I am working on a client-server project in android.I need to parse json from url and place it in Expandablelistview. In json response i am getting data with nodes containing arrays .So, i have to place main JsonArray to Groups in Expandableliseview. It works fine.
I can find out out , how many...
Is it possible to use SpatiaLite database on Android platform (1.6)? I am trying to program a google buzz-like app which need to take advantage of SpatiaLite functions, like calculating distance between 2 points, etc. Any external library needed? Thanks.
my view is displayed completely after setContentView(new MyView(this)) is called
now v1 is an object on\f
I am having issue in getRootView I feel
myview.getRootView(); myview.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); Bitmap bm = myview.getDrawingCache();................. bm is null is what I am getting as exception
Why u don't try - public class MyView extends View instead of extends View. Then u can try - BitmapDrawable drawable = (BitmapDrawable)myview.getDrawable(); Bitmap bitmap = drawable.getBitmap(); I think it will be better for u...
sorry my bad... public class MyView extends ImageView instead of extends View