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OK. I'm going to sit here for a while and see who turns up...
I turned up! :)
I thought that might be the other Simon W for a minute there ;-)
Sadly not :)
He lives in the same town as me. At the risk of this turning into A/S/L where you from?
Yes, and before that he used to live in the same town as me. Used to see him at Oxford Geek Night (and now doing some contract work at his old employers!)
Ah. Small world :) You're mainly a mobile dev at the mo'? Do you get to incorporate much Django into that?
That's right, mostly mobile although I do some Django work too, and yes, sometimes the worlds collide. (e.g. I wrote the push notification server for iBreastCheck, an iPhone app for a breast cancer charity, in Django)
Hi Mark
Hi Simon, sounds like an interested project... Do you use ObjectiveC for your iphone dev or one of the frameworks out there?
Objective C
It's fun once you get to know its curious charms
@MarkEllul Mark Ellul. I know you. I think you replied to a job posting I made on oDesk once :)
I started learning it, but without a specific project its hard... I think thats generally true with most languages
@andybak What Job?
Definitely - need a project to focus your efforts on
I can't remember now. It would have been something general. I had a really busy patch last year and needed help. If I remember correctly I couldn't afford you ;-)
@andybak yes, I am not the cheapest person on odesk
not even close
well I just started freelancing again
@MarkEllul Nothing wrong with that. I was dipping my toe into the water of using contractors at the time so I was playing it safe.
@andybak yes I understand, I have had mixed experiences with contracting odesk contractors
I am impressed with this interface... its nice
@SimonWhitaker so do you have a secret passion for django?
@MarkEllul Me too. But I've got a great coder from China working with me at the moment. He's a real gem.
@andybak yes they are hard to find, I have a guy in Malaysia doing Java for me
@MarkEllul I have! Django's such good fun to work with
@andybak he is really good as well.. I put out a job recently for a Javascript Ninja
@andybak I got 4 responses, and none were close to ninja, mostly sheep in sheep clothing...
@SimonWhitaker I sometimes feel guilty about not learning other languages or frameworks. It would be good for my brain but I'm really comfortable with Python/Django (and a bit of JQuery etc)
@andybak but hey what are you going to do... I am doing it myself...
@MarkEllul You've got to filter out the timewasters early on. I normally ask a slightly tricky question in the job posting and ignore everyone who doesn't try and answer it.
@andybak if you're going to settle down with one framework you could do a lot worse. :)
I feel an InterviewHorrorStories chat room coming on...
@MarkEllul Not sure what you're referring to?
@andybak I did that... always do that, ask some questions, gives me a quick way to reject anyone...
@andybak I am doing the javascript work myself instead of a contractor
(I'm liking the threading implementation here, Keeps the temporal ordering but allows you to follow conversations...)
@SimonWhitaker I agree Python/Django could be worse... jQuery is awesome... though I fell in love with Appcelerators Entourage framework but it was all but dropped
@MarkEllul Javascript is something I rather enjoy doing myself for some strange reason. It's such a dirty and seductive little language. More dynamic than Python in many ways...
Hello world!
What was the quote about Javascript being Lisp in C's clothing?
hmm... not so sure of that, Javascript is definitely the Python of the web...
client side that is...
the only issue with jQuery it can become tied too closely to the UI... I know it sounds silly
I just wish we could use the new Python style interator looping but old IE6/7/8 stops that from happening. :(
@andybak which one?
@MarkEllul for x in object {do something with x} type stuff
@andybak I do a bit of work on a web project for a US company who stated they are not supporting IE at all, it was such a breath of fresh air
@MarkEllul I'm jealous. I persuaded a client to disallow IE 6 and 7. That's the best I've ever done. I wonder if Chrome Frame will make an impact now it's stable.
Damn. We seem to have turned this into a Javascript chat-room ;)
@andybak yes I am pinning my hopes on Chrome frame
Well I have been working with GWT lately, which is quite painful
Jon Atkinson. I see you lurking. I know you too...
but it has some things that are interesting that I thought would be awesome in the Python/Django world
I know there is Pyjamas...
@MarkEllul Have you tried Pyjamas - oh. you beat me to it. What's it like?
@andybak I haven't tried it yet... to tell you the truth
I was more thinking about pyjs mixed with Google's closure suite could be interesting
@MarkEllul I don't know how I feel about code generation. It seems a bit.... wrong...
@andybak if code needs to be generated, the frame work is not simple enough to use...
@MarkEllul Is closure worth looking at?
@andybak I haven't started looking at it yet, but my take on it is... Google use it, its enterprise level
@MarkEllul I wondered if it was a bit of a case of NIH from Google
@andybak so I guess it depends on the type of project your working on.
@MarkEllul "Not Invented Here"
I may have to step outside for a while and do a bit of real work. Laters
me too
nice chatting to you guys
hello everyone!
Here's a question. I posted this a few weeks back and got no reponse:…
I was surprised that problem hadn't bitten more people.
Actually - that's not really a question. more a statement! Still - anyone else using the admin with more than one simultaneous user?
/me uses it
@Fitoria ever had any problems with people overwriting each other's data?
Not really, :-)
I guess that my apps
do not fall into your case
@Fitoria Well watch out for list_editable screens. They are stomp-tastic for overwriting another admin's data. And if you ever have an issue then this might help:
@SebastjanTrepča 'elo
let me see
@andyback that looks nice, I know that overwritting data is an issue
luckly I don't get this problem
@Fitoria I suppose I'm just surprised it's not an issue for more people...
what kind of apps do you build?
@Fitoria Mainly CMS driven stuff. So my clients are in the admin a lot.
