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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 18:00

Good morning guyz
2 hours later…
Good morning
Good Morning
2 hours later…
Goood Morning Guys.... :-)
good morning guys
@PiyushMishra i wana make an custom calendar with add,delete or edit the events
@PiyushMishra for custom calendar i have to use calendar api or another way for it
@PiyushMishra any other example
@Anshul google is your friend :)
@PiyushMishra yes sir
Good Morning Guys :) have a lovely morning :)
Good morning guys
@PiyushMishra Do you Know about Spring's RestTemplate for the Android ?
@Shyam no idea
@PiyushMishra OK
Anyone Know about Spring's RestTemplate for the Android ?
morning guys!!!
@Pallavi: @PiyushMishra: @Omi: @chintankhetiya: @Villan: @RobinHood: @Hardik: Good Morning Guys...
@MahaveerMuttha very good morning
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hello everyone :-)
@DhavalKhant remember me ?
@chintankhetiya no..
can you remind me?
How to implement canvas drawing with undo and erase functionality in android?
My app get crash when exception is thrown..i want to show a dialog or toast message without making it crash ..plz help
i have used PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)); but its draw black line
@sabya What is exception?
@sabya... implement your dialog or toast in catch block
@Pallavi the answer you told me yesterday, i hv implemeted that already..but its not working..:(
@Abhi unknownhostexcetion
Unknownhost!!! Accessing net?
@RaviRanjanSingh yes..i m doing that ..but not working..still its showing force close message..
@Abhi @Pallavi GM do you Know about Spring's RestTemplate for the Android ?
@sabya check if internet is working... check if that website can be opened in the mobile's browser
any one knows how to block call programetically?
@sabya check if u have set internet permission in manifest
@chintankhetiya sry bro..
@Aamirkhan did you google it first???
@sabya if u have a catch block, ur app should not crash
@DhavalKhant kushal khant ne odkhe che ?
@chintankhetiya no.
@Pallavi hahahaha
@sabya it seems ur app is crashing in some other part of the code...put log messages and see..
@Aamirkhan Pallvi is here :P
@Abhi thanks
@DhavalKhant 0_o , then might be you are not that person who i predict , sorry :)
@chintankhetiya okay no prob.
@Pallavi How to implement canvas drawing with undo and erase functionality in android?
@Pallavi i did not found your blog in google
do you have any idea about this?
@Abhi , @DhavalKhant it's at number 4 in google search results, i guess i should write more blogs :P only had people searched, they would have got it
@Pallavi @RaviRanjanSingh actually the thing is that my app get crash every time i want to do some server transaction when ther is no data connection...i want to show a dialog or toast message like.."not able to connect to the server. Try again"....and the app will be in the same screen as it iz with out force close dialog..
@Pallavi nice blog
@Pallavi nice blog
@Pallavi nice blog
@Pallavi Not nice blog
thanks guys :)
@Aamirkhan nice...
@Abhi yeah.. lot of scope for improvement :P suggestions please...
Go to holland :)
@Pallavi what the fish are doing there ? :P
@chintankhetiya waiting for food :P
@CapDroid avo bapu kem cho ?
@Pallavi do you have any idea regarding above problem??
@chintankhetiya bas bhai all izz well
to wandho nai , wanngdu :P @CapDroid
@DhavalKhant nope.. don't know...
@chintankhetiya hmm, tum sunao
Can anyone solve my problem??
Jun 6 '12 at 7:30, by Abhi
Fish are friends not food
@CapDroid suno sunaao Life bannao , Big 92.4 FM ,,,
@Abhi they are wattling for some smart android developer come and say hello :P
Vinu vinupinchu life adhinchu :P Big FM
@chintankhetiya bade mood me lagte ho.. aaj kam nahi he kya ?
@Abhi Nemo!! Did you find him?
@CapDroid lots of work , i have last 2 min to stay here , will go on :P
vinandi vinandi vulatsanga vuthsahanga :)
@chintankhetiya lage raho munnabhai
@CapDroid @Abhi
@Pallavi Good Morning
@Abhi hey AB how are you?
