@PiyushMishra I'm trying to send data from a bluetooth module (connected to microcontroller) to my android phone and save it in a string. But if I send something like "<ABCD>", "<" is received first and "ABCD>" is received later. How do I read it together?
@PiyushMishra When I add items, it goes to other screen from this activity. So, after adding the data to sqlite database, I finish the present activity. So, the activity that contains the listview in the backstack would be visible which inturn call the onResume () , so the asynctask gets called as I coded it in the onResume().
@PiyushMishra I can repeat the code what I have done in the onCreate(), but then there would be no point of updating the content. Rather if I repeat the same code it would become like starting a new activity.
btw, here's my question if anyone can help, I need a regex to match a string that starts with "<" and ends with ">" like this <xxxx> or <xx> in a string like "xx><xxxx><xxx><xxxxxx><xx><xxxx"
for (int i = 0; i < childcursor.getCount(); i++) { childcursor.moveToPosition(i); int idColumnIndex = childcursor.getColumnIndex(Catalogs.FKKEY); rowIds.add(childcursor.getInt(idColumnIndex));
System.out.println("Check for the data "+rowIds.get(i)); }
@Omi Now this json is coming from server so what we want is to parse this json and use this values inside app, So Is there any way we can have JsonParser call that can parse this json and json that has diffrent sets of structure but te same keys?
@Omi I guess you didnt got my reply, Now this json is coming from server so what we want is to parse this json and use this values inside app, So Is there any way we can have JsonParser class that can parse this json and json that has diffrent sets of structure but te same keys?
@Omi So its not going to change Array to Object but it can some time have 5 object inside array or could be 1 object inside array Let Say {"myData" : [ {} , {} ] } this could be {"myData : [ { [] }, {} ] " }
if you ask like this. pseudo code : [myObject objectForKey:"myData"] (iOS) , something like this in android (never done ) myObject.getObjectForKey("myData");
it should return you array.
and it will automatically have 5 objects or 2 or 3 as per in your json
Yes I had read throw it, My friend was able to do parse json on iOS in few days and on android , Im still looking for ways to make that process easy :(