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any Android guys here..need some advice on using Expansion files
I have been sitting on this for 2 days and getting screwed up..a little help will be appreciated
@Laux u there ?
Yeah how are you @rahul
@Laux any idea on expansion files ?
@Laux Im doing good man..hw are you ?
What you mean expansion files?
@Laux I have a project that uses mp4 files in it..so if I keep all of them in R.raw it will make the apk to grow upto 200 MB. so Im using expansion files for this
Why not put in a webservice?
is that a music player app?
its an offline app
I never came up with that kind of project
how about the user will download it before he can play
is that a music player app?
hmm..ok man thanks for your time. I was able to play all the videos when they were in R.raw..problem started when I started using expansion files..its a tutorial/guide kind of app
the expansion files are downloaded during app installation ...developer.android.com/google/play/expansion-files.html
I have a previous project before but i used webservice
cant use them for this one :(
I think their's a way for that I just don't know how hahahhaaa ^_^
your right..there s a way..:)
thanks anyway @Laux
no prob @rahul
can anyone here help me with a bit of an array problem(basic stuff)
hi all frnds good morning,
small help boss
I have AsyncClass which I am using to upload data from server in my one of activity. Now I want to download the data from server in the same page at some point. for that can I use the same AsyncClass to do 2 tasks at a time by passing a parameter for calling the respective code with some switch(parameter){}...
can I do in this way?
@LearnIT @Laux
2 hours later…
Good Morning Everybody... @Pallavi:@JaiSoni:@Laux: @PiyushMishra:@N-JOY: :)
@MahaveerMuttha Hi Good Morning
Hello to Android Dev's
mornings @all people
Hello to all Experts
Q: Button Highlight - how to apply onTouch to 2 buttons

Goofyi have 2 buttons like this: Button b = new Button(this); b.setText("Button onw"); b.setId(1111); b.setBackgroundDrawable(R.drawable.button); b.setOnTouchListener(listenerOne); rootLayout.addView(b); Button b1 = new Button(this); b1.setText...

@MahaveerMuttha good morning :)
morning all
@Pallavi good morning
@SagarMaiyad and newbies... :)
@Goofy hey morning :)
@Pallavi how are you, seeing you after a long time how is it going on?
@Goofy i should be the one saying that
@Pallavi :) i will be here but i am not able to talk you all due to heavy work load
@Goofy :)
i have to update all the apps that are there
@Goofy you implement the touch on view and inside your touchlistner
you are checking with event
your switch case
first switch will be like view.getid()
and inside that you can check the event
@PiyushMishra i tried that but it its happening when i set background to the button
hello guys.. have a great day to all
@Goofy hi
@JaiSoni hello buddy
@Goofy how r u?
@JaiSoni i am fine how about you?
@pallavi yeah :)
@Pallavi but i think all are experts as per my thinking :)
@SagarMaiyad i am a beginner
@PiyushMishra thnx dude,,now the code is working fine,,with every field.
@pankajarora i am glad that you did it
@PiyushMishra how to send data btwen tabs ina tabhost
@Goofy good
@Pallavi just for few months.. )
after that u will also experts like others..
@PiyushMishra i have done this,i want to know how to exhange data btw tabs on a button click via bundle ya fir intents.
Q: How to Pass values from one Activity to another Activity by using Tap on List View Item

Chulbul PandeyI am writing an App in which i am trying to allow user to edit a quantity of an Item already in Cart, by Tap on Item in List View.. Please see below screen shots for more clearity Screen Number:1 In below screen i am allowing user to choose an item to buy Screen Number:2 In this screen i...

@Pallavi @pankajarora @JaiSoni @SagarMaiyad @mojmaho
please check this issue, really small issue, but creating big scene need help
Q: Android: signature using Bezier but not draw any line

moj ma hoI am trying two draw digital signature using Bezier.But when i touch and try to draw line then nothing draw on touch. Simple signature done by using simple signature but I want to create more a smooth curve using Bezier with touch pressure. tried with this link SignatureViewDemo.java public cla...