@CapDroid morning...
@DhavalKhant yes
@Pallavi whats going on?
Hello Sarkar
@RobinHood aaial SARKAR
@CapDroid i have used PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)); but its draw black line
while implement canvas drawing with undo and erase functionality in android?
@DhavalKhant what is your canvas background?
@CapDroid @Abhi ABCD - Any Body Can Dance :P
@DhavalKhant sorry , no idea dude :(
@chintankhetiya then start
@DhavalKhant use white background
jaamping jaapang :P
@chintankhetiya ABCDEFG - A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl :D
@chintankhetiya 2 min ho gaye
@CapDroid but i want to draw in transaprent background
@Abhi haha... but not me...
@DhavalKhant then it will draw black color
@CapDroid if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 10) {
this.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);
@Abhi ABCD <ABCDEFG you prove that :P
@CapDroid last 30 sec :d
if i put above code then its working but problem is it supports above api level >11
seems all are free today ?
even you also
@CapDroid Time Over , bu bye guys :)
Hey @all, Do you guys know about New World Order?
@chintankhetiya: ????
Or Illuminati?
Hi guys does anyone here knows about downloading files in Amazon S3?
@CapDroid just the usual work... you tell...
@DixitPatel yes, lil
@Pallavi today free... :)
@Abhi but remember... GFEDCBA- Girl Forgets Everything Done and Catches new Boy Again! :P
@RobinHood Ohh, at least some one knows whats really going on in the world. How do you find it?
@CapDroid oh nice :)
@Pallavi sorry didn't read that
PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR) not working can you guys help me
@DixitPatel I heard this word when its burning in all over the world
seem you just came to knew about, is it?
@Pallavi clap clap...
@RobinHood not every girl does that though :P
@RobinHood Ya, Just few months ago, But than We one of my friend's father is a part of free masonic Society, He said that its a real.
i mean Freemasonry
@Pallavi need help for connecting web services.
@Hardik @PiyushMishra @chintankhetiya Do you know: New World Order?
@DixitPatel what you are upto?
@Piyush ??
anyone knw abt connection reset by peer problem.???
@RobinHood mmm... Working! Why?
Working on New World order? @DixitPatel
@DixitPatel what ?
@RobinHood Well, Do you really care? or Does it even matter to you?
@RobinHood what happen ? what's going on ?
@DixitPatel this is not a place to discuss.
@RobinHood Got it!
@Segi what is your exact issue? server side or android side?
morning :).
dnt knw.. error is
connection reset by peer
guys non tech question ,
@Segi are you trying to use some URL?
form where i get my open id in stack exchange ?
check if the URL can be opened in mobile's browser
@chintankhetiya create your id on myopenid.com
now stack exchange is provide our open id,
i have log in to SE and try to find that but forget that link ,
go to your profile and click mylogins
i guess that is what you need.
@N-JOY i check that, the link is some were there but not able to see :P
Hey guys! can please somebody help me with using datepicker in a child of an activitygroup???
1 hour later…
@shivani what is issue
@Aamirkhan getting a BadTokenException
@shivani show code
here is the link to my question i posted in stackoverflow
@shivani ok
post entire error log
ya sure
hold on
in this method replace "this" with "getParent()"
and run your code again
nope still not workin
still getting the same error @Aamirkhan
@shivani have u caste id of your data picker to activity class?
dint get u? @Aamirkhan
wat exactly does dat mean?
@shivani i mean have u assign id to datepicker define in your xml file?
do i even have to define a datepicker in my xml?? @Aamirkhan
@shivani ya you have not defined it that's y error is coming
but i did not define it in an earlier activity where i need only 1 datepicker
and its workin perfectly
@shivani ok
@Aamirkhan please use pastie.org to paste code snippets..
@shivani please user pastie.org to paste long texts
@shivani see your logcat carefully
you are asking to attach a view
which is not present there
you want to attach dialog view to the activity which is not present there
@Pallavi when i paste code here?
