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A: How to Print PDF in IOS7

svrushalPlease check below function - (IBAction)printWebPage:(id)sender { UIPrintInteractionController *controller = [UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController]; if(!controller) { return; } UIPrintInteractionCompletionHandler completio...

I'm getting two errors now one is property jobtitle not found on object of type UIprintpagerenderer
another errror is undeclared identifier btnreportprint
please tell me how to resolve this errors
Instead of btnreportprint use other button from where u want to show popover for print.
try commenting line which is causing first error.
do i have to use two button of this the in popover button wt ihave to do
sorry not getting you point.
u told i have to give popover button thats i asked do i have to create a another button called popover inside that popover button which method i have to invoke
Assign the IBoutlet to it and use it. Now need to do extra
for testing purpose take one button on screen and use it
No dude. Just take one button on the screen where u are showing the web view.
ya im doing same only using only one button but its showing error on the btnreportprint
like undeclare indentifer
is that a method
sorry name
replace btnreportprint with your button bame
it is so easy na btnreportprint is not declare in ur project
just wanit i will let
bro now i give the button name i have button called print now again its showing like undecalred identifer
undecalred identifer to whom??
post the error
ok wait
where r u??
ya im here
im just checking
still gettig the error
ya im still getting the error
is that possiable to u connect me through the teamviewr
bro its working
sorry it is not my office
What is the error
i have tried the other solution
which one
ok then bye
It is almost same. Only difference is they not used the button for opening the popover for print. They have directly open the view
hoo ok

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