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A: How to stop multiple activities from launching on home button press

LalUse this code for that.. @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if ((getIntent().getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT) != 0) { // Activity was brought to front and not created, // Thus finishi...

Should I place this in my MAIN and LogIN?
Yes..Place it in both activities..
Great, that seems to be working. Is it a good practice to put that in onCreate of all my activities?
I think so.. @birdy ..If it helped please mark it as accepted..
Thank you.. @birdy
Sorry, I just checked. Even though this fixed that issue, it is causing other issues. Now whenever I come back to MAIN activity even from with-in my app, then I go back to the phone's home screen rather than coming back to MAIN activity. I certainly don't want that
I didnt understand @birdy
So, I have other activities too. For example Activity1. When I launch Activity1 from MainActivity and press the back button in my app (top left hand corner) then instead of going back to Main my app is going back to the phone's home screen.
How are you going to the next activity?? Are you calling finish() after starting new intent ??
Why did you remove the accepted mark???Actually i solved your issue no..The error you got now was not at all related to my code.. @birdy
hi, that did not fix my issue
How are you going to the next activity?? Are you calling finish() after starting new intent ??
Why did you remove the accepted mark???Actually i solved your issue no..The error you got now was not at all related to my code..
Atleast upvote the answer as it helped you..
How are you going to the next activity?? Are you calling finish() after starting new intent ??
now, even when I click LOGIN on my login activity its not sending me back go MAIN but rather back to phones main screen.
This is how I am going to next screen
From Main:
startActivityForResult(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), LoginActivity.class), LOGIN_ACTIVITY);

From Login:
setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);
I have up voted the answer but not accepted ....since I think someonee else might solve it completely
If I remove your snippet from MAIN activity then I am back to normal.
Ok remove my code from mainscreen and check..
Yeah, it works fine If i remove it from main screen. If I add it in login screen instead then after clicking login I go back to Main screen (which is desired). But then another problem arises. If on login screen I press phone's home screen and open the app again then the login screen is gone.
I strongly recommend you to put a flag to check whether the user is logged in..If the flag is false (ie. not logged in),from mainscreen redirect to login screen..
I do have that flag. My problem is pressing home button (as described in my question) that is causing multiple activities to app each each time
if you have that flag then what is the probs?? i really dint get you..
So here is the problem: If I launch the app, main activity comes first and check if the user is logged in. If he is not logged in then it goes to Login activity with startActivityForResult(....). Now when user is on main screen and presses the phone's back button, they go back to main screen (which is not what I want, since they have not logged in yet). So, to stop this I changed startActivityForResult to startActivity(...); finish();
But, If I do that then, after user logs in and presses the top left hand back button in my app, they go back to the phone's main screen because I already called finish() on main activity....
does that make sense?
I also tried onResume in main activity. So if user is on login screen and has not logged in yet and presses the back button on the phone. they go to main screen and the onResume() would get called and check if user is not logged in then show login activity. But this way, I end up with multiple login activities!!
multiple login activities???
yes it will show multiple times..i understood..
yeah it shows multiple times because each time onResume is called and user has not logged in it will launch a new login activity.
So thats the problem
you have mainactivity and mainscreen???
no. I have MainActivity, LoginActivity, FooActivity. FooActivity is only launched from MainActivity.
MainActivity is the Launcher
in MainActivity's I have check in onCreate and onResume to see if user is logged in, if they are not I start Loginactivity by startActivityForResult()
Remove it from onResume()..Check it only in onCreate()
Yes. I tried that. If I remove it from onResume then when the user is on LoginActivity and presses the phone's back button they go back to MainAcitivity...which is NOT what I want because they have not logged in yet
But how does that happen???because you are checking the Login flag in mainactivity no..
if it is false you are redirecting to login page no..
It happens because that check is in onCreate. When user launches the app MainActivity is launched and onCreate cheeks if user is logged in, if not they go to loginActivity. If they press back on loginActivity, then MainActivity shows but onCreate() is NOT called again. because the activity was already created
does that make sense?
Ok then finish the activities before starting the new intents
I really appreciate your help. I am going to accept the answer
as I play around with things to see what is wrong
Thank you..
Did you get it???
can I ask another question and link it to you. You might know the answer
Yes ofcourse..I'l surely help if i know..
uovoted your question too..
I'm just not able to see the caret sign on the textfield
Okk.. Let me see..

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