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@KevinRansom :) Thanks!
7 hours later…
good morning!
Im actually happy with the TP dev process, having a separate instance makes the testing safer too as you have a clear tooltip buffer to catch weird type checking issues etc
I would rather effort be made to extend type providers further, like intrinsic type extensions or allow the input parameters be quotations and things like that.
@KevinRansom ^
@7sharp9 saw you tweet regarding the surface - still can not understand why MSFT is so expensive as a late entrance to the competition
£639 for the 64GB i3 model
£559 for the 64GB ipad air, I know the screens smaller on the ipad
The surface pro3 64 is out of stock anyway
Thing that puts me off is Windows
Surface 2 64 is £329, on offer at the moment
@7sharp9 I hate that Windows has no proper shell - Cygwin is better than - Powershell is a pure pain - remember checking powertools and tail did not work
Surface Pro 3 is also 3:2 aspect
With a surface2 its only got a quad arm processor, Im thinking an IDE will be out on one of those
So, Why would someone spend that fortune in Surface instead of beers? What magical things can it do?
it is very appealing to people who travel a lot - long time ago before UMTS I used to travel with a SUN server and a laptop - was always funny at the airport when I had to go to the backdoor to xray the SUN pizza box
I wanted a tablet that I could potentially put an IDE on
stupid question:
let getVersionNo (cui:string) =
if (cui <> null && cui.Length > 5) then
0 does not work - what should I do instead?
ok I use an else and it works - still odd
without an else the expression is not finished
if the if expression is a unit expression you dont need an else
if true then x <- 0
In your code above you can also use TryParse which will return a tuple of (success, result)
thx - now I am fighting to redo a simple wget on Windows in .NET...then a stupid gz command
was just a stupid copy and pase error regarding the wget...anyone got any gunzip nuget recommendation
have used Ionic - it does sometimes not properly cleanup
@EnricoSada Will you be doing any further work on the lighttable plugin?
1 hour later…
anyone using logary here?
1 hour later…
anone seen:"Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembl
y 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3
a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does n
ot match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) ---> Syste
m.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'FSharp.Core, Version=4.
3.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependenc
ies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly refe
tried to move a program to my production server
@weismat, did you install F# on the server?
Iff not, did you make sure that the version of FSharp.Core that you included in your binaries directory matches
I ran into that problem when I had both and installed on my dev machine but copied the wrong version to the test server
I have .NET installed - copied everything from the same directory - I guess FSharp.Core needs to be installed in the GAC
@weismat FSharp.Core isn't installed with .NET
You can install just the F# runtime on the server, or just copy the right version fo FSharp.Core to your binary output directory
I think so.
Easiest to just set the FSharp.Core assembly to copy local in your VS project.
I have a suspision that it might be also related to my try to use logary
Shouldn't think so. Just try copy the FSharp.Core.dll to your output directory and see if that works.
I had it - I first rolled back to the non logary version
looks good now - I think it was something related to logary
I installed a small FSharp exe before on that server
@AshtonKJ Why is §AppDomain§.CurrentDomain highlighted yet §Async§.StartAsTask is not?
Property versus Function?
@AshtonKJ The first part is not highlighted, they are both types
3 hours later…
Have any of you guys used any of the F# libraries for functors/monads/monoids/blabla ? I know there's some large one out there I bump into everytime I look that is supposed to have implementations for the option monad among others. I'm curious how easy it is to use those libraries? Are their implementations easy to work with? I suspect they didn't implement them infix so the API doesn't quite read super fluent - but I don't remember... Has anyone used such and found it easy/hard to work with?
@JimmyHoffa I'm not sure what you mean by the Option monad... isn't that in FSharp.Core (at least partially)?
Also, in my experience, when I do need some sort of canned monadic thing, I just use extcore
@pblasucci maybe that's what I meant... FSharp.Core doesn't have an implementation for bind or fmap etc on Option<> does it?
it does... there's an Option module
it has a number of functions: bind, iter, etc.
So FSharp.Core for Option<> stuffs... ExtCore for when you need State, Writer, etc.
wow... never knew... I only ever bumped into the 3rd party ones (probably that extcore you referred to)
Awesome, thanks for the tip!
Although, in general, ExtCore has a bunch of useful stuff in it... independent of monad, monoids, et al.
@JimmyHoffa No worries. Happy to help. :-)
has anyone done any lens stuff in F#? (is it even possible? the underlying mechanics of those I still haven't sat down and worked out an understanding of... not sure F#'s type system supports them)
2 hours later…
Hi @roundcrisis :)
and hi @JamieDixon too!
hello reed
ABout to spend the weekend with Azure ML
Really need to get F# on there
that'd be awesome
@ReedCopsey hi there :D

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