third-party module. Is there a direct source? stackoverflow.com/a/23748535/1216976
Q: Updating a node module without updating its dependencies

toddbuWe have our own node module that we use to keep shared code for several of our internal projects. The entry in package.json looks like this: "dependencies": { "foo": "git+https://github.secureserver.net/MyProject/foo.git#master", } As a matter of practice, we keep our dependent node modules...

How to list object key names with jsonpath? stackoverflow.com/a/23748863/79247
> One caveat: npm won't look in package.json at all, so if you use npm install --save to install new packages, you'll need to also rerun npm shrinkwrap.
@SomeKittensUx2666 ^ Would you also need to rerun npm shrinkwrap if you just modify package.json directly?
Correct - I've added a note about that
@Retsam Don't forget to upvote answers (once they're satisfactory) so the questions get taken off the 'unanswered' list
@Retsam I like the note about already having the structure in memory

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