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@FoggyFinder thx. worked like a charm. :)
4 hours later…
hello @GreatCubicuboctahedron
what did you delete :-)
2 hours later…
@Great, Hello. Don't have time to read the message
what's up
sleepy - a couple of days rain
You continue the protests in France?
it's been raining a lot here
yes, now it's the railway staff who begins an unlimited strike
I read about it in the news. Reform really that bad?
I'm not well informed :P
but yes, less rights for the employees, more power to the companies...
what are the chances of success?
I'd say not much
elections are coming..
next year
@Gui, Hello
@franssu But why? I heard that subway employees will come to the protests, too
eheh I was saying "not much chance" for the government's success
euro 2016 starts in 10 days
Oh, yeah..I doesn't follow football
what are your predictions?
hello all
ah Soccerr :-)
don't you like soccer?
I do
Btw, last year Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk went to the final... if I recall correctly
but these days I donT follow..lack of time...
@FoggyFinder neither do I, but it puts the subway employees in a strong position
@s952163 the city was renamed :D Dnipropetrovsk -> Dnipro it's funny
It's a very interesting game indeed...
They named the city after the football team? nice
No, it's just a stupid politics
I keep forgetting to ask, are you happy with your government?
U r kidding me right
don't open that can of worms
I will be happy when they stop taxing me...
how about you?
) Waiting for the change, as always
ahhh... nothing will change :-(
I am an optimist
good good
I'm also not happy about my management
so things will only get worse :D
one of the rules of the universe
@FoggyFinder btw, did you figure out your sqlite date issue?
not yet. I rested
I will be to create today the question on SO, think
good idea: resting. ) ping me with the link when it's done I'm curious too. As I was considering either using MySQL or sqlite as my data store (instead of SQL SErver...which is great btw).
I used SQLITE before but directly on windows and had a very good commercial ODBC driver which did this kind of translation i believe....
even then i had some 32-bit/64-bit issue if I recall....
okay...out of here. Studying gjallarhorn :)
what's gjallarhorn ? @s952163
any link ?
@s952163 Oh, you want to rewrite your code from the last question in SO on gjallarhorn?
then I go to the store and let's learn together =)
I need a simple example to understand
Sure. I should be back onkine after dinner
The SwaggerProvider is a wonderful thing however I'm getting a 401 and I suspect UseDefaultCredentials forms part of answer...
type Api = SwaggerProvider<ApiFilePath, "Content-Type=application/json">

let api = Api()

let boom = api :> SwaggerProvider.Internal.ProvidedSwaggerBaseType
@ofraski, Hello
i know sergey tihon could help here... is there a way to mention him here?
@FoggyFinder hellp
and hello
@ofraski mm, no, but you can ask him in the Slack channel
i could... if slack was enabled at work :/
I've never used SwaggerProvider
android to the rescue
the SwaggerProvider is good stuff
but i'm not alone in this swaggerprovider struggle
I need now to go away, would you mind to continue the conversation a little later?
no problem
@s952163 nothing important, just happened to slip on the keyboard ;)
5 hours later…
@s952163 What are your successes?
I have failed to understand, yet
The main problem, I can not understand the principle of binding
Now I have the following:
    <Button Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="55" Margin="130,55,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="115" Command="{Binding Click}"/>
    <TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="50" Margin="30,55,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding Out, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="70"/>
    <TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="50" Margin="280,55,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding In, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"  VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="70"/>
type RandomX = {In: int; Out: int}

module VM =
    let createMainViewModel (initialValue:RandomX) =
        let rnd = System.Random()

        let subject = Binding.createSubject ()

        let editOnSubject = Binding.editMember subject

        let source = Mutable.create initialValue

        let first = source |> editOnSubject <@ initialValue.In  @>  (greaterThan -1)
        let last  = source |> editOnSubject <@ initialValue.Out @>  (greaterThan -1)

        let click _ =   source.Value <- {source.Value with Out = rnd.Next first.Value}
The command for button works fine
but when I changed the text in the text box, change the value does not occur.
and just a question: is it possible not to specify the validation explicitly, as in FVM?
it would be nice to write something like this:
    let first = source |> editOnSubject <@ initialValue.In  @>
3 hours later…
@FoggyFinder So, with Gjallarhorn, binding isn't a 2 way operation
instead of working in a "mutable" manner
binding is signal -> WPF / WPF -> [new] signal
so, in your case, when you type, first will be the result of what the user types
Oh, now it is clear. It's a bit unusual, but, think, it is logical.
if you want more traditional style
you can use Binding.editDirect instead
type RandomX = {In: int; Out: int}

