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The sound of Silence...
@FoggyFinder hah, finally took a look at it. i had a hunch that it could be some localization/TZ issue.
3 hours later…
Guys, a silly question, I know, but which of the following two functions (to calculate the inner product of two vectors represented by arrays of floats) do you think looks best and which is the most efficient? You may not answer neither, although I know you would write better code. :)
I think I will try to make a tool that can measure and compare efficiency of functions that has the same input and output :) That would be a fun F# project, right?
I'd prefer the first one
I think they're equivalent in terms of speed
because of the index going from 0 to length - 1
you can use #time in interactive
ok, I am happy you said that.. because the first one is the one I wrote.. and the second.. my professor ;)
oh, does it tell me how long it took to evaluate a function
that's very useful to know
it's strange that your professor wrote it that way
he is really good and I think he tries to vary his style in order to demonstrate different ways of doing things, and because he.. as me.. thinks is fun to laborate
experiment not laborate..
let dot x y =
    Array.map2 (*) x y
    |> Array.reduce (+)
that is so nice, thats why I love f#..
If thats what you meant with it being strange that my professor wrote it, its because the exercise told us to not use higher order functions. It had to use recursion
can you use pattern matching ?
you should give it a try
^ you'll either love it or hate it (the way it's written)
ok i did it now..
several things I know I could improve.. like checking length before recursive function instead of every iteration
but other than that, how ugly is it on a scale from -10 to 10 ?
it's quite neat
btw, you don't need to use in
or at least i never use it
i would guess it's from OCAML maybe?
I don't think you need index @GreatCubicuboctahedron
you can pattern match with x :: xs
(need to use Array.toList though)
Thanks! Don't know what OCAML is?
ocaml = fsharp without .net ?!
hmm maybe, I just learned from lectures and such..
In the F# book I have they never write match l with ... they write function and then go right to the patterns
but I want to understand what I'm doing .. aaand I have an exam in 4 yours :)
@GreatCubicuboctahedron that's roughly the same thing
it's useful when you know that the function's first parameter will be the thing to match on....
oh ok! Didn't really look into that
dunno in many ways i find spelling out match cleaner
let dot' a b =
    let rec recDot a b acc =
        match a, b with
        | [], [] -> acc
        | x, [] -> failwith "!!!"
        | [], y -> failwith "!!!"
        | x :: xs, y :: ys -> recDot xs ys (acc + x * y)
    recDot (a |> Array.toList) (b |> Array.toList) 0
!!! = arrays of differents lengths
nothing hard to understand IMO @GreatCubicuboctahedron
black magic :-)
that's the most beautiful thing I've seen today
it's only 10 am :D
I hope you don't think I spam questions here now.. Soon I'll not be making as much noise.. But if I want to declare a data type for binary trees, where leafs are representing spheres. And Each sphere is defined by its x,y,z coordinates and its radius (a float). Would a proper declaration look something like this:
type SphereTree =
| Leaf of int * int * int * float
| Node of int * int * int * float * SphereTree
It's a chatroom... :0)

A place to learn and teach
Allright, thanks :)
Based on that data type I just declared, they tell me to make a funktion to traverse the tree and find its total volume (with no regard to overlapping spheres), I wrote it like this:

let rec get_volume st =
match st with
| Leaf (x,y,z,r) -> (4.0/3.0)*3.14*r*r
| Node (x,y,z,r,t) -> (4.0/3.0)*3.14*r*r + get_volume t
i wish there would be more "spamming" like this.... :-)
I'm looking for the easiest but still correct solution to this one
type Position = { x : int; y : int; z : int }
type Radius = int
yes, i would with record too
type Sphere = Position * Radius
type SphereTree = Leaf of Sphere | Node of ... Sphere * SphereTree ??
that makes sense
not too sure about those types,
even though that is much nicer, was my solution correct? almost?
but you certainly should make more use of the type system
yes I need to get a lot better with that
yes but F# types system is its most powerfull feature
didn't learn records very well at all, its not that central in the course Im taking
it's what protect you from bugs, at compile time!
@GreatCubicuboctahedron what will happen if you feed it something very large i wonder
or even before compiling
it might crash?
the suggested solution is this:
type STree = Leaf of float * float * float * float | Node of STree * STree