@ChulbulPandey did you enumerated and logged the value of the item you are passing to the intent ?
yes i tried like this: Log.d("Quantity::",KEY_QTY); and all @Omi
what did it logged ?
KEY_Title = title like i have given in static variable not getting values @Omi
so you don't save quantity when you saved the order in screen 3 ?
i am storing it in session class, but whenever i do tap on item not getting that quantity in edittext like you can see difference in quantity value in screen 3 and in screen 4, buddy do something needful so urgent @Omi
@SagarMaiyad 1.8 and counting still a beginner
@Omi ak arz kar do bhai.
@ChulbulPandey you dont need to send all the things via intent
only position is enough
as you are using the data model class
it already have the data that you want
just use that object make it as global and public
and use data model object
into the other activity
@Pallavi aka :D
the only thing you require is the position of the list
i guess it will work for me, could you show me, how my code should look like
@LalitPoptani Don!!! :D
@LalitPoptani @PiyushMishra do u guys have any idea about Expansion files in Android : stackoverflow.com/questions/16455544/…
@ChulbulPandey inside your constructor of adapter
are you calling the list
@Pallavi then u r underestimate urself..
the list having the data
@rahul how do you set the path of your audio now ?
can you show me the constructor of your adapter
@Omi I have used the ExUnzipper unzipper = new ExUnzipper(getApplicationContext());

ZipResourceFile expansionFile = APKExpansionSupport
.getAPKExpansionZipFile(getApplicationContext(), 1, 1);

Log.i(TAG, "fileName " + fileName);

AssetFileDescriptor fd = expansionFile
but Im getting null pointer on fd
public CartAdapter(Activity a) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
myactivity = a;
myinflater = (LayoutInflater) myactivity.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
} @PiyushMishra
@Pallavi kem cho?
@Omi Im getting values for all the following ZipEntryRO[] zip = expansionFile.getAllEntries();
Log.e("", "" + zip[0].mFile.getAbsolutePath());
Log.e("", "" + zip[0].mFileName);
Log.e("", "" + zip[0].mZipFileName);
Log.e("", "" + zip[0].mCompressedLength);
@LalitPoptani majama... tame kem cho?
@LalitPoptani kem cho?
@Pallavi kem cho?
O_o good to know that you know gujarati also :P
and ame pan majama chiye ;)
here reading the zip file
@Hardik majama :D
uses input stream
that worked for me for images
@Lali hiya! :p
@ChulbulPandey inside session you created static hashmap?
Im using the VideoView for playing the mp4s..hw can I integrate Inputstream for this ? @Omi
not a good idea to write a code
public class Session {
public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> item_data = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
@AdilSoomro hiyalo! ColoR :D
use minimum static
@LalitPoptani gm :)
@ChulbulPandey hi Pandey ji namaste :D
and static arraylist surely not a good thing
@N-JOY hiyalo, lets enjoy ;)
@LalitPoptani Namastey Lalit Ji
@LalitPoptani bonjour
you can use your static hashmap
@PiyushMishra i realized that, but for now do something
in other activity
because its static you can acess easily
you just need to pass the position
@N-JOY Bonjour is the eighth studio album by French–Algerian singer Rachid Taha. It was released by Wrasse Records on 26 October 2009.
to the other activity
and there you can fetch the things easily
please show me some code, like you can see here: stackoverflow.com/questions/16454249/… @PiyushMishra
@LalitPoptani hello in french
i have written code but not getting value for all the fields
@N-JOY lol :D
@Omi any hope
@LalitPoptani what the heck is that hiyalo
you set video view -> video path as string or uri ?
yep @Omi Uri uri = Uri.parse(Constants.getContentUri() + "/" + fileName);