module VM =
    let createMainViewModel (initialValue:RandomX) =
        let rnd = System.Random()

        let subject = Binding.createSubject ()

        let in = Mutable.create initialValue.In
        let out = Mutable.create initialValue.Out

        in |> Binding.editDirect source "In" (greaterThan -1)
        out |> Binding.editDirect source "Out" (greaterThan -1)

        let click _ =   source.Value <- {source.Value with Out = rnd.Next in.Value}

        let clickcommand = subject.Command "Click"
something like that
@FoggyFinder That make sense ?
don't know - I have not yet managed to make it work as I expected.
I'll take a break for supper and try to understand again
what are you trying to do?
try to rewrite the example @s952163 with gjallarhorn
Good evening guys! I'll write an exam in Functional Programming with F# in two days and I have done all the exercises and older exams that my lecturer have given me. I am wondering if any kind soul would be willing to give me some kind of challenge? Everything from writing a function to a theoretical explanation is appreciated! However, it should be fairly basic since it is a course at "undergraduate level".
@ReedCopsey probably, it is still difficult for me. I'll try something simpler - just sum what I enter in text fields. Try this:
type RandomX = {In: int; Out: int}

module VM =
    let createMainViewModel (initialValue:RandomX) =
        let rnd = System.Random()

        let subject = Binding.createSubject ()
        let source = Mutable.create initialValue

        let in' = Mutable.create initialValue.In
        let out = Mutable.create initialValue.Out

        in' |> subject.BindDirect "In"
        out |> subject.BindDirect "Out"

        Signal.map2(fun x y -> x + y) in' out
        |> Binding.watch subject "Sum"

that works, right?
but it's still not working
what's your xaml? and are you setting the data context?
yes, xaml:
        <Button Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="55" Margin="130,55,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="115" Command="{Binding Click}"/>
        <TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="50" Margin="30,55,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding Out, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="70"/>
        <TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="50" Margin="280,55,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding In, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"  VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="70"/>
let main _ =
    let uiContext = Gjallarhorn.Wpf.install true

    let app = App().Root

    let vm = VM.createMainViewModel {Out = 20 ; In = 10}

    let window = Views.MainWindow().Root
    window.DataContext <- vm
    app.Run window
it's compiling correctly? are there runtime binding errors?
@GreatCubicuboctahedron evening. I'll think about it :)
no, no errors
old FsXaml I see :D
Appreciate it, but your errors goes first of course :)
1 hour later…
@Foggy You found a bug ;)
fixing it now
you should see exceptions in debug in the output window
that's basically just adding numbers, like you were doing
the problem, btw, was a bug where the dynamic properties were coming through as being typed as object
so WPF tried to set it with a string
which caused casting problems when it would set the int value ;)
but that's fixed in the latest push
goign to make the example as simple as possible, I think ;)
2 hours later…
@FoggyFinder I wasn't able to bind it...than around midnight I gave up. Let me check your comments first.
I tried to create my own version of List.partition, just to practice recursive functions.. but my brain doesn't collaborate right now. This is what I wrote:
let partition p l =
let rec part l t f =
match l with
| [] -> (t,f)
| x::xs when p x -> part xs (x::t) f
| x::xs -> part xs t (x::f)
in part l [] []
and the lists in the tuple are sorted in reverse order, what am I doing wrong?
@ReedCopsey will take a look at this!
I can use append instead.. like this part xs (t @ x) f
But I don't like using append
@GreatCubicuboctahedron well, since you are tacking on stuff in front, you usually get back reversed stuff from recursive operations on list. You can List.rev it
Yes, I've had that problem quite a lot.. sometimes I can add the element before the recursive call.. like "x::recursiveCall", and then its not the same.
But it just feels I should be able to do this by placing them correctly from the beginning? Also this could be a solution:
let partition2 p l =
(List.filter p l, List.filter (fun x -> not(p x)) l)
But, it doesn't seem very efficient either?
@s952163 and @FoggyFinder - Updated nuget too nuget.org/packages/Gjallarhorn.Bindable.Wpf just needs to index now
@ReedCopsey domo domo :-)
@GreatCubicuboctahedron I try to avoid recursion... :-| what does the List.partition source say?
@GreatCubicuboctahedron Lists getting into reverse order is pretty common - lists always prepend, not append, so any time you create them, you typically have to do List.reverse at the end if you care about order
@ReedCopsey 0.0.3-beta1 right
that should fix the edit issue
and the project, if you fork it, now has a "simplified" sample
just using minimal target with editing support
and two way binding
thanks for "dumbing" it down for me :-)

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