and the function:
let pi = 3.141592654
let rec tree_vol t =
match t with
| Leaf (x,y,z,r) -> 4.0*pi*r/3.0
| Node (t1,t2) -> tree_vol t1 + tree_vol t2
yeah, i wonder... but I'm sort of braindead by now and it's Friday... I crashed... :-|||
hehe, me too, and its like 40 degrees (C) outside
@GreatCubicuboctahedron i think when you use tuples with too many parameters it's easy to get it it mized up
and I wanted to create a tuple containing tuples .. f# didnt like that for some reason
really, you sure?
must have made a typo
they should be able to hold anything, right?
let x = (1,"b")
let y = ("z",3.0)
let z = (x,y)
don't go overboard with those tuples ;-) they will bite you in the ... sooner or later
@FoggyFinder btw, how did you work around this? I tried specifing DateTimeKind.UTC but that wasn't enough.... maybe use DateoFfset or timezoneinfo..... btw, judging from the error I saw when feeding sqlite some bad data, it does try to call date convert functions, i assume it's in there where this conversion trips up the comparison
maybe it's time for noda time???
and I think the answers were only halfway there... just pointing out the possible cause...
I have not yet managed to find a solution
is it Noda Time?
I don't understand how this can help me :)
@franssu thank you. I'll try to find a transferable version
should be easy to find ;)
@FoggyFinder it might or might not. ideally it should be make it easier to specify times and timezones. when I looked at the DateTime and Timezoneinfo related API in .NET I barfed... :0
I think, as it to fasten to the query
@FoggyFinder for example... i tried simply date.AddHours(9.0) and I still didn't get a hit on ==
It's Friday... so I'm out early )))
Here is a Friday contest, please do not enter the code in a F# editor:
What does this function do:
let rec secretfunc l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> x @ secretfunc xs

I found this a bit of a poser :)
I think I know :)
what do you think then
I think it does exactly this :
am I right ? :D
haha, you mean nothing? I didn't see anything
I was just waiting, lol
eheh, yes, nothing
No no it does actually do something real :)
I failed to answer it correctly when I first saw it
of course
Hehehe :D
I guess you see it now..
did we get tricked by bad choice of variable names? maybe..
no, I don't see it :p
Ooh ok :) Well I won't tell yet!
does it flatten a list of lists ?
hmm not sure what you mean with flatten (not familiar with the word in the context)
2 hours later…
@simonax can you chat?
5 hours later…
Hmm ... today for the first time I saw that my comment was deleted.
what comment @FoggyFinder ?
comment to a question on SO
don't know why
how is your exam?
it was really good.. I controlled my answers afterwards and I will get at least 26 out of 30 points and then i will get 5 extra points for making all labs + project before deadline
it was sooo weird, one of the questions where exactly what I wrote above. Making a sphere type and traversing to find volume
btw, are regular users allowed to delete answers on SO?
"didn't learn records very well at all, its not that central in the course Im taking" - @GreatCubicuboctahedron Hate to say it, but if you're not using records and DUs, the couse isn't doing F# right ;)
@GreatCubicuboctahedron You can vote to have them closed - if enough people do, it'll close (and eventually can delete)
are records the same as tuples?
in reality, F# developers almost never use tuples except within methods / in "local" regions
records are strongly named types
i didnt think they were
but there were absolutely nothing about records in my exam or in any of the assignments
yeah, doesn't sound like your professor really "gets F#"
so I looked in my book, they are like..
type Person = {age : int; birthday : int * int; name : string}
They talked about that during the lecture named "Object-oriented Programming in F#"
I think he really gets F#, but this course was more about Functional programming, (named functional programming with f#)
does that make sense?
not really - because records and DUs are the cornerstones of FP in F#
records are not part of the object oriented parts, really
Oh, ok..
sounds more like he's an ex python person who brought over his bad habits :(
I think he works with Haskell?
"functional" python devs tend to use tuples everywhere, from what I've seen
yeah, maybe
Ok, hmm I feel bad now.... feels like i've been betrayed
But I will learn it anyway
there's always us :)
algebraic data types are common in haskell, too - it's odd
Yeap :) This is actually a really great place.
I need to go put my beef in the pan, it's been out for 1.5 hours
@Great BTW - You might want to join FSSF - the slack channel there has a lot more people on, pretty much 24/7
and lots of people ar ealways happy to help
oh ok, thanks for the tip, what does the SF at the and stand for?
Scott Wlaschin's site is nice too.
@jdphenix Yeah - Scott's got great content
his DDD posts are fantastic - and all based around records and DUs ;)
@jdphenix, @Reed Copsey Hello
Hi @FoggyFinder :)
hmm, now I should something to say :D
happy friday. next friday , it's @franssu 's turn to make up a f# challenge
How do you think a function that takes a string, like "123", and converts it to its corresponding integer, 123, would look like? Without using higher order functions
If there is a non numeric character in the string, it should either be thrown away or cause an exception
without that
using recursion, indexing ant pattern matching et.c
maybe its a stupid question
then using the symbol table
you could also use mapi (or recusion to write your own) and the 10**i, etc
2 hours later…
don't think I were allowed to use mapi, this was a question on my exam today.. I have re-constructed almost how I wrote. First I'll write what the exact question was:
Declare a function that takes a string of numeric chars ('0'
-'9'= and returns corresponding integer. For example, "123" shall translate to 123 of type int. If the string is empty the integer 0 should be returned. If there is a non-integer value in the string, an exception should be thrown... (roughly translated to English)
I solved it like this:
How could I have done it better without using "built in" functions?
image isn't loading
can you show your code instead of image>?
indent 4 spaces and it formats as code ;)
but its long :)
wait a sec
gist ;)
You could use Char.IsDigit and Int32.Parse(s.[Index].Tostring()) to avoid the big match
also using 10**index as a multiplier, and just summing, would eliminate needing getFact, right?
Hmm I suspectred I could have used Parse but I wasn't sure so I didn't dare doing it on paper..
What does 10** mean?
well, 10.0**(float i) works
but it's 10 to the i power
Oh, right...!!!
I'd probably do something like:
let string2int (s : string) =
    let length = s.Length

