My app is trying to deliver lots of contents to users, so the app's size is much greater than 50mb. There is no way we could reduce or remove some of the content, so we decided to go with the expansion approach.
I am trying to follow this tutorial: Android APK Expansion Files, and have been succ...
My apk version code is version 3. with it I am using main expansion file which was loaded with apk version code 1 (file name is similar to The expansion file downloads fine on a device.
The expansion file has media file, so I using APEZProvider from the Google Zip Expansio...
public void overridePendingTransition (int enterAnim, int exitAnim)
Added in API level 5
Call immediately after one of the flavors of startActivity(Intent) or finish() to specify an explicit transition animation to perform next.
I'm trying to post an image captured from Camera , i'm using following code
Intent i = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
startActivityForResult(i, REQ_CODE_PHOTO_TAKE);
inside onActivityResult i wrote this code
Bitmap photo = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data");
buddy not getting log for that because when i try to select an item to buy in a list then i am getting this error @PiyushMishra and now i am using this code in adapter
public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent= new Intent(myactivity, com.easy.shoppingcart.SingleItem.class); intent.putExtra("position", position); Log.d(CartAdapter.LOG_TAG, "Position :: " + position); myactivity.startActivity(intent); }
buddy i guess i am getting wrong, therefore i am requesting you to please show me code what you think i should use because i have tried several times @PiyushMishra
I am using a listview in my Android program.
I have row. 1) i have custom row in button and i want to when click button then open the alert box and this row clicked then open the new activity but Only one button clicked not row clicked . how to possible in this case. my code in below.
Thank y...
@AdilSoomro I'm facing one issue when i'm using MHTabbarController That, if i open any view using [self presentmodal...] it will reassign my tabbar at top.
Can any one tell me that how can i shift value from my public String[] resultImageStrings; to private int[] mImages = new int[] { R.drawable.pic2, R.drawable.pic2, R.drawable.pic2, R.drawable.pic2 };
i want private int [] mImages = (here is will give images from here .. resultImageStrings)