@SidP you cannot use linq like a.b.c element if you wish to select c need to do something like a.b.select(i=>i.c)
you can understand it by like <production.period> & <production.period.lref> as child element of this, now do query as per
@onepseudoxy Private Sub MessageBox(ByVal msg As String) Dim lbl As New Label() lbl.Text = "<script type="text/javascript">" & Environment.NewLine & _ "window.alert('" + msg + "')</script>" Page.Controls.Add(lbl) End Sub
or Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "message", "window.alert('You are in.');", true);
and EntLib....i am using datatables plugin to display data
it works fine for me ,the issue is it fetches all records and save in browser memory and then paginate which take a lot of time to do....i want to fetch only selected data when page index change
I have WCF webservice that has contract like this
void UpdateEncounterStatus(int BookingID, string BookingStatus);
and in the class
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST",
ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
UriTemplate = "UpdateEncounterStatus/BookingID/{BookingStatus}"...
List<string> _lstItems = new List<string>(); _lstItems.Add("2% data"); _lstItems.Add("3% stack data's"); _lstItems.Add("Remaining Space - 35%"); _lstItems.Add("59% of Storage Space"); _lstItems.Add("3 - skilled ppl in a team!"); _lstItems.Add("30% data's in stack && 45.7% are Queued");
var temp = (from Value in _lstItems where Value.Contains("%") select Value).ToList();