    let rec string2list (s : string) index acc =
        if index < 0 then
            let f = length - index - 1 |> float
            let factor = 10.0 ** f
            let v = s.[index].ToString() |> float
            string2list s (index-1) (factor * v + acc)

    string2list s (length-1) 0.0 |> int
though, to be fair, I'd just fold or mapi it :p
but if you can't use higher order functions, this works
very neat
I think I learn a lot doing stuff from scratch
let string2int (s : string) =
    let f state pair = state + (10.0 ** fst pair) * (snd pair)

    |> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> float <| s.Length - i - 1 , System.Double.Parse(c.ToString()))
    |> Seq.fold f 0.0
    |> int
that works, too :)
but uses higher order functions
same logic, though, effectively
Awesome, that would have taken me an hour
so - mapi maps the data from a sequence of chars to index (as float) and value (as float)
fold takes those pairs and accumulates them, effectively the same way as a recursive function would
(without having to write the plumbing)
let string2int (s : string) =
    let f state pair = state + (10.0 ** fst pair) * (snd pair)

    |> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> float (s.Length - i - 1), float (c.ToString()))
    |> Seq.fold f 0.0
    |> int
that's probably easier to read ;)
Or, even:
let string2int (s : string) =
    let makePair index character =
        float (s.Length - index - 1), float (character.ToString())
    let processPair state pair =
        state + (10.0 ** fst pair) * (snd pair)

