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Just pushed Beta of new Gjallarhorn to NuGet, with updated API- https://www.nuget.org/packages/Gjallarhorn.Bindable.Wpf/1.0.0-beta1 and new samples https://github.com/ReedCopsey/Gjallarhorn/blob/master/samples/FrameworkSimpleForm/Core/Program.fs #fsharp #wpf
Wow! Nice!
version 1.0 🎉
8 hours later…
new version, new API - I have to update package
82 errors - I know what I will doing now :D
1 hour later…
what happened?
dont u lock the version in paket?
nope, I mean errors in project after updating package
not sure I understand new API for Component
let tComponent = Component.fromExplicit tableComponent
let table = Bind.Explicit.componentOneWay source "Table" tComponent data
in previous version one can write something like that:
let table = Bind.Explicit.componentOneWay source "Table"tableComponent data
8 hours later…
@FoggyFinder the biggest change was the mapping for messages, from component's Message to parent's Message types, now takes a tuple
which makes it consistent with collections
but.. that's only using non-explicit API 😀
the component was made to support that
1 hour later…
got it - not sure I like create one more type only for get away magic strings
something annoying me - I can't catch the error. When I try to create MCVE it's works fine
It also makes the binding type safe, btw - it's not just magic string removal
for one way, it'll get a lot easier once anonymous records get put in
I'm hoping Don will let them be tagged CLIMutable, in which case, 2 way will be a 1 liner instead of a type
@ReedCopsey true-true, but it seems like it is step back to the proper MVVM?
1 hour later…
not really - it isn't used for anything except naming + designer
but it is true that I don't love the extra typing
but - giving type safety to bindings provides a lot of value IMO
and, if you have R# and use it for editing XAML, it's really nice
nice intellisense in XAML, etc
Hi @JosefP. 😀

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