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A: How to check event is already exist for a day - fullcalendar

Billy YeahMy solution is compare the .start of EventObject. So the Condition at my solution is: var allevents = $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar( 'clientEvents'); for(var currentevent in allevents ){ if(copiedEventObject.allDay && copiedEventObject.start == currentevent.start || HasSameDate(curr...

Thank you for your quick replay, I'll test you answer soon and make it acceptable if its for me.
Currently its not working for me, always invoking to else case, I am checking if any error from my side, also can you specify me what you meant "currentevent.start"
I updated my code.
I have tried out your updated code, but its always getting else case.
So interesting! It works at my side. Seems my answer has 5 votes, not sure if work at their side. By the way, what errors at your side?
Its always getting else case and found condition result like this "true : Wed May 14 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) : undefined : false". It means "currentevent.start" is undefined.
So interesting... What are the value of allevents and the 1st currentevent?
allevents = object and currentevent = 0 for first time
FullCalendar v1.6.4
ha, how many events at your full calendar?
At my side, allevents = object[]
At document link: . it return array, so interesting, why return object at your side
ya, its object array
so at your side, also allevents = object[] ?
yes, [object Object]
0 : currentevent
first time
so what is allevents[0] ?
its intiger like 0, 1, 2
becose its itrating to a loop
How about below code:
var allevents = $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar( 'clientEvents');

for(var i=0;i<allevents.length;i++ ){
var currentevent=allevents[i];
if(copiedEventObject.allDay && copiedEventObject.start == currentevent.start || HasSameDate(currentevent.start,copiedEventObject.start) ){
$inlineCalendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true);

function HasSameDate(date1,date2)
return $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar.formatDate(date1, 'yyyyMMdd') == $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar.formatDate(date2, 'yyyyMMdd');
will check
thanks for you valuable time
welcome, I also am interesting why doesn't work at your side
no luck
my code
var originalEventObject = event;
var diffDay = mapCalWidget.helper.dayDiff(event.start, dateText);

for (var i = 0; i < diffDay; i++) {
//var selectedIndex = parseInt(originalEventObject._id.replace(/_fc/, '') - 1);
//var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar("clientEvents")[selectedIndex]);
var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, originalEventObject);
copiedEventObject.source = null;
var newDay = new Date(event.start);
newDay.setDate(newDay.getDate() + i + 1);
//copiedEventObject._id = "_fc" + parseInt($inlineCalendar.fullCalendar("clientEvents").length + 1);
What is the value of currentevent at the latest code?
will check
[object Object]
seems better than before. What are the values of copiedEventObject.allDay ,copiedEventObject.start and currentevent.start?
true : Wed May 14 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) : Tue May 13 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) : false
May be I understood your mean wrong. May 14 2014 is the different with May 13 2014. So your mean of the condition should be true if the day are different, right?
yes, I trying to expand 13 - 15
in second time trying expand 13-18
Opps, that is the key why works fine at my side and doesn't work at your side. please try below code:
var allevents = $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar( 'clientEvents');

for(var i=0;i<allevents.length;i++ ){
var currentevent=allevents[i];
(copiedEventObject.allDay && copiedEventObject.start == currentevent.start)
|| HasSameDate(currentevent.start,copiedEventObject.start)
) == false){
$inlineCalendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true);

function HasSameDate(date1,date2)
return $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar.formatDate(date1, 'yyyyMMdd') == $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar.formatDate(date2, 'yyyyMMdd');
so no need to render 13 - 15 again, which already exist
We have opposite understanding. Try my latest code to see if works
its near to what I want
but small issue
what is the issue?
in between some dates are missing
means not rendering
I'll explain
1) Initially droped to 13th
2) Trying expand 16 th by uising a external date picker
3) But date rendering for only for 13th and 14 th
4) again trying expand 20th now 15th, 16, 17 are missing
ha, was the issue existed before?
also 2 event in 14 th only
I want a simple step below
If user drop a event in any date like 13th
then they will expand event by using some datepicker or
So you should render the event again use this method
if user will try morethan one time from 13th, don't render multiple for exsting one
means first time 13- 15 and second 13-20, in this case dont render for 13, 14, 15 again
first I want ask your susggestion, "renderEvent" is the correct way?
for above scenario
renderEvent just meet simple requirement. as your requirement, you should split the event to 2 events then use renderEvent to render them
you should create 2 event, the 1st is 13-14, the 2nd is 16-20
did't get last sentence
oh, how can it?
you should create 2 event, the 1st is 13-14, the 2nd is 16-20. they have the same title,
ok, I'll try out that solution also
one your suggestion please
is it possible to remove event for specific date
There is another solution too
like user change date to 13-18, then is it possbile to remove last 2 item
seems also work
ok, I try your solution to split event
thanks once more for a wonderful suggestion and help
Don' forget let me know the result, I am also very interesting at it
3 hours later…
made it with some old method :)
var allevents = $inlineCalendar.fullCalendar('clientEvents');
var arrAlleventsDate = [];

for(i in allevents){
if(arrAlleventsDate.indexOf($.fullCalendar.formatDate(allevents[i].start, 'yyyyMMdd')) == -1){
arrAlleventsDate.push($.fullCalendar.formatDate(allevents[i].start, 'yyyyMMdd'));
if(arrAlleventsDate.indexOf($.fullCalendar.formatDate(newDay, 'yyyyMMdd')) == -1){
$inlineCalendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true);

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