    |> Seq.mapi makePair
    |> Seq.fold processPair 0.0
    |> int
another option,although it is not very good:
let strToInt str =
    |> Seq.toArray
    |> Array.filter(fun x -> x >= '0' && x <= '9')
    |> Array.rev
    |> Array.mapi(fun i x -> ((int x) - 48) * (pown 10 i))
    |> Array.sum
A subtle difference, I believe @FoggyFinder that will throw away non-digit character instead of throwing an exception
Yes, but it's easy to fix
remove the filter, and it'll throw
Oh, seems obvious with the explanation. Allow me to crawl back into my corner now... :D
... I blame... Friday?
@ReedCopsey how come when I pass "915311351351351354" to your function it will return -2147483648 .. My function did something similiar but Foggy Finders got stack overflow
you'd need to make it work with longs, not ints
it's overflowing the integer
so it becomes a very large negative?
@ReedCopsey no, there's no exception - without a filter the result will be incorrect.
can't have an integer larger than 2147483647
@Foggy Remove filter, change mapi to Array.mapi(fun i x -> int (x.ToString()) * (pown 10 i)) and it'll throw ;)
I know that but why does the functions behave differently?
let strToInt str =
    |> Seq.toArray
    |> Array.rev
    |> Array.map (string >> int)
    |> Array.mapi(fun i x -> x * pown 10 i)
    |> Array.sum
let strToInt64 (str : string) =
    |> Seq.toArray
    |> Array.rev
    |> Array.mapi(fun i x -> ((string >> int64)x) * pown 10L i)
    |> Array.sum
if you want to support "bigger" numbers
or, better:
let strToInt64 (str : string) =
    |> Seq.rev
    |> Seq.mapi(fun i x -> ((string >> int64)x) * pown 10L i)
    |> Seq.sum
no need for all of the arrays everywhere ;)
(though that requires F# 4)
with old F#, you could use System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse instead of Seq.rev, though
it is not so beautiful
As much as I would like to see how far you all could go with this question, and as Reed now have presented about 6 solutions, I will give you all one final challenge for tonight. And I will look for a very specific "pitfall".. so be aware!... Here comes the description:
let strToInt64 (str : string) =
    |> Seq.rev
    |> Seq.map (string >> int64)
    |> Seq.mapi(fun i x -> x * pown 10L i)
    |> Seq.sum
@Foggy You could do that here, and not add much overhead
because with sequences, it's not creating new arrays
if you like that better :)
with arrays, I'd avoid it - since it copies the entire array
Declare a function, call it findMax, that takes an array of floats and returns the biggest element. The solution should not have any side effects, but you have to use a locally declared mutable reference cell in which you accumulate the element with the highest float value. You should use recursion, imperative F# loops or built in functions in F# are not allowed. Go!!
why would you use a reference cell?
is that supposed to return the highest value, or highest index?
well ok, skip that part it's not necessary
highest value
Let's say we input [|2.0;3.5;1.5|]. This should return 3.5
Today is a wrong day. Something that haunts me. I was told that my messages were insult and rude. I tried to clarify this moment, but apparently chose the wrong form. If someone has time, please help me figure out where I was wrong. I don't want to make such mistakes - so as to read such messages was unpleasant.
let findMax (fArray : float array) =
    let rec fm i max =
        if i > -1 then
            let v = if fArray.[i] > max then fArray.[i] else max
            fm (i-1) v
    fm (fArray.Length-1) System.Double.MinValue
"you can use google to learn..:"
Ok, Reed you didn't fall in to the trap.. But you did it different from me
what trap?
Well, for unexperienced like me
when you used System.Double.MinValue, some use 0
ahh, yeah
But I didn't on my exam today :)
that's good
but yes, otherwise findMax [| -23.2 ; -18.0 |] will give bad results
let maxarray (arr : float []) =
let max = ref arr.[0]
let length = arr.Length
let rec findmax (arr : float []) index =
if index < length then
if !max < arr.[index] then
max := arr.[index] ; findmax arr (index+1)
findmax arr (index+1)

in findmax arr 0
why is the indentation wrong for me.. I used 4 spaces
make sure to uset he fixed format button
you can go up and edit (hit up arrow)
Personally, I like this:
let findMax (fArray : float array) =
    let rec fm i max =
        if i > -1 then
            let v =
                match max with
                | None -> Some fArray.[i]
                | Some v when v < fArray.[i] -> Some v
                | _ -> max
            fm (i-1) v
    fm (fArray.Length-1) None
will return None if you do findMax [| |] instead of throwing ;)
@FoggyFinder I think he took offense at you asking if he ignored your question
@Great If you're setting max to ref arr.[0]
am I
but not 0.0
then you shouldn't need an accumulator, so the 0.0 issue goes awya
So it will work fine! You scared me
but you can start at 1 instead of 0
that is true
Sorry, I am very tired and almost cannot read what people write anymore. Time to sleep, gn8

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