@shivani i think error is bcs of xml file
@Aamirkhan So what exactly do u suggest should i do??
m very new to android
i dnt get what i should do now
please help
@shivani instead of onCreateDialog() with the group
create a new dialog attach with the activity
@RobinHood ?
@shivani paste your xml file here
@Pallavi no, i am using webservices for retriving data..
@Segi check if you are able to open that page in browser...
@Aamirkhan here
yeah, its open.. and my error comes only sometimes.. not everytime..
@Pallavi my second problem is i cant clear my autocompletetextview.. :P
@Piyush u can also help me... :P
@Segi did you google?? O_o
@Segi haha show the code and where you are getting the error
@Pallavi yeah, already..
@Aamirkhan what needs to be done in the xml file
error on call method..
@Segi what error?
@Segi what is your project about? like theme of your project? does it require that much security that you are using SOAP?
@Segi what is not working? what have you tried so far?
@PiyushMishra write in sentences not fragments... how many times do we have to tell you the same???
@Piyush error is connection reset by peer
@Pallavi project abt insert records of company in their database..
yeah, its require..
@Segi ok.. then no problem...
@Pallavi but what abt my problem?? :O
@Segi did you refer to this tutorial?
@PiyushMishra sudhar ja :D
@RobinHood i am doing my best :D
@Pallavi is it last option...
making custom.?
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@Segi did you tell me what you have tried previously?
@Pallavi actually i tried with settext("").
but it not works on that..
@Segi not work meaning? the text is not getting cleared or it is showing a dropbox with all the options?
text is not gettin cleared..
Are you sure?
yeah sure...
listen, take long breath and check your code once again and even if you face problem then frame digestible question on main site and have some patient. @Segi
Are you sure?
listen, take long breath and check your code once again.
@Robin oke.. :D
@AdilSoomro please do not feed the troll :D
@Robin your idea works.. ;)
solved.. :D
I'm innocent :D
@Segi which idea, I don't see Robin gave any idea!
@RobinHood: what ??? pardon please.. maine kuch galat padha kya??? :P
@MahaveerMuttha chal bey, kabhi school ka gate dekha he :P
3 mins ago, by RobinHood
I'm innocent :D
@AdilSoomro did i just read something offensive about girls??? O_o :P
@RobinHood: school ka gate???
@Pallavi where? :p
yaar ye kon bimar he, le jao isse :P
@AdilSoomro in the history :P here
blah! blah!
@Pallavi I was weak in history.. I could barely pass it..
oh ho look who's here!!
@AdilSoomro that's why gave a link ;)
fas gaya na @AdilSoomro :D
@Pallavi It wasn't offensive about girls, rather it was for boys :p
@RobinHood haan yaar, madam bohat sakht sakht hy :p
please help me In this still am stucking
@Joan you question still not solved???
@AdilSoomro last 2 dyas am trying to Implemnt this simple think
no @Pallavi
@Joan but i had told you a solution didn't you try that already?
@AdilSoomro :D
I tired
But am having Problem to send Array List conatctlist from one activity to another activity Onitem clcilk
am not able to display that @Pallavi please help me
am not able to call
Intent in = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),
SingleMenuItemActivity.class); inside ontemclcik fucnation
@Joan you can pass the array list in intents right?
in.putExtra("arraylist", contactList);
yes i have tried
@Joan you already have written the code... is it giving any error/warning?
so, in second activity, you get the contact list, you get the position on which the user had clicked in the 1st activity...
but not Gettin value still getting Null value
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pleasee see my second activity code
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@Joan use pastie to paste the whole code...
ok wait
this am applying But in arl this gettng Null in second class
@Pallavi have u chcked
Hi, one quick question is there any problem by reading XML or JSON in Android 4.2?
@Ivan No
@Rstar I read one of each file and works in 2.3.6
and forces the close in 4.2
@Rstar this is my question with XML stackoverflow.com/questions/16674661/…
@Adil @Robin gave me idea abt taking breath and look my code. :D :D
@Joan so it's sending bundle b=null??
