Once one has entered a name and clicked the "Add Customer" button, the asp file should be called and executed since it was put into the "action" attribute.
Also, the input type was "submit" and not "button". I'm not sure if you were confused by that or not.
@vishal in the html code, the way that I specified that the button is submit is throught this code: <input type="submit" value="Add Customer" />. Also, what I meant by action attribute is this part of the code: <form action="test1.asp" method="get">
@AdityaBokade After I click the submit button, I want the asp file that I specified in the action attribute to execute. In the asp file, there is a SQL code that I want to run.
@blazinazian i just want to drag and drop customers table from northwind. theoray says that when we drag drop table from datasource, it automatically creates gridview. but i am unable to see data source at all :(
The problem is, I am a corporate trainer. Just now i have almost finished upgrading on asp.net. when i approached companies whether they are in need of asp.net trainer, they are asking me to upgrade on wpf,wcf sharepoint as there is no requirement for asp.net