@N-JOY hiyalo is language independent :P
@LalitPoptani ohkk got it. it is gujrat specific
i think you will have to unzip the expansion file and then set the path of the video from the directory
you won't be able to set uri using a zip file
@Lali how doing buddy!
Hi, I have simple questions. I'm new to Android Development. I need to create an app with a webview. The data/views will not be static and it looks that it will be the best for me to put html/js on the web, not on the device.
So I shouldn't really use PhoneGap, right? Because PhoneGap is used when you want to package html/js into your app, right? And if I need to access some system things from JS I just need to use javascript interface in my webView (addJavascriptInterface), right? No point in using PhoneGap?
but cant I use the the zip util com.android.vending.expansion.zipfile that android provides ?
Most applications don't need to use this class. This class defines a ContentProvider that marshals the data from the ZIP files through a content provider Uri in order to provide file access for certain Android APIs that expect Uri access to media files. For example, this is useful if you want to play a video with VideoView.setVideoURI().
@AdilSoomro why you are missing T in my name :P
@LalitPoptani He loves to call you LALI
@LalitPoptani hehehe. (practicing to pretend)
Both are cute ColoRs :D
@LalitPoptani :)
@ChulbulPandey can check and let me know if stuck somewhere
@Pallavi tame gujarati cho?
@prostynick phonegap isn't necessary.
@LalitPoptani nope :) Maharashtrian
it is manly used for cross platforming.
if you don't want cross platform features. stick to native as it is best
Please can any one test my project here why the animation not working http://www.filedropper.com/switchanim
i am just trying to switch b/w two activity with animation and it's not working
@LalitPoptani oho ab hum bhi marathi me baat kar sakte he. jo gujrati na samajh sake
@Omi Im getting the error I mentioned in my question while doing this stackoverflow.com/questions/16455544/…
@N-JOY karo karo :D
@Omi OK, but if I were to use it, would it benefit me in anyway? I guess that it would do some small things for me, right? Like accessing some stuff in phone without some much code, cause... framework (duh)
@rahul you used APEZprovider ?
guys any help ??
hi all of you
@prostynick its only two big benefit are :
@LalitPoptani @N-JOY strange error i am getting can you please check?
1) cross platform
2) web based syntax
yes.. just a mentioned in blogmobile.itude.com/2012/11/22/… @Omi
so if you are a web developer.
it would be much easier to use the syntax.
other than that. i don't think it has any other benefit. only cons
@Pallavi page not available
@Pallavi why don't u try and hide it from the xml ??
@Pallavi good afternoon
@Pallavi got it loaded let me see.
in CartAdapter.java need to write this code:
HashMap<String, String> item = Session.item_data.get(position);
Intent intent= new Intent(myactivity, com.easy.shoppingcart.SingleItem.class);
intent.putExtra("position", item);
am i right? @PiyushMishra
@iOSBee well, that was just an example... even if i setText("something") it crashes!!
@prem Hey!
@prem hello
@ChulbulPandey yes
@Pallavi seems NPE at MessageActivity.onCreate(MessageActivity.java:99)
@LalitPoptani yes, i have pointed out the line in the code above the logcat
@Omi well, I might need it on iPhone later, so I maybe it'd benefit me, but in the same time html/js will be on the web, so I could easily make those pages work with both Android and iPhone without using PhoneGap. At least I think so.
@Pallavi you must have done,but if not try to clean build
@N-JOY clean- refresh- restart workspace
any thing else?
@Pallavi try to change the id from android:id="@+id/txtNoNewMessage" to something else...like android:id="@+id/txtNoNewMessage1" and try
but once i put this code in onCreate() :int position;
this.getIntent().getExtras() != null) {
Bundle bundle = this.getIntent().getExtras();
position = Integer.parseInt(bundle.getString("position")); getting Multiple markers at this line
- Syntax error on token ")", invalid
- Syntax error, insert ";" to complete
Statement @PiyushMishra
if your app is small -> to be completed in 10 - 15 days with phone gap.
do use it
@Pallavi try making another textview with another /id ...
@LalitPoptani nope.. duplicate entry of that id is not there too.. and yes i did try that too!!!
however if you have a big app or have in mind to update the app as new improvements in android and iOS sdk are release.
you will run out of luck on phonegap
when i remove the textview, it is working fine!!!
@ChulbulPandey its just a rough code
@Pallavi what about othe view in the layout are they working?
position is the global value
@N-JOY yes
any one see any mistake in my code here pastie.org/7821423
my animation is not working ...
@ChulbulPandey where you are getting this
i did some changes lets build and then let you know ok buddy @PiyushMishra
@Pallavi try declaring the TextView before the oncreate method
@rahul i don't see the APEzProvide in that blog link
@iOSBee did that too... declared it globally
@Pallavi yup strange. I guess this issue can now only be resolved by Sir ravindra jadeja or rAJNIKANTH
@Omi OK, thanks
then try some experiments by yourself that would be better ;)
because that can only be the cause else it should work!
public TextView mytextview;
hi anyone here has idea on kannada font on android
@LalitPoptani :( i ran out of new stuffs.. that's why asked here
@Pallavi try to change its name and rewrite that view
or some other hit nad trials
if you remove the textview code in on create. and do the referencing for other view stuff in your layout. and set its visibility to (View.GONE) does it work ?
@ChulbulPandey that was if condition where you are getting the error
@All how does syle.xml affects on version change of device (using samsung S2) ? i was using ics and now upgraded to JB in my topbar layout before upgrading it was showing good but now it shows small images.....
@PiyushMishra: @Pallavi:
@all hai
@Pallavi i want to finish app in devise in android
@N-JOY done that already
wait a minute buddy and thanks for support @PiyushMishra
@Pallavi my logout session is not working i hardly tried to do
@Pallavi use your this code insdie onresume txtNoMessage.setVisibility(View.GONE);
Any one is there??
@Pallavi that tasks
@PiyushMishra please see this link: pastebin.com/tDL2pY5M
@ChulbulPandey just see the log its null
you cant parse null as integer right
yes buddy
put a log inside onclick
and see what you are getting and what you are sending
intent.putExtra("position", item); or intent.putExtra("position", position); in CartAdaper
@ChulbulPandey position
put a log
hii @OneManArmy
@PiyushMishra how are you??
I need one help from you
I am fine thanks what about you
@Pallavi worked?
first you can put a log above that your object is null or not
because you are getting null pointer
@PiyushMishra it's not working any where...
@OneManArmy sure
@Omi I have a class that extends APEZProvider (the blog have source code in it )
lot of people are here to help
anyone can help me ?
i m using json in my android app ..
i m getting gujarati text from url and want to display in android app
bt i cant
i trace the data into log cat it display gujarati there bt not display in android emulator
@piyushMishra i have a problem in my radio buttons..
Let me show my code..
@rahul have you checked that your expansion file exist or not on device ?
and can you show class code
@piyushMishra see my code here pastebin.com/R0rpNKcs
can any one help me with my issue
i need the same radio button to be check when i click on previous button..@piyushMishra
Q: Custom Fonts in Android