@Pallavi just 1 minute am telling
coz am getting some value let me check
@Joan compose everything you want to tell in 1 paragraph and then hit enter... otherwise i won't get the context of what you are writing...
@Pallavi i have Fxied this issue
@Joan oh cool nice :)
can u please tell me how to apply viewpager like flip to left and flip right
@Joan dig google
Have anybody used
This library
For listview swipe
@Praveen, gtalk or skype.
@Pallavi still my problem not solve..
@Segi don't waste your time, just implement that custom edit text box...
once, the project is over, take your time to find a simpler workaround...
@Pallavi no. i talk about connection reset by peer problem.. :P
that problem solved... :)
@AdilSoomro Pinged you on gtalk
@Segi ask the server side guy...
Has anyone had any experience with the Facebook Request Dialog?
@PaperThick sorry... i thought you are talking about the async thing
guys i have one jar and i have add in to build path , but some of the method is not working like The method setMedia(File) is undefined for the type StatusUpdatein demo its working @PiyushMishra
@Pallavi hi need help
@PaperThick are you having any issues? the tutorial does show step-by-step implementation...
Q: ListView is not appearing - Fetching Data from Server

Chulbul PandeyI am trying to Retrieve data from server and want to show that data in a ListView. Problem: ListView is not Appearing OrdersActivity.java: public class OrdersActivity extends Activity { public static final String LOG_TAG = "OrdersActivity"; ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> d...

@Pallavi please see this small issue, and tell me where i am missing
@Pallavi Yes I've gone through it, but I want a addition and cant quite get the last part to work. I've posted a question on it stackoverflow.com/questions/16689336/…
@chintankhetiya clean the project and jar should be inside libs also
done so many times :P
@Pallavi had you implemented https with SSL in Android?
see the sequence of jar inside builder
@ChulbulPandey kya haal hai pandey ji :)
@PiyushMishra can do one thing ?
@PiyushMishra Sir ji ko Namaskar, ache nahi hai haal hamare, chote chote issues tang karte hain bhaiya
@ChulbulPandey call me piyush :)
:) Sir ji ko toh sir ji hi kaha jata hai na piyush babu @PiyushMishra
@ChulbulPandey header in the <include> section, what is it's height? you can see the contents of the list view in logs??
you are going in a wrong way load the data inside the activity to the listview using asyncTask and use that listview inside adapter.
and notify the list that data is changed using notifydatasetchanged()
@Piy wheres the other partner?
actually buddy i tried several but in that case i am getting NULL POINTER EXCEPTION if possible so please do place correct code in correct place for me, the whole code is here, by next 30 minutes i need to finish this task : stackoverflow.com/questions/16689384/… @PiyushMishra please
in iOS/Cocos2d, 2 hours ago, by Omi
main to dar ke maare aaj uss room m hi nhi gya :P
that sneaky little spy.. spying somewhere? @Piy
@RobinHood haha, you my friend really are the answer to that guy! :P
@ChulbulPandey as @PiyushMishra said, you need to do the downloading first, then populate the listview...
@ChulbulPandey not a tough task, you already have a code to download just create one asynctask for the list rest you have everything there
@Pallavi please tell me how to apply Viewpager flip left and right
@PaperThick i don't think facebook would send you names of friends who the user sent request to... obviously for privacy purposes...
Q: Implementing 47degree android-swipelistview for swipping android ListViewItem

Er. Nikhil AgrawalActually my goal is to implement a ListViewItem Swipe in android. I have tried it and stackoverflow has several examples which can make your ListViewSwipe. Examples. Simple swipe gesture to activity tutorial? Show button in a list view on swiping one item from that list One point is there eve...

@all please see this once if you can help
@Joan tried this tutorial???
@PiyushMishra believe me i tried several times getting null pointer, ok do one thing place code in pastebin as you think i should place in activity and adapter class
@PiyushMishra please buddy
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 18:00

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