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Q: Android launcher activity says NoClassDefFoundError

Дмитрий Иванович МенделеевI have a sample android app got from this web.While running this project it shows NoClassDefFoundError in logcat i cant find what is the problem here some one please help me to fix this public class MainActivity extends Activity { EditText etResponse; TextView tvIsCo...

System.exit(0); must be removed
is that reason for this exception
@Raghunandan I think it says ListAdapter not found
the reason may be different but you should not use System.exit(0); for sure. What is the package name for the ListAdapter?
@Raghunandan any other suggestions ?
@ДмитрийИвановичМенделеев What is line 38
@Raghunandan which is an adapter for the grid
what is on line 38 in
@Raghunandan I think it is a cache to store image and its path
@Raghunandan i found it from‌​‌​-in-android-using-menory-caching/
ok what is the package name?
@Raghunandan com.coderzheaven.testlistview
the link you posted is fine
the code posted in the link is also fine
ren your code
it has problems
but not the one you say
where is the problem?
can you specify where it is?
Have you tried cleanup your project ?
that has nothing to do with what stacktrace says
and that is what is confusing
fixed project properties
and modified the mainactivity to provide an image array
Whatever i don't understand how you got NoclassDef
@Raghunandan can you help me about another problem
you are loading from url
parsing json and get image url as an array
There is no need to follow blogs
There is a proper workign example in the docs
want to load images like that blog(design)
or two images in a listrow
you can use the same concept provided int he docs
it has cache clear
what you need is a gridview and urls
rest all keep the same
it will work as you expect
In fact the sample uses gridview
is it so hard to download and check yourself??
found error also in that
style issues(actionbar)
ok fine thank you very much i going to drop this project

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