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@TheLittleNaruto why are you deleting and reposting the same pic?
Q: Uploaded image is posted twice when choosing "from web"

TheLittleNarutoSo this bug I tested on MSE and SO and SE network chatroom, and found out whenever I try to upload an image via the option "from the web" in chatroom, It is uploading the image two times and hence we can see two posts of same image. I think it should not happen. Because in case when upload an ima...

what's up ?
It's been long time.
I found a bug in the core framework and I am trying to analyze it :)
baby live
@TheLittleNaruto I'm not dead! Honest!
Do you play PubG ? @ita
Let's play
haha, nope
very difficult to handle on mobile
Not really Man
I would like to play on PC but don't have the bandwidth to download the game
You can use emulator version btw if you have really good configuration laptop
PubG guys only provide this emulator version to play on full screen on PC
No PUBG on PC?
No not for PC but for emulator
It's good right ? You can play on any OS
Mac too
And TBH I like mobile version. If your mobile screen is wide enough, it's not that difficult to manage. But I agree that PC version is whole different experience
On my laptop it's lagging af since it has not gpu
baby emulator version PubG or mobile version PubG
@TheLittleNaruto emulator version PubG
Even baby likes emultor version of it. @ita
@ita @hem Done!
Hey @TheLittleNaruto
@ColdFire @geisterfurz007
What's up?
Hey Hem! :)
Just a day or two ago I wondered if I should annoy you on twitter :D
How's it going @Hemlata ?
I'm doing good, thanks. How are you doing?
Yeah I saw the SO chat haha. I do check sometimes.
Fine, thanks! Got my wörk, got my SO chat, got my flying and stuff works quite well together currently :)
It's been almost a year since I last text here.
Oh that's good!
So finally you can fly!
I still don't have my license :D But I made good progress. There were sections where I couldn't fly for over a month that is why I am still not done yet. And currently the planes are grounded because of problems. But it shouldn't take superlong anymore.
Have you moved to Germany, btw? Last time we had a chat you were about to, right?
Yeah. I'm sure you would get your license soon.
Yes I planed to study in germany but plans changed haha
I changed my mind due to language problem. I have applied to Australian universities few days back
So I might go back to Australia
I have applied for Feb intake
But if I consider vacations abroad in future, I would consider Germany 😀
Oh! Sounds nice as well :) Good luck with the application!
Thanks. I am hoping to hear from the universities in 2 weeks.
baby welcome Hemlata
@Hemlata Welcome to the Leaf Village Ninjas chatroom!If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, ping TheLittleNaruto.
@hem Please consider reading Baby bio to the end before doing anything else.
That's a new chat bot!
And welcome back @hem
Good bio!
So where have you been ?
@TheLittleNaruto Yeah 😊
At home! 😂. My account was suspended for long. I made this new account.
3, 2, 1, modswat.
Why it got suspended ?
I was busy with school and life. How about you?
I switched job.
For using my account to upvote question on the second account. But I did just twice so my question can get attention.
Into Automotive domain now
That's great!
Yeah I started liking it
Though I am not into coding anymore for 2 months
@Hemlata It's good to wait for suspension period to get over. Also to get 20 rep, It's easy. You can always use your edit privilege
Yeah but it would end in the November, so I didn't wait.
What's up with coding ?
I haven't code for a while
I was busy with finding university and applications for further studies
Time for project euler :P
So, didn't get time for coding
Haha sure @geisterfurz007
@Hemlata Oh So you find any Uni ?
Unihedron, Earth, Alpha Centauri
9.1k 10 46 60
This one O-o
Yes I found 4 universities
I already applied in 3 universities and for the last I would apply tommorow
@geisterfurz007 Where is this guy ? Haven't seen him in a while.
Check the bio
@Hemlata Good
He is still alive tho. Was in Java chat a few weeks ago as well but by far not as active as 2 years ago.
Hmm! Glad to know that he is still alive.
He was active a year ago. I remember I had some arguments with him 😂
lol for what ?
I don't remember now
It's been a while
afaik he is a good guy
Anyway where is hans?
Is he alive? 😂
He got suspended forever
Haha what!?!
@TheLittleNaruto Yeah android and kotlin era was closed and he got suspended for way over a year
Why did he get suspended?
ballBreaker mentioned (heavily) racist comments
Ah I see
But I am not sure of Katherine, why she disappeared all of a sudden.
That's over a 3 months
She might be busy or something
With her you never know :)
On her profile it says, she was active 2 days ago.
@geisterfurz007 That means she does come online 😂
5 hours later…
@TheLittleNaruto what else are you doing?
2 hours later…
@ita Nothing much

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