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Hi All
@PankajTiwari Hi
Do u have idea abt jquery?
yes a little
I want to append some text in <head> tag... Can I do with jquery?
I used this method
$("head").append("Blah Blah");
its showing text in alert but not showing in page's view source.. :(
Can u help me? What am I doing wrong ?
@PankajTiwari u want to add reference links right
@Vinod: I want to add meta tags here.
What's wrong in this?
I tried, it gives same result
hi all
how to set the "preferred Port" option in RAS dial phone book??
Q: create a new phone book entry with out dialog box

user1317084I found RasCreatePhonebookEntry to create a phone book entry but in SDK its mentioned as "This function has been deprecated as of Windows Vista and its functionality has been replaced by RasDialDlg" So is there any other way to create a new phone book entry with out promting to the user ...

any idea on this...
i want to create a new phone book entry.....
Q: create a new phone book entry with out dialog box

user1317084I found RasCreatePhonebookEntry to create a phone book entry but in SDK its mentioned as "This function has been deprecated as of Windows Vista and its functionality has been replaced by RasDialDlg" So is there any other way to create a new phone book entry with out promting to the user ...

hi anuraj...
could you please help me in the above post..
hi shankar!
@shankar check this link and help me ! stackoverflow.com/questions/11186001/…
@Gowthammanju create a Instance in .asmx file...
@Shankar hmmm is it possible without using it
@Gowthammanju you cannot have access to class files from web request... asmx file is like a Interface / Connector
@Shankar i need to deploy a dll in which i need to add reference to the webproject there by access that url i need to call that class...
2 hours later…
@Ravi hello
I need a help
I have a gridview bound field
yup tell me, will try
first need to showconfig data in that
secondly need to export that column to a csv file
I tried with template field
the data is there in grid
but not in csv export
so how can I in bound field
where I have a source also for rest of all column
can you show me some code
you need to handle in RowDataBound event
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Fee" DataField="<%$Appsettings:cardfee%>“" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Convenience" DataField="Convenience" />
I tried like this
but getting exception
property was not in selected datasource
that's true too
"<%$Appsettings:cardfee%>" try to include this is the datasource na
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText=" Fee">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%#String.Format("{0}",System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fee"].ToString()) %>'></asp:Label>
& if usethis not getting in csv reading cell value
what you'are getting as datasource ? its dataset ?
or what
datatable to gridview
then no issue
you just add a column to datatable like this.
actually i trie dthat also
but as the dt is returning from a class
so its saying it as obsolute
&^ getting exception while adding this to row
 DataTable yourDt= new DataTable();
        DataColumn yourColoum= new DataColumn("yourcolumnId");
DataRow drFileDetails = yourDt.NewRow();
@Ravi ys I have done this
problem is my config value
its giving me warning
foreach (DataRow r in retList.Rows)
what is wrong here
it is giving me warning
its correct only know. ? as you are adding value to "fee" column.
"this method is obsolute"
what warning ?
use this
Q: ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings is obsolete, warning

Sergio Tapiavar values = new NameValueCollection { { "key", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["API-Key"].ToString() }, { "image", Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(photo.ToString())) } }; What's the new way to use the app.config file?

are you der ? is it solved ?
yes I had done
thanks a lot
I simply use template field
& check controls count
& read value from there
& for other bound filed directly read from cell
@Ravi @Neha Hi
@Vinod hi
@user1317084 hello
Q: create a new phone book entry with out dialog box

user1317084I found RasCreatePhonebookEntry to create a phone book entry but in SDK its mentioned as "This function has been deprecated as of Windows Vista and its functionality has been replaced by RasDialDlg" So is there any other way to create a new phone book entry with out promting to the user ...

any idea on this neha??
Q: create a new phone book entry with out dialog box

user1317084I found RasCreatePhonebookEntry to create a phone book entry but in SDK its mentioned as "This function has been deprecated as of Windows Vista and its functionality has been replaced by RasDialDlg" So is there any other way to create a new phone book entry with out promting to the user ...

let me see
sorry , no idea
k.... any one here know about this??
i wanna create a phone book entry with "Preferred Port option"
@OmerJaved hi..
Q: create a new phone book entry with out dialog box

user1317084I found RasCreatePhonebookEntry to create a phone book entry but in SDK its mentioned as "This function has been deprecated as of Windows Vista and its functionality has been replaced by RasDialDlg" So is there any other way to create a new phone book entry with out promting to the user ...

Sorry, no idea @user1317084
@Neha hi
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Which would be the best book to learn "Building MFC Application"? I am looking for a begineer level book!
1 hour later…
Sorry learned something new about the reply feature
3 hours later…
can someone take a look at my question?

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