@Fitoria I do a lot of admin customization.
well I mostly do survey management sites with admin to upload surveys
and they do not edit them at the same time
@Maverick hello
@Fitoria My main problem is a small office using a booking system. They have to remember to warn each other if they have a booking open. I've got to fix that.
If anyone's is working on CMS type projects I've got a Github project that might be useful:
That link is to the old google code page as I've got a screenshot on that.
It's an admin app for automatically checking internal and external links - either on save() or via a cron job.
Well, this is nifty
@andybak nice one!
re overwriting, just ran across django-locking the other day, not sure how it applies to list_editable though... though the link escapes me....
oh, you just linked it above...
@andybak have you ever made an app or something to make dinamic menus?
@MarkEllul Yes, it is quite nice. Many nice ideas.
@Fitoria Not an app but I've got something like that in my CMS
how do you do it? I currently have a cms project
A hierarchical Page model with an instance method to get the navigation structure as seen from that page... I use django-mptt for the hierarchy.
and then the page as got methods such as get_navigation that returns a set of nested UL/LI's
thanks :-)
Hey everyone. This is neat (curious to see if these will take off just as well as the actual site)
@Bartek I prefer IRC, I feel. This is very nice, but still, there is something wrong. I guess although I like the UI very much it doesn't feel as direct and "real" as IRC. Or something. I've no idea.
@Velmont Agreed ... IRC is definitely a mainstay for most of those who grew up using it. I like a lot of the functionality this adds though, but curious if it will get more in the way than help. We'll see
gone to lunch
@Fitoria A site I work on uses django-treemenus ( and it works fairly well. My only gripe is it makes switching between branches a pain because if you add a menu item for a new view in one branch it goes into the DB and then when you switch onto another branch it will attempt to find the URL and end up with an error. DB migrations help, but it's annoying to have to do migrations everytime you want to change a branch.
f anyone is listening.... Is it better to do:
x['id'] for x in site_list
or: x[0] for x in site_list.values_list('id')
assuming site_list is a large queryset and RAM is at a premium
(incidentally - how would I benchmark RAM usage from the Python prompt in a case like this?)
I suspect the latter is more efficient.
However I am using the resulting list in another query:
so maybe that changes things...
ive been wondering that too. id suspect the ORM would get away with transferring less data in the latter case. any way to look at the generated query?
@andybak I'm not sure if using the number-based index is much faster but if memory is at a premium, I'd suggest using a generator instead if you're not already:
good point @Bartek. @andybak's first generator expression might bring fewer objects into memory at a time, while i'm fairly sure the values_list call reads the 'id' field into memory for all objects
@Bartek However I think the generator must get converted to a list when it's used in the __in lookup? Unless the ORM is doing something very clever indeed.
Maybe the whole thing can be condensed down to a single query - it might need to be custom SQL?
It's possible, how does your model look?
Headline has a ForeignKey to Building
I've got a queryset of Buildings
I then want to do a separate query of Headline's but only include the Buildings from the first queryset.
The two querysets are huge but the overlap is reasonably small.
and I'm going to run the result through a paginator and only return 20 at a time anyway
I've got 3000 buildings (very complex model) and 10000 headlines (simpler model)
anybak: if you need to measure memory usage, there's a module I've used called guppy. You can see what it looks like in my django-performance-tools library… as used in django-crawler (…) to spider a site & measure memory usage per view
I did take a look at that but I found it assumed more knowledge of CPython internals than I actually possess!
It does get a bit hairy
but you could use it really simply just by measuring the relative change to see which one is smaller
How are you filtering the first queryset? You might be able to filter across the relation directly
django-performance-tools looks very helpful
(e.g. Headlines.objects.filter(buildings__foo=bar)
I am wondering that.
The query on buildings is a huge mass or Q objects constructed dynamically.
The query on Headlines is a simple date range
django-performance-tools is a bit nascent but we're trying to expand it for one-stop shopping for measuring things like memory, number of queries, etc.
can't you get a general idea from django-debug-toolbar? Or are you specifically looking for memory usage?
The only snag is I'm returning a JSON object and I can't work out how to see django-debug-toolbar results in that case
/me nods
well, you could hit it directly for dbugging, view the json as text
I could wrap it in HTML just for the sake of testing.
I'd pass the first queryset directly to the second one since that would allow ORM optimizations to turn it into a subselect or something like that.
in theory, not actualy knowing the details of your setup of course
I'll try that. If I've got a queryset of Buildings I can just do:
there has to be way to do it in the shell
I use django-crawler for that: install it, and do something like " crawler --enable-plugin=heap /api/item/"
That'll print a line like "crawler [INFO] heap: /api/item/: 6.5 KB heap"
using profile or cProfile
So I've got:
headlines = Headline.objects.filter(news_date__gte=date_min, news_date__lte=date_max, building__in=site_list)
(I can actually do a date range query in one expression, can't I?)
I think it requires __lt/__gt, but I have only had to use that once or twice
meaning two args
headlines = Headline.objects.filter(news_date__range=(date_min, date_max), building__in=site_list)
@andybak See nothing wrong with that. Might even save you more memory if you're checking the building__id in the site_list (And obviously, making sure site_list just contains a list of id's instead of entire objects)
@andybak aha
looking good. and according to the docs that does get translated into a SUBSELECT
site_list is a queryset
Can't wait to see the SQL that generates!
Works like a charm! Seems really nippy as well.
I always forget about __in as a lookup. Damn - I love the ORM sometimes. I can't imagine trying to do that directly in SQL. <shudders>
Must go now. Thanks loads for all your help!
Before I go. Anyone want to be room owner?
I'll be leaving hte window open, if that's all you need
I think you get to pin topics and ban troublemakers ;-)
and tamper with the room description. be creative...
sweet, I've always wanted to wield power of the meek

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