Paresh MayaniI have already read some articles and searched on Google, but I failed to do it. My problem is regarding the font-face. In Android, there are only 4 attributes in "android:typeface": Normal, Sans, Serif, Monospace. So what do I have to do to use "Verdana" in my application? Please suggest me...

getting same error with this log: 05-09 13:21:29.389: D/CartAdapter(300): Bundle :: Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=548]
@PiyushMishra buddy help me
@ChulbulPandey inside activity
yes getting same log
thanks omi .. bt i did everything
@OneManArmy your code is bit confusing
you have the value of checkedIndex
@LalitPoptani @N-JOY @PiyushMishra so sorry guys!!! i totally forgot i had made 2 XML's 1 for mobile 1 for tablet... i was changing the mobile's XML and was testing on tablet!!! silly me!!! wasted everyone's time...
buddy i hope you will not mind, if i will send you code and you can do necessary changes in that for me, because i guess i am not catching you exactly @PiyushMishra
what is the issue then @Niks ?
and you are saving checkedId
what is checkedID
i believe you will take 2 or 3 minutes to do that @PiyushMishra
@Pallavi :)
@piyushMishra yes checkedIndex is to get the radio button index
Im getting the value in String optionprev
@ChulbulPandey paste your code in pastie and i will do the necessary changes
@OneManArmy i asked regarding for checkedID
ok buddy :) @PiyushMishra
@Omi when I tried ./adb shell I found the file in /sdcard/Android/obb/mypkgename/thefile.obb
@piyushMishra thats for getting the option Id to check again,, that also i got...
@Omi I have manually pushed this file after creating a zip file and renaming it to .obb
please check here: pastebin.com/nPuNYJ00 @PiyushMishra
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 20:00

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